C25k graduates - what did you do next?

Hi guys,

Have 2 runs left before I'm a c25k graduate and am undecided about what to do next! Obviously I want to keep running as it's made a huge difference to my fitness, mood and appearance, but I don't know whether to download something like bridge to 10k/10k app and start where I feel comfortable or whether to just focus on runing 5k for a while and improving speed etc. I seem to be doing c25k at the right speed as the pedometer app I use matches the distance I should have ran, but I feel like I'm a slow runner.

So what's better, speed or distance?

Thanks for any advice!


  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I would say go at the speed you can and maybe run longer. I know for me that if I go too fast I start suffering with shin splints!
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I built to 8k and then 10k. I can now run 14k quite comfortably and am now working on my speed over 10k. 10 k speed is my focus this year and next year I will build to a half.

    Well done! I finished c25k a year ago and I love running now. Maybe run 5 for a few weeks, try some hills and intervals to mix things up and when it starts feeling easy do a slow long run on the weekend, add a km at a time.
  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    I'm currently just consolidating my 5k runs. I 'graduated' a couple of weeks ago.
  • theglencoegirl
    theglencoegirl Posts: 69 Member
    i finished 5k awhile back--i took a break from running and then started back at it--was planning to do 10k--but found i didn't really have the time for training for a 10k at this point--but i do now run 5k-2-3 times a wk!! its easy to fit 30 min in!! i work on my speed--i enjoy running and hope to find a bit more time ask the kids get a bit older to increase my distance--but for now- 5k is a perfect fit!!
  • maureenec
    maureenec Posts: 34 Member
    I run 5K three times a week and do some kind of circuit training 3 other days (like Jillian Michaels). I don't have the time or the interest in increasing my distance. For me, a nice 30ish minute run is perfect.

    A friend told me the other day that there's a new study by the American Heart Association that says running between 15 and 30 miles a week is ideal and that any more can actually have long-term negative effects. I haven't seen the study, so take it with a grain of salt, but I don't think you have to keep pushing yourself unless you really love it.

    I do enjoy running, but I don't have the need to keep extending my runs.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I wanted to increase my speed at 5K. I did one speed workout (ladder intervals) and nearly died. After asking here, I was told the better thing to do is continue running, gradually increasing distance and therefore endurance. So, I started a 5K210K training program. I'm half way through it and this past weekend ran almost 4.5 miles. My 5K time is improving every time I run one too. So, the advice I received is working for me! I recommend doing the bridge to 10K program which will help you be a better runner which will increase your 5K time!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I went right ahead and injured myself :-p then i got back to doing 5k every other day. Now I am working on 2 things at a time - speed and distance. meaning i am working up to 8k, but also working on my speed. doing some intervals once a week, and longer distances on every second or third run... i also started strength training on off days, coupled with doing some time on my recumbent bike for cardio...
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice guys! Might do a couple of 5k runs to see how it goes! The other thing is that I don't take as many rest days as I'm meant to, which I will probably curse myself for when I'm older, but I'm 25 and within my healthy weight range so I'm a bit reckless =p but I like running often and don't want to push myself too far.
    You are all awesome x