This is MFP not Facebook



  • heatherw7
    You guys all seem to be missing the point. And that is that NO ONE EVER sends me email telling me I look YUMMY. WTH? Get to emailing people. I need this.

    ;D Looooove MFP for the social stuuuuuuuff!

    I would, but the word "Yummy" would just make me more hungrier than I am.

    This made me laugh. And then i looked at your name and i swear i almost peed my pants!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    :laugh: OMG I didnt catch the the name tag till you mentioned it too funny!!
    You guys all seem to be missing the point. And that is that NO ONE EVER sends me email telling me I look YUMMY. WTH? Get to emailing people. I need this.

    ;D Looooove MFP for the social stuuuuuuuff!

    I would, but the word "Yummy" would just make me more hungrier than I am.

    This made me laugh. And then i looked at your name and i swear i almost peed my pants!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Ummumm(clearin my throat)...u r right..this is not FB..but it is a form of social how about you defriend everybody..then u don't have 2 read about whatever it is MFP'ers want 2 talk about...cuz I don't talk about anything but food and weight loss but I don't ge bothered by my ."friends" for anying...mayb they r reachin out for support..after all..that is wha it is all about!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    This is called "Chit-chat, fun, and games". The title doesn't say you can only chit-chat about weight loss issues.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Im sorry I get influenced easily...:embarassed:
    Now, here we are telling her not to make people feel bad, and now we're poking fun at her? That's equally not cool.

    I kinda feel like she asked for it. Then again, I agree with her somewhat about the bathroom. I really dont want to hear about someone having the squirts! :D

    Peer pressure is the devils work.

    Fine, I'll defriend you.

    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    You guys all seem to be missing the point. And that is that NO ONE EVER sends me email telling me I look YUMMY. WTH? Get to emailing people. I need this.

    ;D Looooove MFP for the social stuuuuuuuff!

    I would, but the word "Yummy" would just make me more hungrier than I am.

    This made me laugh. And then i looked at your name and i swear i almost peed my pants!

    "Quiteatingsomuchtubby" was too long.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    omg i laughed so hard reading all this you guys are so funny lol:devil:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im a wicked witch! Can I be the wicked witch of myp!!!!!!:wink:
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    You guys all seem to be missing the point. And that is that NO ONE EVER sends me email telling me I look YUMMY. WTH? Get to emailing people. I need this.

    ;D Looooove MFP for the social stuuuuuuuff!

    BAHAHAHAHAH!! Nobody ever tells me that either!!
    Too Funny!
  • dav3yroxmysox
    Lets be fair here... Every one who is "offended" by the post and being really rude to someone who is just speaking their mind, you could just IGNORE it. Seems people need a little work in not being hypocrites...
  • shadowofnature
    Now, here we are telling her not to make people feel bad, and now we're poking fun at her? That's equally not cool.

    I wasn't poking fun I swear! Low blood sugar *does* make people cranky. People on diets I think are more prone to get annoyed and be short tempered just like someone that's trying to quit smoking.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    posted by Ginnyroxx
    p.s. if they post and tell you i'm dirty, don't believe them :devil:

    *nods* she totally is dirty!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    It is a form of social networking, and with FB you get to decide who you are friends with and who you are not. People are free to post anything on here within the MFP guidelines and I for one don't mind some people going off on a tangent every now and again, it makes things more interesting. After all a lot of people on here would not discuss a lot of things on FB that they would discuss on here (my opinion).

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I think some people might find yours very different to theirs, that's life at the end of the day. We are all different, so asking people to conform to one set understanding on a public forum is impossible.

    The only thing you can do without offending other people (and violating MFP guidelines) is simply ignore what you don't like and focus on what you do, no one on here will 100% like how everything and everyone works, that's just how it is.

  • pgp_protector
    Lets be fair here... Every one who is "offended" by the post and being really rude to someone who is just speaking their mind, you could just IGNORE it. Seems people need a little work in not being hypocrites...

    Almost sounds like you're offended by some of the responses. ;)
  • dav3yroxmysox
    I'm not offended, I'm appalled by the fact that a site is presented as a supportive community and people are negating that idea with their responses. Perhaps this persons weight loss IS hindered by peoples personal problems/bs being posted all the time and they could be reaching out to someone who feels the same. Instead, a lot of people who seem to disagree post really negative responses when they could take their own advice and ignore it. I am simply trying to state that I don't agree nor disagree with what this person had to say, but if I did I would comment in a more appropriate manner. In reality, it is a WEIGHT LOSS social networking site and I'm sure that there are other people on this site that feel the same way as the person who originally posted this . Who are we to stop her from finding those people and allowing them to support her?
  • pgp_protector
    I'm not offended, I'm appalled by the fact that a site is presented as a supportive community and people are negating that idea with their responses. Perhaps this persons weight loss IS hindered by peoples personal problems/bs being posted all the time and they could be reaching out to someone who feels the same. Instead, a lot of people who seem to disagree post really negative responses when they could take their own advice and ignore it. I am simply trying to state that I don't agree nor disagree with what this person had to say, but if I did I would comment in a more appropriate manner. In reality, it is a WEIGHT LOSS social networking site and I'm sure that there are other people on this site that feel the same way as the person who originally posted this . Who are we to stop her from finding those people and allowing them to support her?

    This site really need a smiley converter. My previous post was a JOKE, that's the reason for the ;) and the end of the post. it's called a winking smily
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    But those problems do affect weight loss because many people are stress and emotional eaters. As the PP said.. if it irritates you, delete them.

    I was going to say the same thing!!!!!!!! Oh and to FORKDOWN......You crack me up and you look YUMMY hahahaha
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    Defreind them. Now if you will excuse me I need to go to the bathroom. Problems with the in-laws gives me diarehha(spelling).

    Good thing I was done with my dinner, I would have choked laughing at this one!!!
    I do have to agree with most all the other previous posters though, MFP IS a type of social network! I do look at each of my friends on here as real friends even though I have never met a single one in person. I enjoy getting to know the people here and hearing of all the struggles and successes, even if it is only small.
    BTW, some ppl will have personal changes that they ask for advice on here for, for example 'changed my diet and now cant go to the bathroom' then later may post that the advice they got helped them to go! Just sayin....
  • loriew
    loriew Posts: 2
    I think you are being silly. If you don't like what people say then you shouldn't befriend them. That's what this is all about getting support. Stress and everyday life do affect you're weight loss. Get over it.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Lets be fair here... Every one who is "offended" by the post and being really rude to someone who is just speaking their mind, you could just IGNORE it. Seems people need a little work in not being hypocrites...

    I don't think that people were necessarily 'offended' by the OP... we were just responding to her. I for one, gave her two options on how to deal with her problem.
