Hey, i'm new

genny124 Posts: 15 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also wanted to wish everyone good luck on their weight goals. =) Today wasnt a very good day for me, but i'll just have to pull through.


  • HeyBulldog2011
    HeyBulldog2011 Posts: 25 Member
    Slip ups are to be expected, BUT DON'T GET DOWN! Every tomorrow is a new day to continue your healthy lifestyle. Be strong.
    If you are dilligent and work hard you will see the changes you want to see!
    I am new here as well so if you would like to friend me we can check in with each other! Even if it is once a week or if you feel once a day would be a good thing I am open to that too...Up to you :)
  • genny124
    genny124 Posts: 15 Member
    You would be willing to do that for me? Thank you so much! Once a day would be excellent haha.
  • Hi guys :-)

    Me too please?? LOL

    I've been keeping "everything" (my healthy eating & exercise) secret from those around me (other than my family) cause I don't want to have to explain to everyone when I fall off the wagon. I have been trying on & off for over 20 years to eat healthy & make exercise a main part of my life & every single time without fail I go for a short while then stop. This is the time though. This is not a diet. It's not a fad. It's a lifestyle change. This is our life - we make healthy food choices & we exercise every single day (even the hot ones LOL).

    This is going to be a long haul for me, it has taken me a long time to get to this point.

    I would love to help try keep others motivated.

  • genny124
    genny124 Posts: 15 Member
    So have i, because i dread them asking me or noticing that i havent lost any weight! Only the family knows. Thats what i have been saying, its a lifestyle change =) I'd be glad to include you and anyone else who wants the help and motivation!
  • It's ok, were not perfect. You'll do it.
  • genny124
    genny124 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks, im trying =)
  • genny124
    genny124 Posts: 15 Member
    So today, i had an okay day, then my brother had an award ceremony, and of course they had all these desserts. I ate 3 brownies and 3 small cookies. Its not great but its better than i would normally do =)
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