Hi !!!

I am Joelle, 29 years old , french living in china.
well I am happy that I found this web site.
I fought with my over weight for long and tried many differents diets, sometimes stupids one or even dangerous
now I am back to the basic: exercices and good nutrition
my goal is to lose 16kilos or 31 pound before my birthday in septembre
I plan to exercice 5 times a week .

I hope I can fin some friends here so we can help and motivate each over.
talk to you soon ;-)



  • jodie1306
    Hi Joelle :-)

    I'm Jodie, 38, living in Australia, married with 2 teenage daughters.

    It feels amazing to have made the decision to take control of your life doesn't it? There will definately be days where your resolve will be tested but remember to try to stay focused. Everyone on here is super positive & super encouraging so when you are feeling low turn to your friends.
  • Pinguo
    Pinguo Posts: 31 Member
    hello Jodie
    and thank you for this encouraging message and for the advice.
    I ll try to stay focused .
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome to the site. This is a great place that has a huge support system for you weight loss journey. Good luck to you, and know that you always have friends here that are trying to acheive the same goals as you.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome! im 30 in sept too! feel free to add me! :)