Mighty_Rabite Member


  • Cellucor C4 is pretty decent; I picked up a ton of TSN Pump Igniter recently and have liked it - the taste is pretty decent and the 300mg serving is a pretty good kick.
  • Running up/down hills when outside, getting out the tow straps and pulling my buddy's vehicle across a parking lot a few times, and tire flipping (though my gym's tire is exceedingly small/easy) are some of my tops. Bike sprints are fun too!
  • Pause reps. I love to throw in some 225s with a good 3-5 second pause at the bottom every now and then. Or even lighter weights. My 1RM is around the 335-345 pound range currently.
  • If I'm sore to the point of where simple tasks become difficult (walking was horrendous after my last high volume leg day), I'll take an extra day away from working whatever is sore. If I'm simply sore, but less than an 8 or so, I'll keep the throttle down.
  • I've used lots of them. Body Fortress, Six Star, EAS Whey, Dymatize, pretty much anything that hasn't been exorbitant with cost. Pretty much just boils down to what taste you like the best, at what value, and sometimes which ones just work with your body better. To me, they're mostly interchangeable, but I think my…
  • Weight is funny. I shed 18lbs in early 2013 over the course of about six weeks while documenting a grand total running deficit of about 2000-3000 calories. Water is funny too. I'm about ten pounds heavier right now than I've been all year and I presume as soon as I start eating more prudently, most of that ten is gone-zo.…
  • Dead lifts are amazingly fun when you get them down. And holy crap @ 195lbs first time. Especially for a female. My hat's off!
  • I wish I had that problem sometimes - I find it quite easy to maul through prodigious amounts of food when I really want to. v___v
  • Stronglifts is great. I'm actually doing a minor variation of it myself and aside from some lower body setbacks that have delayed those portions a bit, I'm pretty pleased with it.
  • It sounds to me like it's just a matter of more food. I would say to try adding an additional 300-500 calories a day and see how that works out. Your routine sounds pretty solid and for 104lbs, your weights are pretty solid. No fear of the carbs or the fats either. You're getting good protein, so it just sounds like it's a…
  • I've only been to a Sprint so far, but I've got a Super lined up in three weeks and a Beast in seven weeks. x___x Cardio endurance is a great thing to have there, as well as a foundation of core strength; I'm not sure what's standard given my single race, but the one I had was a lot like general hiking outside of the…
  • One of my gyms has a Freemotion that goes up to a 30% incline. I would practically KILL to have that thing at my disposal.
  • Those penalty burpees won't end up that bad. In the sprint I attended, so many people had to do them that it would have been easy to just do like 10-15 at a slow clip and then move on. There are also only so many obstacles where that penalty can come into play. Only areas I really saw many burpees being done were at a…
  • If 135x5 felt fairly easy, I'd say you are almost certainly capable of 160x5. Possibly more, but as you and others have said, the only way to discover is to try!
  • I've done a Spartan sprint, and I keep a decent cardio capacity about me but I do focus more in general on weightlifting. It's good to have a variety of all around fitness, because there are things that will tax your endurance and strength. I didn't find the distance a problem, aside from any time you may find yourself…
  • I'd love to one day: -Bench press 315+ (best so far is 265) -Squat 405+ (best so far is 345) -Dead Lift 495+ (I've almost locked out 425) -Overhead Press 225+ (best is 155) These are all 1RM weights. I'd also like to carve out an actual six pack sometime as well.
  • My best bet is that this guy "can't be trusted" to not hit on you or something. If you have one available, I'd use the power rack to spot you. It won't hit on you and can be trusted to weight limits that most of us would probably never reach!
  • Started my morning with three sets of five rep dead lifts.. nothing too heavy but just enough to get my blood flowing. At the gym, I did five rounds of tire flip for HIIT and then walked 30 minutes on a 21% incline at speeds ranging from 2.5 to 3.2mph.
  • 80 is pretty damn solid. I haven't tested my maximum in a LONG time, but a year or two ago I think I pulled out about 55 or so before retiring. I surmise if I were to go to a max right now, I would be around the same, give or take a few reps.
  • I did the original P90X 3-1/2 years ago when I started to make my transition towards fitness, and believe me, getting through any of these day one workouts in full is an accomplishment in and of itself. I made it through HALF of my first workout, and after day two, I was essentially crippled from DOMS. Keep at it - it will…
  • Different people, different levels of sore (I can basically never get my biceps to be sore past the day of working them out). All varies depending on your body's ability to rid lactic acid and whatnot. I've read a lot too about the heavier compound presses contributing more to abs than most of the ab-specific moves.…
  • I quite understand the attraction behind trying to get a race for free (I'm not sure about your general races but the Spartan races I have entered into have cost me a good bit of dough, not counting driving to them or hotels), but I'm with most of the others here.. I see it as a frowned upon thing.
  • When you first start working out, you *may* briefly see a small weight gain, but that is usually the muscles holding onto a little more water. Nothing to worry about. Also, your body will pretty much target whatever fat it feels like burning - we cannot spot-reduce, so make sure you hit everything, so once the extra is…
  • Genetics must play a role in it somewhere, because I've almost always been lucky enough to go virtually bug-free.
  • Try working out at a gym that blasts country. I've actually had to deal with that at times. Luckily on the weekends they play hair metal, but on weekdays it's country. I can barely hold a barbell properly while laughing to "kiss my country *kitten*" and the like. My other gym plays top 40. I can deal with that. When I go…
  • I believe it's a balance. It takes an initially pretty high level of dedication and stringency to get where you're going in most cases, but once you're there, it doesn't hurt to indulge once in a while.
  • You have a higher BMI than 54% of males aged 15-29 in your country You have a higher BMI than 92% of males aged 15-29 in the world Holy **** lol. I'll take that as a compliment since I've also been hovering around the mid-9% body fat range :-)
  • I always liked cottage cheese straight up.. no fruit fillers, etc.. but that's how I tend to like a majority of my foods in general. No hate on the fats either.. I prefer the "4% milkfat minimum" types.
  • Any diet that recommends massive calorie restriction, promotes snake oil "fixes" or both. The HCG diet is a bad one. Take HCG and eat 500 calories a day. Sure, you'll lose weight, but you're not going to sustain any lean mass, so welcome to a screwed up metabolism, especially once you jump off the diet and start eating…
  • Damn, you have a hell of a V-shape going on, and superior definition all around. That will probably become even more prominent as you bulk up and especially as you get your bench and squat weights higher yet - and get going on them dead lifts as soon as you get out of PF - probably one of my favorite moves of all time! All…