Running in minimalist shoes-your experiences

In my experiment to run(currently called Zombie Escape Training), I bought some minimalist shoes-the skeletoes. I've been working out in them in addition to running on my hamster wheel. For a while, my calves really were hurting. Took alittle break from running and have come back. They don't hurt as much anymore. But one thing that I have noticed is that my ankles feel really tight later in the evening. I'll be sitting on the couch and get up and feel like i'm 60 years old and have to walk gingerly until they loosen up. Anyone have experience in this that they'd like to share?


  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Are you stepping onto the balls of your feet or are you heel striking? Heel striking is out with barefoot running.
  • OwenEvan
    OwenEvan Posts: 34 Member
    I made the switch to New Balance minimalist a little over a year ago and I had to do it gradually. I first started wearing them on shorter training days but kept my traditional shoes for longer runs. They are not for everyone and are not the end all cure all. I would suggest finding a running store (we have Fit Niche) and having them see what kind of shoes are best for you. It is really easy to sustain injury running in the wrong or bad shoes. With all that said I drink the minimalist kool aid 100% and cant imagine ever going back.
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    C4RLO5-I've been running near to the balls of the feet, short strides. Owen-I will have to try that out(a store). I've had them since May-must be just taking me some time I guess. I've wondered if I need to do more calve stretches after running.
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    I've been doing barefoot running since February and I love it! For the first months or so my ankles would be sore if I overdid it, but I haven't had any problems since May/June I think.
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    I forgot to add that I began warming up my feet and ankles for several minutes before a run. Just some basic circular motions with the feet to loosen up the ankles and rolling from heel to toes to warm up all those tiny muscles in the feet.
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    I made the switch to New Balance minimalist a little over a year ago and I had to do it gradually. I first started wearing them on shorter training days but kept my traditional shoes for longer runs. They are not for everyone and are not the end all cure all. I would suggest finding a running store (we have Fit Niche) and having them see what kind of shoes are best for you. It is really easy to sustain injury running in the wrong or bad shoes. With all that said I drink the minimalist kool aid 100% and cant imagine ever going back.

    I also bought New Balance minimalist shoes and was specifically told those shoes were NOT made for long runs. I tried to do miles on them and regretted it completely! Maybe after I lose more weight and there's less stress on my body for running I'll give it another go, but I'll stick to my regular running shoes for now.
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    I forgot to add that I began warming up my feet and ankles for several minutes before a run. Just some basic circular motions with the feet to loosen up the ankles and rolling from heel to toes to warm up all those tiny muscles in the feet.

    I will try this! Thanks!