New to the site and looking for friends

pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I'm a busy mom of 3 looking for friends for support in this weight loss process. I feel confident that now is the time. I've been working on my weight since my early 20's. I'm finally keeping myself accountable for what I'm taking in and I've found that I really love exercise...YEAY! I know this site will really help in my road to getting healthy. I'm looking forward to meeting many of you. God Bless!!!


  • Hi there! Welcome to the site. I've been using it for about a month now and love it too! I'm like you and have struggled with my weight since my 20's. I'm a 43 year old mom to a 14 year old daughter. My husband needs to loose weight too but he's in denial and hasn't jumped on the working out band wagaon yet. I would love to have you as a fitness pal if you like.
  • sounds great to me. I've been finding new opportunities to work out. I started doing Just Dance 2 with the kids off the Wii and let me tell you it is so fun and a great workout. Maybe your hubby will go for an evening walk with you. My husband suggested this and we love it, not only does it stop after dinner eating, it's fun, exercise, and a great way to catch up with each other. Talk to you soon
  • Hi, I am at a similar stage, I'm 38, married with 2 nearly teenage daughters, running my friend's gift shop while my husband runs our shop, very very busy life & not surprisingly, full of excuses why I am the way I am LOL.

    I have found MFP amazingly awesome. My husband also needs to lose weight but we have worked out that we can't do it together cause we continually sabotage each other's efforts so I am looking after me & he is looking after himself.

    My light bulb moment this time around (been on the weight loss journey for over 20 years) is it is all my mind's fault. Previously I have "dieted" i.e. short term sacrifice for what I fully expected to be a life long weight loss, yeah right LOL. This time around, I tell myself all the time, I make healthy food choices & exercise is what I do. Not just now, not this week, but every single week of my life. So far, so good. Have had some slips but have forgiven myself & got straight back into it.

    Good luck :-)
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    well said Jodie, I totally agree with you that it's a mind thing and that it's a work in progress that's why I love this site & I think it would be great to support each other!! Wishing you the very best!!!
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