OwenEvan Member


  • I keep mine open, it helps me with accountability.
  • I agree with the pre-plan, when my wife and I eat out we both usually try to look at the menu on our phones to have a plan. It seems when I am put on the spot and must order based on what I want it always ends badly.
  • I did the Tough Mudder last year and it was awesome. The hardest part was the transition between tempo running to stopping for obstacle and then having to run again. We did it as a team and can not wait until this year to do it again.
  • You can Google "crossfit benchmark wods" and find a lot of the standard Crossfit workouts. And the good thing is you don't need any special equipment, for example with "Angie" or "Chelsea" you just need a place to do pull ups, sit ups, air squats, and pushups. Hope this helps, I enjoy using these from time to time.
    in Cross fit Comment by OwenEvan June 2013
  • I thought Chiropractors were snake oil salesman for the longest time until last year. I was training for a triathlon and had a pain in my lower back that made it nearly impossible to drive a car much less swim, bike, or run. My wife urged me to see her Chiro but I stayed stubborn in my dislike of what I though was smoke in…
  • I agree with the Runners Knee suggestion. I have a torn meniscus but also have been diagnosed with Runners Knee (aka Patellofemoral pain syndrome). Last year during training for triathlons I has having to take advil PM just to sleep because of the constant aching in my knee. Other then ice which helped a little, I found…
  • I generally don't head to the gym until after my boys are asleep which is around 8pm. My workouts typically last from 8pm to 10pm and I would consider myself in relatively decent shape. I really don't see the negative in working out at night other then sometimes it is hard to get to sleep at a decent hour.
  • I am active but I am in Lakeland......
  • Great progress photos, certainly dont let Mr Scale discourage you.
  • I did it last year and will probably do it again, very very fun.
  • I am in Lakeland!
  • Cardio will not burn muscle unless you body has no calories and or fat stores to burn. With that said Cardio will also not help you build muscle but you should not throw out all cardio due to concern over loosing muscle.
  • Just did one a few weeks ago here in FL and it was awesome. I would say focus on the running and pull ups as that makes up the majority of the day. I wore a running arm pouch to carry some gels and it worked out great. If you have any specific questions feel free to send me a message.
  • Something I have done that works for me during Holidays or other events that have menus that may not fit my eating plan is log food before I eat it. For instance for Thanksgiving I sat down and mapped out my day, this way I could eat without having to wonder in my head how I would keep track or how bad I was doing. This…
  • Just did the tough mudder Tampa (which was actually in Sarasota) December 1st...........Cant wait for next year.......
  • Thank you!
  • I made the switch to New Balance minimalist a little over a year ago and I had to do it gradually. I first started wearing them on shorter training days but kept my traditional shoes for longer runs. They are not for everyone and are not the end all cure all. I would suggest finding a running store (we have Fit Niche) and…
  • In the time it takes a sprain to heal you really should not loose much strength. My experiance with minor injuries is that its best to let them heal and avoid turning them into nagging injuries. You can always focus on your legs and avoid upper body workouts that require the use of the wrist. Plus a week of hard cardio…
    in Advice Comment by OwenEvan October 2012
  • You can purchase cheap calipers on Amazon to measure body fat, this % has brought a little peace to my mind over all the scale watching.
  • Your welcome! Good luck with your event.
  • I am training for a half ironman next March in Haines City, FL. Feel free to add me.
  • When I have done a triathlon I make sure not to change anything the week before. The last thing I want to do it mix it up too much and get undesired results. The key for me has been to experiment with my diet during training so I know what will happen the day of. Due to the distance of the tough mudder (12 miles) it is…
  • Lakeland, feel free to add me.
  • I mix vanilla whey protein and chopped bananas
  • I have shifted my focus off of weight loss and onto training for various things. MFP has been great during this transition because I can still know how I am doing on protein intake, sodium, etc. I dont do well staying in one place (maintainence) so I have to focus on some goal.
  • I work out a lot and have recently started training for an ironman, so I have had my share of leg and knee injuries. I have had numerous cortisone shots and seen various doctors......With all that said the best treatment for my legs is ice, it is a little uncomfortable at first but the benefits are wonderful. Another thing…
  • I am hooked on Kind bars...they come in a variety of flavors and are awesome. I keep one in my car so I have a go to heathly option.
  • I was going to post a similar request and then found yours. I am into triathlon training and overall fitness not just my waist size.
  • This works for me. I'm a teacher and I have a 3 and 4 year old, I know that warn out, tired, 'just want to sit still and relax for a second' feeling at the end of most days. BUT, if I can just get myself and my kids IN the gym, something about the energy of the place makes me want to work out. Once I'm working out, I feel…