sheenabe Member


  • Hi all. So I just completed D1L1 and I have to say WOW. i started this not to sure what to expect from a 20 min workout but this was great. I am a fairly recent graduated of P90X and was thinking that this just wouldn't be enough for me, but i was wrong. i recently started a new position at work and i am now working 12…
  • Sushi. I used to think sushi was a relativley healthy dinner, but no! the rice is nothing but calories and the soy sauce is mega sodium.....BUMMER!
  • BAHAHAHAHAH!! Nobody ever tells me that either!! Too Funny!
  • oooooohhhhh :sad: Sometimes ignorance is bliss.....but now I know and now I too have to be more mindful of it. Why would we think it was free
  • Oh my goodness I can not do 1200 calories. I starve! I have mine set to 1340 and I work out just about everyday so I can eat...well not only so I can I am consuming on average about 1500 or 1600 calories a day and still losing enough to keep me motivated!!! If you are set in your mind about the 1200 calorie…
  • hello and welcome!! First of all I just want to say I LOVE your screen name!! That is awesome!! Secondly I want to say that counting calories and working out does not need to be daunting! It can be fun and MFP definatley helps with that. You have come to the right place. Feel free to add me, it is nice to have some one to…
  • I started P90X at about 60 or 70lbs overweight. I knew going in that it was going to be tough, but it gave me something to work towards. It made me feel proud everytime I made even the smallest accomplishments. I never got bored, I got motivated. People are right when they say that it is not primarily for losing weight,…
  • OOOOHHHHh I mAde these last night with my picky three year old and we both loved them!! Thank you soooo much for the recipe....YUM YUM!
  • I work for the Federal Government in a law enforcement capacity, but I would love, love, love to be a stay at home Mom! I have a 3yr old and a 14yr old. They are the most wonderful gifts I have ever received and if this darn requirement for money thing ever goes away I would spend every waking minute with them. I am so…
  • You know what?? You have to do whatever makes you feel comfortable. That is the only way that this change is going to last for you. That guy was a moron and that can be so upsetting and such a set back....I know!! I don't go to the gym anymore. I find that I hold back a bit while I am at the gym. I don't want everyone to…
  • I had my surgery in Dec of '99, so quite a while ago. At my heaviest right before the surgery I weighed 297lbs. At my lowest after the surgery I was 183lbs. I never met my goal....but I was given my life back!! I was working out 5 to 6 days a week and eating healthier. I was making good choices and felt great. I've NEVER…
  • I am 5'9" and I am weighing in at about 217lbs. I currently wear a size 16 (CDN) pant. My ultimate goal, I think, is to be at 160lbs. I have never been there. My lowest weight was 183lbs. I felt healthy, and thin! I worked out 5 to 6 days a week and felt great, but apparently I was still overweight. :sad: so I guess my…
  • I think that reason that we all strive to lose that pound or two, or fifty ,or whatever is exactly what people are posting here. We WANT to feel confident and not self concious. We want to be able to let our true selves show, without worrying that these jeans make my *kitten* look fat. If we feel confident in our selves…
  • Oh my Lord there is NO way that I could eat only 1200 calories and be okay with it. My daily goal is set to 1420. I exersize on average about 6 days a week...thank goodness it alows me to eat On the days that I have not exersized I am almost always over my calorie goal. I find that I am consistantly about 1600…
  • My understanding is that as long as the tea is herbal and decaffeinated then it can counted towards your water intake. Balck tea usually contains caffeine so I would say no to that.
  • Oh I need to be able to refer to this later...bumpity bump!!
  • I have done the Wild rose Detox. It is a 12 day plan and for me it was awesome. The first and second day were hard for me because of the caffeine withdrawls but after that I felt fantastic. It works for me as a jump start into healthier eating again as I find it "detoxes" me from the sugary crap that I have been eating. I…
  • Oh I have a few, but my biggest downfall is that I tend to drink my calories. The one that I fight everyday is coffee creamer. I HAVE to have it everyday. It takes up about 350 calories. My next biggest one is beer! Fortunately I don't fight this everyday but when I do drink it, I do it big!! I love my beer :)
  • You absolutely CAN do it!! That is awesome and congrats on going for it!! You only really need resistance bands and a mat. I think you should have the bands to simulate pull ups....that's what I did, an weights...easier to use than the bands. I used 5lbs and 10 lbs, they were great to start but wanted more weight by the…
  • After the first phase I was feeling soooo discouraged, but after reading about it it seemed the norm and I stuck with it. I ended up losing about 20 lbs and about 20 inches all around!!! It worked awesome! I just finished on the 18th and I feel great. The best part has been that I am still motivated. I have upped my cardio…
  • i was quite heavey when I started P90X, and it was no piece of cake, but it is totally doable!! You do what you can and the changes are amazing!!! i was rocking it by the end of the 90 days!! I lost a total of 20lbs and a bunch of inches. If you are commited give it a shot it is completely worth it!!
  • I am finishing P90X tomorrow!!! Yay me!! I too was really searching for something to help me lose weight. In the beginning of P90x I was getting really discouraged as I didn't see the scale move nearly as much as I had hoped or anticipated. I persevered though and am i ever glad that I did. I am a numbers person, and when…
  • I use a sugar splenda mix. It is pre mixed from splenda. It is twice as sweet as sugar alone so you use less, and there are fewer calories. It totally works for me. I love my coffee sweet and creamy and this helps me to keep that in control. Hope this helps
    in Sugar? Comment by sheenabe December 2010
  • Oh yeah the Dreya Rolls! when I fist strted I didn't even try to do them. I am on day 77 now and I am not great at them but I can do about 15 in the minute. It will come. Just keep pushing play and the changes happen with out you even noticing. It is addicting so watch out! Congrats to you on joining the rest of us…
  • Where abouts? I used to live way up there to....actually born and raised then moved away as quickley as I Toooooo cold for me!!
  • Southern BC. I love MFP welcome!
  • I like my coffee sweet and creamy. I drink 2 LARGE mugs every morning. But i log it every morning. I know the rules on not drinking my calories, but I figure if I truly want to make this a life changing habit then I have to figure out what I am really ready to give up....and sweet and creamy coffee is not it!! I use…
  • I have NO ads on my pages???? Is it because I live in Canada? Weird!
  • I hade a tubal two years ago. It was simple day surgery, with a small incision by my belly button. I was back to work the next day. The only side effects that I have noticed is my PMS kind of came back full force and it took me a while to recognise WTH was happening. I had been taking depo as well, so pumping myself full…
  • That is so much easier said than done. Especially if you really need/want that number to drop! I too have been doing P90X and I love it and I feel great. I can also notice a difference in my clothes, but that damn number on the scale is NOT cooperating! I find it sooooo discouraging. It took everything I had to get up this…