Anyone else sabotage themselves??

britt_fit Posts: 169
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone else seems to sabotage their own efforts once they reach a certain weight. I've lost the last 10 lbs or so a few times, but once I get under 150 I seem to start eating junk again and then it just goes back and forth :/

I'm determined to not let this happen this time, but I'm not sure how once I get there...any ideas/tips?


  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Well I get this idea in my head "whats the point I will never lose it" so then I feel like I might as well eat what I want.
  • Keep logging it in. I tell myself, "If I eat this, I have to put it in my diary..." and that stops me.
  • It's about changing your lifestyle. I've been there over and over and over. I've finally stuck to it this time..2 months in. Then again I am very far from my goal weight because I was at the largest I've ever been.
  • It's about changing your lifestyle. I've been there over and over and over. I've finally stuck to it this time..2 months in. Then again I am very far from my goal weight because I was at the largest I've ever been.
  • OMG!!!! Yes, I am just here trying to convince myself to come back to MFP with my tail between my legs. In November Ms. angry decided to say !@!@!@ and eat what ever was in site and I have not been able to get it under control since. So theres been no exercise, no healthy eating no nothing. So when I am done writing here - I am off to apologize to my MFP and thank them for still being on my list. Hopefully then I can get back on track!!
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    For the past 10 years, i've "tried" to lose weight, but never really gave 100% now that i look back on it. I think I was too scared to give 100% & not lose weight because then i would be extremely demotivated that I'd be stuck in this fat suit. so i continue to 'cheat' whille dieting.

    The first issue is that trying to exercise concurrently with changing my eating habits... it's just too big of a shock to my lifestyle - I suppose. So last year, my goal was to get exercise into my lifestyle so it wasn't such a shock. I did 'watch' what I ate but cheated at the same time. This year (2011) the exercise thing is there and I'm now changing my eating habits. ONe thing to remember is that 'dieting' shouldn't be temporary or you will gain the weight back. You have to continue to say to yourself "this isn't tempoary" and the way you are eating is your new way of eating... not temporary. the best thing you can do right off the bat is to cut out bread, rice, pasta & potatoes. you can eat a bite to take the edge off but I promise you, you won't miss it. My cravings are gone in 6 wks.
  • I was wondering if anyone else seems to sabotage their own efforts once they reach a certain weight. I've lost the last 10 lbs or so a few times, but once I get under 150 I seem to start eating junk again and then it just goes back and forth :/

    I know exactly what you are saying. I have deliberately not weighed myself in about 3 months because I get too obsessed with "that" number on the scales. I figured that my clothes & my lovely (not) "pouch" will tell me that I am on the right track & I am doing well. Well I did it yesterday. I got on the scales. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The only thing in my head now is that figure that I saw on the scales.

    Every minute since then I think about that number. When I do however, I am training myself that my next thought is the number I am striving for & tell myself we must keep going. My life now is constantly talking to myself & telling me that this is my life now. We count calories, we exercise every single day & we have a good attitude. Sure sometimes it is really hard but I have another drink of water (yeah gotta love that water LOL) & do not pick up food.

    It is definately not easy & won't be for a very long time but we are all on a similar journey & we will all get there.

    Keep you chin up & don't "go silent", don't stop tracking, exercising or seeking positive from MFP.

  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    I know what you mean - for most of my life, my weight has yo-yo'ed. I'm trying to instill consistent habits tho, and it's getting easier and easier. I think it has a lot to do with remembering that my health is a priority. So now, many fattening foods have lost their appeal and I want to eat stuff that is good for my body, and I want to exercise daily. I really think our minds are the most powerful weapon in losing weight and becoming fitter.

    Just started reading a book by Tom Venuto called The Body Fat Solution, which is really good at discussing how the beliefs we have about food, ourselves, etc. determines our success in becoming healthier or losing weight. For example, if we have limiting thoughts such as "well, I'll never be able to reach my goal weight," then it's easy to set ourselves for sabotage and failure. He gives great advice on how to reframe the way we think, how to deal with the core reasons for eating when we're not hungry, etc. He also gives good insight on exercise and nutrition. There are probably other resources out there, but this book is great so far.

    I have confidence you can stop the cycles of self-sabotaging efforts, and that you can reach your goals. Start expecting it too, and it will make a world of difference. :)
  • I really think our minds are the most powerful weapon in losing weight and becoming fitter.

    I 150% agree with what you're saying here. I have also yo-yoed for over 20 years with my weight, used every single excuse + made up my own as to why I couldn't/wouldn't lose weight, convinced myself that being size 16+ is okay. Nuh-uh!! It's not okay. I finally realised that the reason why I have failed so so many times, I was "dieting" which in my mind meant "we'll do this for a little while, lose some weight, drop a dress size, then go back to our old ways".

    This time, the key to my success (notice the positive, already there attitude :-) is that this is my life now & forever. I watch what I eat. I track what I eat. I make good food choice. I exercise every single day (yep even weekends I get up at 6:00am). I have changed my thinking & I will succeed this time.

  • Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement!!! Just knowing I'm not alone really helps :smile:
  • Not alone at all. I'm so scared of becoming one of those people who "diets" all their life away, yet I'm having a hard time sticking with it. I hate the word diet. My mom has lost like 50lbs in the past year and she has been trying to do it for like 20 years, I don't want to wake up in 20 years and still not have lost it. I lost 10 lbs too and I'm at 145lb (or at least I was when I last looked at the scale :S) and I want to lose another 10 lbs. Makes me feel super defeated every time I feel like just eating whatever I want and making every excuse under the sun to not get on the treadmill.
  • Yes I do and I have done the sabotage thing. For me I think it just happens when I have a few emotional days (for whatever reason) and then all of a sudden realize those two days are now a week. I feel guilty and feel as if I have failed again. But , this time when it happens I am just jumping back on board and moving forward. I am telling myself there is no such thing as failure as this is not a "diet" but a life journey.

    Thank you for your story I hope you reach your goals. Keep me posted :)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I've definitely been through that, but not this time! This time I've lost that last little bit, and I think part of why was that I read a ffew pages of Fat is a Feminist Issue before I began. I hadn't read it before because the title made me think it was going to be about excuses for being fat, or say that it was ok to be any weight. It's not like that and helped me to better understand why I had sabotaged myself in the past. It's really out of date, but that makes it cheap on Amazon :laugh:
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