1-2 lbs/week not enough

So since I've started MFP, im eating back my calories but still coming in with a little deficit every day. if I have pulled a pound or maybe 2 a week I'm lucky. I walk on treadmill and ride stationary bike 4 times a week for an hour averaging 450 or more calories/workout. I'd sure like to push 3-5 lbs per week. I want to start P90x to increase my deficit every day. Will that get me where I want to be?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    1-2 lb a week is great! Anything more would be quite ambitious and possibly losing too fast (yes there is such a thing)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm confused. Do you want to lose MORE than 1-2 lbs a week? Or are you not currently losing at that rate and want to lose 1-2 lbs a week?

    Someone slap me. Or send me to my room.
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    If you lost more than 2 lbs a week you would be losing lean body mass, not fat, and you dont want to lose that. Sounds as if you are doing great.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Yes, I'd like to lose more than a pound or two a week.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Not in any way or shape thats healthy.

    Too much of a deficit can lead to muscle loss. 1-2 pounds per week is considered the optimal for healthy weight loss by most experts.

    Muscle is a calorie burning engine. Keep in mind also, that if you start to lose muscle, you will invariably burn less calories
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Losing 1-2 lbs a week is more than enough and it'll give your body a chance to get used to the steady calorie deficit. Otherwise, you'll probably gain it back as soon as you go into maintenance.
    The golden rule here is "slow and steady wins the race".
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    If you lost more than 2 lbs a week you would be losing lean body mass, not fat, and you dont want to lose that. Sounds as if you are doing great.

    Is that true in all cases? I am doing P90X, losing inches where I dont want it, and adding where I do... eating about 2000 calories of lean protein, multi grain carbs and no dairy but I have lost a total of about 10 pounds in two weeks.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Since stats show that people who lose at at steady 11/2 to 2 1/2 pounds a week are more likely to keep off the weight they lose, a radical plan to drop weight quickly might not get you where you want to go--or at least keep you there. On the other hand, there is certainly no harm in upping your exercise. That will increase your fat loss but it is hard to predict how quickly it will cause you to lose. Good luck. If you are losing steadily you are on the right track and will get there!
  • Stacielt
    Patients IS the key to weight loss. For me in the past I'd get frustrated that I am not seeing results fast enough & then I'd quit and gain back whatever weight I did lose & then some. 1-2 lbs a week is the golden number to losing weight & keeping it off. P90X is great if you want to get more active & for the first few weeks you will probably see an increase in your weight loss, but just remember that more than that for too long can become harmful to the body.
    So again just be patient & be careful!
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    1-2 lbs a week is about perfect. More weight loss a week is possible, but not healthy to pursue. P90x will probably not make much of a difference. When you lose weight, you lose fat and muscle. You work out to minimize the muscle loss. P90x will probably slow muscle loss more so than treadmill, but don't expect to get ripped while you are dropping weight.
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member

    It's possible for the first couple weeks to have a dramatic weight loss and body change, especially taking into account all of those components, but 5 lbs of fat loss a week over the long term is not going to continue.
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    The whole point of MFP is a lifestyle change and losing weight is not a race. 1 to 2 pounds a week is a healthy way to lose weight and if you take off weight too quickly you are more likely to put it back on again quicker. Also having net deficit calories only works for so long because too many and you could go into starvation mode and you will not lose any weight. MFP is in for the longhaul not a sprint and during the time you are working to lose weight you may have to chop and change excercise around so the body doesn't get used to a routine.
  • StaticCat
    Unless your weigth is MORE than 300lbs, 2lbs per week is the maximum recommended.

    You can technically lose more than that... but in reality, you won't lose any more FAT than that 2lbs/week. If you succeed to loose 4lbs/week, you'll technically loose about 2.5 lbs of MUSCLE and less than 1.5 of fat (because your body will go in starving mode).

    It's a slow progress... but trying to get shortcut will only cause as many health problems than obesity.

    I Hope that helps! ;)
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    Well said! 1-2 pounds/week is a great loss! You should be proud! Keep up the great work! :)
    Not in any way or shape thats healthy.

    Too much of a deficit can lead to muscle loss. 1-2 pounds per week is considered the optimal for healthy weight loss by most experts.

    Muscle is a calorie burning engine. Keep in mind also, that if you start to lose muscle, you will invariably burn less calories
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Unfortunately, yes. I lost 149 pounds and would LOVE to say that it was all fat. It isn't like I didn't have that much!! Sadly a noticeable amount of it was muscle. My massage therapist told me that she could not feel any muscle in my legs--only bone. And I was unable to lift my leg more than an inch off the bed due to almost non-existent hip flexors. It has taken a year of working out in the gym to rebuild some of that. I walked 1.8 miles this am and then did some strength training. including leg lifts. IF your body perceives that fat is being lost too quickly, it will start using muscle mass to protect you. Great if you are in a famine. Not so good if you just want to lose weight quickly. Good luck.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Well, jeez... everyone would like to lose weight fast. But it's not smart and it's not practical.

    Creating too big of a deficit and trying to lose too fast is like spending your entire paycheck on lotto tickets trying to get rich.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    The safe AND healthy amount of weight is 1% of your body weight. (for example: 200 lbs --> 2 lbs per week)

    Also, make sure you review your calorie settings. If you indicated that you exercise 3 times a week for 30 mins, then MFP has already adjusted your calories for that 90 mins of exercise.

    Last but not least, don't forget to take measurements!!!! It's not just about weight. (At minimum arms, waist and legs.)

    Don't get discouraged, slow and steady wins the race.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member

    It's possible for the first couple weeks to have a dramatic weight loss and body change, especially taking into account all of those components, but 5 lbs of fat loss a week over the long term is not going to continue.

    Nor would I want it too, but I am taking this weight loss and exercise program seriously and with a long term goal of an obtainable AND retainable goal so I do not want to over do it.

  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    ...and quit watching 'The Biggest Loser'.
  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member

    Weight loss can be eratic I go through weeks where I lose 1lb or on occasions nothing and other weeks where the scales show 5-6lbs now I am not silly and realise that it is proberly a steady loss with the difference being water and sodium intake combined with being a woman (a problem you don't have to face)

    Weight loss will aslo depend on how much you have to loose I started at 326lbs and have lost an average of 3.3lbs a week.

    Strength training is important I am working with a PT and do a mixture of strength training as well as cardio.

    Look at your diet and see what works for you I upped my Protien a bit dropped Carbs a bit - nothing extreem as this needs to be something that is maintainable. I also beleive in a little of what you fancy os good for you.

    I aim for 1200 cals a day rarely eat my exercise calories unless I am hungry and try to get all my vitamins etc from the foods I eat (No supliments) other than a protein shake for breakfast as I tend to have this meal on the run and the shakes help me avoid skipping it compleatly.

    I had a long chat with my DR before starting and a full health check - he agreed my diet plan.

    I would be really happy with 1-2lbs a week however my body for now is sheding more....

    So the answer is yes you can lose more but focus on health and a lifestyle change you can maintain or all your hard work will be in vein as the weight will creep back on...

    Good luck
