Tough Mudder

Looking for practical tips for the tough mudder, I am running this Saturday and want some insight. More specifically did you wear gloves, did you tape your shoes, did you get rope burn and would you recomend wrapping your leg in tape, etc? Also if you are running the tough mudder in Sarasota this Saturday let me know, think it would be cool to know if there are other MFPers on the course.


  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    I did TM earlier this year and -

    I hardly saw anyone wearing gloves. The only gloves I really did see were discarded on the side of the track. So I wouldn't recommend them to be honest. They could be useful in some parts (specifically, the monkey bars), but probably aren't worth carrying around.

    Nope, didn't tape my shoes/leg either. Saw a couple who did, but it's really personal preference. I'd recommend taking precautions against blisters though, no matter what you do in the shoe department. Be careful to choose clothes that won't chafe as well. That can be quite uncomfortable.

    I didn't get any rope burns from the event, but I did get a heap of bruises! Good luck to you! :D
  • OwenEvan
    OwenEvan Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you!