MooseWizard Member


  • All my days have become cheat days. Doing it wrong. :(
  • So funny to see on a site where we are all trying to make a change...
  • Moderation is key to everything. I am not one who believes you should ban yourself from things you love, but recognize it is not particularly healthy and find alternatives so you can cut back.
  • I look at it like this; for any new distance race I run, whatever time I do it in is a new PR because its the first time I've done it. And the next time run the same distance will probably be another PR because this time I'll know what to expect. So yes, for me the goal for a first time race is always to finish. Without…
  • I just started running last year. I've ran a 5K and a 4Miler, but am working toward a mini at the end of April. Speed is not a concern for me--finishing will be my first goal. I can work on speed for the next one.
  • RunKeeper connects with Foursquare. Found out when I earned a 5K badge, and was initially confused as to how Foursquare knew what I was up to. "Hey, remember that time you finished a 5K? Because it JUST happened. Feels good, doesn't it? Who knows... maybe some day you'll make it through a marathon!"
  • It's 8K, but split. You may get an 8K and 5K time break out, or the first 5K may close at a specific time, requiring a minimum pace.
  • As others have said, when things level out, sometimes you have to mix it up a bit. May be a simple as changing the kinds of foods you eat for one of your meals, rather than even changing calorie amounts.
  • Here are my goals thus far: Triple Crown of Running 3/3 Anthem 5K 3/17 Rhodes 10K 3/31 Papa John's 10 Miler 4/28 Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon A friend is trying to talk me into a Warrior Dash 5K in August. Got some upper body strength to work on before I can think about that.
  • Hey gang, I'm Jack. I am 35, and have been running for a year. I did the Couch to 5k program, and ran a 5K last May, and a 4miler in July. Then I slacked off a bit. I'm back at it, and motivated to expand my distance. Initially, I had planned on three upcoming races in a series--a 5K, 10K, and 10Miler--but joined a…
  • I think it might depend on the quality of the scale. My old scale gave me different readings depending on how I stood on it or where it was positioned. I got a much nicer scale, and it shows the same no matter how I stand or where I move it.
  • I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium album--that's my racing sound track.
  • I too have set my sights on a mini in April, so I'm after the same advice.
  • Rest is always important. Working out strains the muscles and they need time to repair.
  • I used to finish workouts really exhausted as well before I started eating before and after. Now, for most days I have about 200 calories of carbs before and 200 calories of protein afterwards. Really helps with energy through the workout and recovery afterward.
  • There are some HRM's (I am afraid I do not know models off the top of my head) that work with or without a chest strap. That would probably be your best investment. You could try the strap, and if it doesn't work for you, you could use it without. I will say as others that I really do not notice my strap once I get going,…
  • Yes, it would be a calorie burn, but I would not classify it as exercise. Carrying in groceries from the car burns calories, but it too is not really exercise. It would be nearly impossible to keep track of every bit of extra calorie burn here or there. Thus, you have to choose the daily activity level as best as you can,…
  • Yep. My goal was to run a 5K race. I had not ran before--not even a little bit. I started in January with the Couch to 5K program, and achieved my resolution in May!
  • I should also say that this is only available in the US. Also, AT&T has limited support. Pro version has background mode, music controller, voice cues, custom sounds and notifications, and Facebook integration.
  • Yeah, sorry. Should have said you would need to install the Amazon Appstore on your phone as well. Good to have though, as Amazon gives a way a paid-app for free every day.
  • Started C2K in mid-January of this year, and was quite sure I would never be able to finish it. I mean, ME? Run 20+ minutes non-stop? Yeah, right! Of course, I quickly dismissed those negative thoughts and was determined to give it my best shot. I ran my first 5K in May and ran a 4-miler in August. My best advice (copied…
  • 1-2 lbs a week is about perfect. More weight loss a week is possible, but not healthy to pursue. P90x will probably not make much of a difference. When you lose weight, you lose fat and muscle. You work out to minimize the muscle loss. P90x will probably slow muscle loss more so than treadmill, but don't expect to get…
  • Wraps instead of sandwiches, which I thought was fewer calories and carbs. Found out in almost every case, it was not true!
  • Feeling like I may be in the same boat. Lost most of my momentum, but still have 30lbs to go.
  • I can concur with this, as my experience was similar. I found R.I.C.E. techniques to help, particularly elevation. Sleeping with a pillow under my feet made big difference come morning.
  • For those of you doing the C25K program, that is what I used as well, and had started that in mid-January. I remember huffing and puffing though the 1-minute runs, and cannot believe how far I have come--ran 5 miles on Monday! If I can do it, anyone can. Good luck!
  • Just signed up for a 4 miler next month, and planning a 8K in the fall.
  • It is absolutely possible. I've lost 80 lbs in 7 months, and I think I'm a pretty "real" person. That being said, I caution you about setting a deadline--you can only make good choices and let your body do the rest. Despite all the numbers and math that this website and the users here may throw at you, everyone is…
  • Shots do have calories--all alcohol does for it all comes from sugar. (70-90 calories for a shot of bourbon). That being said, shots are better than mixed drinks or beer for there are fewer carbs which can be converted into fat. Alcohol itself cannot be converted into fat, but your body will use it up for energy first. As…
    in Alcohol Comment by MooseWizard June 2011
  • I'm sure that is. You'd only think I have asthma from the way I huff and puff. But you can do it, even if it does take you a bit longer to build up!