maureenec Member


  • This is me also. I usually give up on the logging if I'm out with friends and having a good time, but that's usually only once a week. Otherwise, I use logging to keep myself honest. ETA - I love my new clothes, so there's no way I'm going back!
  • Thanks for all the feedback, though clearly some of it was unintentionally hilarious.:laugh: Sounds like I'm probably just holding onto some more water weight these days, which I can totally live with. I really should have measured myself when I started, so I can see if there's a difference, but I'll just stick with the…
  • This what I do also. I just stay a little under for 5 days a week and then relax on the weekends. Or, if I know I have something during the week, I do a better job of logging on the weekend. I've been maintaining for almost a year now. And I don't go hog wild. No fast food or anything. We were at a dinner party Friday, and…
  • I've been maintaining for over a year, and I kept doing the same exercises - running and Jillian Michaels dvds. Now I'm seeing that out of sheer boredom I should change things up. I agree with many others that I need to increase strength training and dump a little of the cardio.
  • Congratulations! I was shocked the first time I went to H&M and tried to figure out my size.
  • I agree that it's a great cardio workout, and it has a little bit of strength too - some body weight training. I recommend it if you want to sweat a lot and feel really accomplished after finishing something. Enjoy!
  • I'm a working mom also, and I've found meal planning to be a big help. Here's what I do: On Saturday morning, I look at the Skinnytaste blog to get some ideas for meals for the week. I write down everything I'll need from the grocery store and I shop on Saturday afternoon. I will freeze foods if I'm not sure which day…
  • I had my 4 year-old when I was 39, just squeaked in under 40. I also have a 17 year-old and 14 year-old. Same marriage. I realized in my late 30's that I just wanted one more, and I got her. She's wonderful and she's one of the main reasons I'm getting my act together health-wise.
  • I think there is something to be said about it being more difficult to lose weight with age, or maybe it's just that it seems to be easier to GAIN weight. I've always gotten moderate exercise and eaten pretty well, but since I hit the late 30's the pounds were just accumulating - a few each year to the point where I had…
  • I started at 163 in January of 2011 and six months later I was 148, with almost no changes to diet, only running and JM DVDs. I lost 5 more pounds in the next few months doing the same. My eating habits aren't terrible (no fast food or candy or soda), but I was enjoying too many little treats at work and at home, so I…
  • I bought two adorable dresses that fit me perfectly and looked great. The best part is . . . I won't even need to wear Spanx under them.
  • I'm a teacher too, and I think that when we don't see each other over the summer, sometimes it's awkward to come back together and try to catch up. People are probably overwhelmed with all they have going on to get ready and maybe are just trying to even wrap their heads around all the changes - including yours. Also,…
  • My husband is overweight, a light smoker, and a complete non-exerciser. It's been a challenge for me not to nag him, but I'm hoping my good example will eventually prevail. It's been years though, so maybe not:) Last night I made a recipe from skinnytaste for dinner, and he made his own dinner with about 5 times the fat…
  • My good run this morning was spoiled by nasty weather, and I had to finish it on the treadmill. Yuck. I find running outside so much more pleasant.
  • I am a junior high English and social studies. As the school year approaches, I worry about: 1. The snacks in the lounge - our parents continue to give us donuts, breads, cookies, etc. Ugh. 2. Dinners for my family. Will I be too tired to cook a healthy meal? 3. Workout time. I do so much better working out in the morning,…
  • A half-newfoundland, half lab.
  • I'm from Cleveland so I have some serious hate for the Heat and Lebron. NFL: Steelers and Ravens (or should I say the old Browns?) MLB: Yankees
  • You can add me too. I'm 43 years old, a teacher, and a mom of 3 (17, 14, and 4). I run and do lots of Jillian Michaels DVDs. My whole health kick really started when I turned 40. I realized that without some changes I was going to continue to add 5 lbs. a year. Walking the dog was not enough exercise! I lost 16 lbs. in the…
  • I just tried this for the first time this morning. I run, so I didn't find the cardio to be way beyond my capacity, but I was definitely huffing and puffing. We'll see if I'm sore tomorrow. I think this is a good workout - it's also not mentioned a lot. I wonder why. I would think someone needing to boost metabolism would…
  • - awesome!
  • I ate a burger on Sunday and felt crappy all day Monday. The grease was just too much. It wasn't even fast food - it was from one of Michael Symon's restaurants - but it was still way too much fat for one meal. That's a good development!
  • I do circuit training or go for a run every morning but one. In the afternoon, I take my dog for a brisk walk - 20 to 30 minutes. I feel like it gives another boost to my metabolism before dinner, so as long as you don't push yourself too hard it should work.
  • I'm 43, but I definitely feel the early afternoon sleepies coming on almost every day. Part of it is not getting a good nights' sleep. I wake up too early or have my sleep interrupted by someone's snoring!!!! As long as I keep my nap short (under 30 minutes), I wake up ready to go. Do you feel tired even after napping?
  • Pretty close. What do you think? Female Age: 43 Height: 5'6" SW: 160 CW: 143 GW: 135
  • I don't have advice, except to say that the last 5 - 10 pounds are truly the hardest. You just don't have as much to lose, so it's proportionally more difficult. According to MFP it should take me 8 weeks to lose this last 8 pounds, but I'll be surprised if it takes less than 6 months. My body just sort of seems content…
  • For the last year and a half, I've upped my exercise without changing my eating habits at all, and I dropped 15 pounds. I was 160 and am now 143. I want to get to 135 and also clean up my eating, so I started food tracking with MFP and I have spent more time thinking about the food I'm eating. I've never been one to binge…
  • I just made the eggplant panini - though I subbed zucchini from my garden for the egglant. Yum! Tomorrow I'm trying the Buffalo chicken lettuce wrap.
  • I run 5K three times a week and do some kind of circuit training 3 other days (like Jillian Michaels). I don't have the time or the interest in increasing my distance. For me, a nice 30ish minute run is perfect. A friend told me the other day that there's a new study by the American Heart Association that says running…
  • Bumping this since I didn't get an answer. What do you guys use to enter any of the Jillian Michaels workouts?