Question for the guys...

NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
Alright, so I know being obese is considered gross in society now a days...but I want some guys' you prefer skinny girls with no boobs? Or bigger girls? I know some guys like the whole "more cushion for the pushin'" and "more to love". And if you are shallow, don't be mean about it. I know I'm fat so no need to tell me....


  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I saw this question a lot growing up on Y!A

    Here is a link to some of the questions. There are many answers.;_ylt=Ap5sjFyd5OmjoU4VQtGUVgsjzKIX;_ylv=3?scope=all&category=0&fltr=_en&question_status=all&answer_count=any&date_submitted=all&crumb=FVl0y0.si4Z&p=guys+skinny+no+boobs+or+bigger&orderby=rank&filter_search=true

    i hope this helps. PS: Don't be so hard on yourself. You look great and with MFP you will probably continue to look better and better.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I prefer feminine and there is no exact height/weight/figure definition of that.
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    I prefer feminine and there is no exact height/weight/figure definition of that.

    Okay, so what do you consider feminine then?
  • BlackmetalCoffee79
    BlackmetalCoffee79 Posts: 108 Member
    I like curves on a girl. And i'm more of a "butt" guy, so the boobs question really has no affect on me. Now how obese are we talking about here? If a girl is unhealthy obese and doesn't seem to care about it, it would be a turn off for me. But by no means do i find skin and bones to be sexy. And personality goes a long way. A good sense of humor and someone who can put up with me is definitely a plus. :smile: And by the way, if this question is about you, i think you look fine in your picture. Don't be so hard on yourself. :smile:
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    Well technically I'm like 20-30 lbs overweight. My profile pic shows just how big I was 11 lbs ago...and I have a kick *kitten* personality because of my looks. Thanks :)
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Personality is a far more attractive component. Hot girl, but *kitten* personality is NOT attractive.
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    Personality is a far more attractive component. Hot girl, but *kitten* personality is NOT attractive.

  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Alright, so I know being obese is considered gross in society now a days...but I want some guys' you prefer skinny girls with no boobs? Or bigger girls? I know some guys like the whole "more cushion for the pushin'" and "more to love". And if you are shallow, don't be mean about it. I know I'm fat so no need to tell me....
    i never look up boobs on a girl, unless they really stand out. I like me some booty though, and i am colombian so it's in my blood i guess. I could care less if the girl i'm with has no boobies :P
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    So you could be attracted to a 185 lb girl if she had a good personality?
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    Alright, so I know being obese is considered gross in society now a days...but I want some guys' you prefer skinny girls with no boobs? Or bigger girls? I know some guys like the whole "more cushion for the pushin'" and "more to love". And if you are shallow, don't be mean about it. I know I'm fat so no need to tell me....
    i never look up boobs on a girl, unless they really stand out. I like me some booty though, and i am colombian so it's in my blood i guess. I could care less if the girl i'm with has no boobies :P

    Lol well I def have a booty and the boobs to match lol. The question was more overall size I guess...
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I prefer feminine and there is no exact height/weight/figure definition of that.

    Okay, so what do you consider feminine then?

    A round butt,curvy hips,waist that is smaller around then her chest.
    You have a feminine figure as far as I am concerned.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    As far as physical qualities go, my preference is some one who takes care of herself. Good hygiene and being healthy is attractive.

    Character and personality are a much better reflection on the quality of a lady than height, hair color, or bone structure.
  • Snowbunny95
    Snowbunny95 Posts: 47 Member
    So you could be attracted to a 185 lb girl if she had a good personality?

    That's were I am and my husband is very attracted to me :) I couldn't believe you were talking about yourself in this as I looked at your pic and though you looked marvelous!
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    So you could be attracted to a 185 lb girl if she had a good personality?

  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Unfortunately, there is no answer for this. It all depends on the guy.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    More skinny girl with boobs. Muscles are hot too, so if she has thick muscular things and big calves, that's hot.
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
    So you could be attracted to a 185 lb girl if she had a good personality?

    185 lbs is not bad at all. I would love to be 185 lbs actually. There are plenty of men out there that like "bigger" girl. Which in my opinion... you are not "big" at all.

    I, however, am. And I don't mean to sound conceded or cocky or anything because I am from from it..... but I've never had a problem with having a boyfriend. Personality is #1. I believe you do need to be attracted to the person, which personality can actually make a person MORE attractive....

    But yeah.... some men do like "bigger" girls. I agree with someone who posted above that said if she is obese and doesn't care about herself then that is a big turn off. If you show that you care about yourself and are eating healthy and whatnot then that's a good thing. :bigsmile:
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    Im not a guy... but dont be so damn hard on yourself! The guy thats for YOU will like you for you. Its not fair to make guys judge how you look at yourself. ALL GUYS see us different. They have their own taste, as we do. I think you need to work on how you look at yourself first(please dont take that as rude) No one can appricate you, until you do. A body is sometimes just a body, its whats inside that mainly counts. As someone said before... Someone whos nice, amazing, funnny, and kind harted but alittle on the chunky side, is a hell of alot better than someone whos smokin hot, and a complete *kitten*! I dont see anything wrong with you.. you look like a very pretty girl, and you need to see that! :heart:
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    Unfortunately, there is no answer for this. It all depends on the guy.

  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    I know all guys are different. That's why I want opinions. I am happily married, so not fishing for compliments. Thanks though, for the ones that did compliment me. I have and have always had low self esteem. I am in no way saying any other girl that is my weight is fat, because we all hold our weight differently. I do have an awesome personality though, which I'm assuming is more the reason why anyone is attracted to me.