Snowbunny95 Member


  • Fitting in the seat of my Wrangler. Have custom seats that have 'support' on either side. Used to sit "on" the support, now I fit "in" the seat! Live on the second floor, can now jog up the steps instead of slog and breathe heavy on the way up. Oh, and never ran more than 4 miles - ran 8 yesterday and a 5 mile race…
  • Non-scale victory
  • So jealous of those of you who go 1-3x a day. I pray for every other day. And that is with daily Miralax as recommended by multiple doctors. Even though I'm eating clean, I just can't see to go regularly - never have been able to. After 3 days I have to get more drastic and actually take a laxative. I know these pills can…
  • I try to stay away from the gym. And not because of that. I'd rather be outside running in the rain/snow than stuck indoors at the gym. *blech* There are plenty of trails for running/cycling and only go to the gym for the pool the leave.
  • I echo what RGv2 said. Go to a local reputable running store (not a generic sports store). They should have you run on a treadmill to check you gait. They can then help you with selecting the shoe that is right for you. I know it seems a bit overwhelming as a beginner runner, but your feet, legs, hips, BODY will thank you…
  • I have the same goal ;) YOU CAN DO IIIITTTTTTTT
  • But I LOVE toe socks! They keep me from getting blisters between my toes when I run...
  • Soda! Regular and diet!
  • Every morning after I pee. Record it every morning. That way if there is a huge flux either up or down I can refer back to my diary to see what may have happened. The scale is there...might as well step on it :)
  • I have a nice Camelbak Eddy bottle I bought at my local ski area. I love the color and it reminds me of skiing all the time. I carry it with my all the time and it always seems to be empty. Looking at it now, I need to go get more water. I think making it fun might help. Invest in a nice cup or bottle that really appeals…
  • I am going to lose the weight - to 150 (5'8") Signed up for a 70.3 with a friend. Drastically reduce my soda/alcohol intake (don't see it being possible to cut it all out!) Fit back into this pair of Spyder snowpants I purchased in 2007 when I was last at a low weight - those pants will fit again! Workout 5-6 days a week.…
  • Yeah, when I go for a good bike ride, I always come home to find myself covered in it too. The first rinse in the shower is to get the salt off then I get to enjoy the rest. Every few days I have to rinse off my helmet as the straps are covered in it and have become 'hard' from all the salt. Just make sure you are…
  • 1400-1600 for IM 70.3 in Sandusky, OH on Sept. 8. However, I do have quite a bit of weight I still need to lose - at least 35. So training and losing. Hard balance, but will be so worth it!
  • You aren't eating nearly enough. 1200 is the minimum calories. That is for daily living, breathing and brain function. Bump up to 1200 calories and make sure you get some veggies and fruits in there. Protein will help with the exhaustion.
  • Ditch the treadmill and go outside! I know it is cold - bundle up. Outside is 1,000,000 times better than a treadmill. I dread my run when I know it is going to be on a treadmill. Whatever you choose - keep running! For music on the run, I use Pandora - granted I have unlimited data and pay yearly for the Pandora, but I…
  • Sounds like a plan! CW: 186.6 GW: 166.6 Only 1.6 off my first goal, so if by Christmas that would be awesome - might even be able to fit back into my skinny Spyder pants by then!!!
  • That's were I am and my husband is very attracted to me :) I couldn't believe you were talking about yourself in this as I looked at your pic and though you looked marvelous!
  • Honestly, I don't bother with the math. MFP starts me with 1200 everyday (kinda nice to see that in the morning). I just watch the green number and try not to turn to red. MFP automatically adds the workout calories to what you can eat everyday. Sometimes if it is a ridiculous number of calories, I cannot make up (I get a…
  • Sweating pig here. Make sure to buy technical clothing...cotton is worthless! I can sweat through anything - have to take a towel to yoga as I just drip...drip....drip in Downward Dog. Nutz! Cold outside and bike to work - puddles and soaked when I get there. Some people barely touch their water bottle, I'm asking if I can…
  • 3 months!? That's awesome! Keep up the great job!!!! What an inspiration!
  • I have the same problem with my own saddle on my road bike. Out on the road, no issues. Can ride it hours and hours and have completed a century on it. However, put the same bike and saddle on a trainer and 15 minutes later, I'm numb beyond belief. Yes, the gel pad that you can drawstring over the top really helps! Also,…
  • I drink so much water people think there is something wrong with me! I just love it! Calf still hurts, think I pulled a muscle. Not good since I'm supposed to have a training ride tomorrow and start a 7-week Time Trial series on Wednesday!!!!
  • Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
  • I've been having the same problem too. I've lost about 20 lbs so far with 10-15 to go. I am cycling, yoga, skiing, something everyday, but haven't lost any weight in about 2-3 weeks. Scale seems to be within the same 2-3 lbs no matter what I do! So frustrating - I need to get down to weight for cycling season :(
  • Same thing here! So hard to even think about running when they rub together and get horrible rashes!
  • YOU now look the belly dancer! Congratulations on your transformation! You are absolutely awesome!!!!
  • I started to feel a bit impacted too. Doctor recommended Miralax for me - trouble is for me to keep it up! I try to get in my lettuce and fiber bars/cereal. So much water that people at work think there is something wrong with me I go to the restroom so often! Only thing I ever feel is 'plugged'. Sometimes if the Miralax…
  • Congratulations! I remember when I lost the EVIL 2(00)! That is great news! Keep it up and you'll make your goal easily! :)
  • Then have some. Get a good piece or your favorite. Not a huge piece - just enough to satisfy the craving. Then work it off or don't stress over it. The more likely you are to deprive yourself, the less likely you are to stay with the program!
  • I've been having this happen for months now! No seemingly known cause or resolution. Thought maybe it was because I hadn't had a BM in awhile, so on my doctor's recommendation, I had some laxative. Felt much better the next day but still soaked the sheets that night. I've tried every combination of clothes and no clothes,…