

  • Great thanks ! I will take the time to read it !
  • I think it's more about what time you actually go to bed... If you stop eating about two hours prior to bed time and allow food time to digest prior to sleep when your metabolic functions slow so that your body begin its restorative processes. Also anybody who has reflux issues should always practice this to avoid reflux…
  • I want to read this but I'm afraid to... People are saying it is sad and involves bullying . So Im afraid the ending will be suicide . I'm not sure I can handle a story like that at this time .. Are my assumptions correct ?
  • Incredible ... Gives me those goose bumps ! Because I know how it feels to be that runner !
  • OMG! And I was thinking to my self ... " the name isn't as weird as his choice of profile pic !" but turns out name and pic actually match lol ... Priceless !
  • My number one reason reduce and control my anxiety symptoms . Any other benefits are just a bonus .
  • This is such a great question ! I can't wait to see all he responses ! I really struggle with this too except my week time is at 2 pm after I get home from work ... That 2 or 3 hr window before dinner kills me almost daily !
  • I'm hoping this is a joke ...cause it's a ridiculous question . But if not .... You should just be thankful that you are not severely allergic to sunscreen and can use it ... If it does have caloric value I doubt it's much at all and you probably burn that just putting it on . I can not use it without a severe allergic…
  • I can totally relate to this ! I spent the majority of my teen and pre teen years believing I was fat because I was told by someone very close to me " just a couple more pounds and you'll look great " I was 5'10" and probably 125 pounds at the time . I hid under my clothes hoping people wouldn notice I was fat ( I wasn't )…
  • It's a back handed compliment ... I hate the phrase ... "You'll look really good IN JUST a couple more pounds " for the same reason . I heard it a lot at one time in my life and at that time I was 5'10" and a beanpole !
  • Very similar to me triggers were coffee, driving and sitting in front of Pc ...I altered my habit until it was safe to do them again . The hand to mouth motion of smoking is so ingrained that when I felt the rue to smoke I pop a fresh piece of gum in my mouth every time I wanted to smoke. I went thru a ton of gum ( any…
  • On Aug 31 this year it will be 8 years since I quit! I did not use patches ( they made me nauseous) or nicotine gum or medication . I did use a website very similar to MFP called . It was VERY helpful! I did set an actual quit date and spent 2 or 3 weeks before my quit date (sept 1) . During those weeks I still…
  • Most fast food restaurants ! I always feel sick after consuming .... Also stuff with coconut ( mounds,almond joy,macaroons) its icky ! Only exception is coconut shrimp at outback for some reason ..I like it!
  • I agree with both of these statements . I too watched the Jaime Oliver show and was stunned by the answers !
  • I'm really not bothered by this ...its nothing new and happened long before processing plants were around . I eat thing like Kimchi too. You will probably be grossed out by how that's made ... I do understand educating vegetarians on this sort of thing because can undermines their eating practices and sometimes violates…
  • Personally ... Greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom = nasty ! I buy it plain and use it for sour cream , dips , as an ingredient or with fresh or frozen fruit of berries and agave nectar to sweeten , sometimes I'll add a1/4 of granola with the fruit for texture . But fruit at the bottom of any yogurt Is gross! If its the…
  • I'm not much of a yeller... But I totally can relate to gaining weight as a result of anxiety and depression ! I gained 55 in a year and a half for similar reasons.
  • Bump ... I'm 5' 10" with a larger bone structure. So I'm interested in seeing success from others like me with realistic weight goals . Anything under 155 is probably under weight for me .
  • These look really yummy and better than the store version.
  • I agree and I dont at the same time ... We are a lot less active as a society however we have a lot more demands ( especially us women) than our moms and grandmother . Those demands take away from our time making it harder to chose to cook at home . My grandmother and mom stayed home didn't work tended to all the household…
  • I think you nailed it ! I've seen similar comparisons for the average portion size in the 1970's to the average portion size today . It's shocking to see the difference ! As we become more and more electronically dependent we become less active . Thankfully I rarely watch tv but I am guilty of over indulging on my iPad . I…
  • My daily goal is set to for my BMR and light activity ( I'm an aircraft mechanic and have a active job) . I m very reluctant to go below my BMR . I think it's asking for trouble primary goal isn't to lose weight . It's actually to reduce anxiety , however it would be nice to lose the excess lbs. I feel really good…
  • Shouldn't not should
  • I work out with a trainer 2x a week and the majority of our focus is lifting . I also have work conditioning 3x per week focus is strength training . I do 30- 60 min of cardio on the days I'm not with my trainer. I've been watching my protein intake to make sure I'm consuming enough and I only eat back about half my…
  • I'm interested in seeing all the responses ...I'm having this problem too and was suspecting it was due to increased muscle mass . I try to weigh only every two weeks .
  • Bella - this was a very respectful ,well thought out post that offered reasonable attainable suggestions and solutions ! It was a pleasure to read ...
  • This was my experiance growing up also and why my opinions are strong regarding self care.
  • Alex pretty much said what I was thinking ... Sometimes when we becomes mothers we abandon our personal identify and assume the sole role of mommy . We need to remember self love and care is important and we should t feel guilty a out it ! When we take care of ourselves we are teaching our kids how to do the same . I think…
  • CONGRATS !!!!!! This is a huge accomplishment ! Isnt it awesome to notice all the changes you experience after Quitting ? Easier to breathe, sense of smell, better skin and hair ! I applaud you ! I quit almost 8 years ago ( aug 31) and haven't regretted it for a second !