Not New to MFP but New to actually asking for Help on here!

I have been using this great app since about july and from that time i have lost about 40 pound... Yeaaa right? Well not entirely. I have always used the knowledge i have research and compared it to true success stories on here to see what would be the best ave. to travel. Well I finally came to a dead end and have not been able to loss any additional weight. Everyday seem like a battle and I am starting to grow tired with this fight again the very thing to keep me alive is a potencial threat if done incorrectly. I guess what i am saying is I need a little help from all you guys on here. Anything that could help me to reach my goal the DR. wants me to get to and to a Physically appealing goal I need just to prove that you dont need to be fat when you get old...and hopefully inspire more people on changing there lives for the better.

Thanks MFP

Love, NelNova:wink:


  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    You can do this. I hit a plateau after a 36 pound loss. It took 8 weeks and three days to break it. I bounsced up and down by four pounds during htat time. I stayed true to my diet except on Christmas and even then I was pretty careful. I kept working out too. I bouced back up a little after breaking the plateau but I am still lower than where the plateau began. You may have to switch it up both with your food and your fitness activities. Try zigzagging your calories (do a search above your post there are lots of ideas to help) change your workouts too. Add weights if your are not already doing them, increase them if you are (if you can) . I had started at 1470 calories and was losing well. After I lost about 32 pounds MFP lowered my calories and that's when my plateau began. I tried changing from 1.5 pound loss a week to 1 pound a week and my calories went up to 1530. I started gaining weight so I dropped my calories down to where I started 1470. Within three days my plateau broke. I do not eat my exercise calories either. I just broke the plateau last week but I am hopeful that this will work. I am defiantely not an expert but I have been where you are with the dead end feeling. Good luck.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    First off, I'm no expert and I just joined this less than a week ago. I'll try to help you tho!
    Do you exercise? Have you tried walking? I committed myself to walking 1,000 miles for St. Jude this year and that motivates me because I already have people donating money. Otherwise, I'm not sure I'd be working so hard at it. Maybe you could try something like that.
    Being a former anorexic (ugh), I learned that if I switched up my exercise routine by doing dif. things, I lost weight faster. If you have time, add something new that you would enjoy. I used to play raquetball and loved it. As I got older I ended up with injuries that prevent me from playing but when I did, I absolutely loved it. I wish I could find something myself that burned calories and is fun. I'm still working on that myself. It's especially hard in the winter.
    Also, are you eating enough? I've read about all of these people hitting plateaus and not able to lose weight. I think that as you lose weight your body needs even fewer calories to sustain your current weight so maybe you could make sure you're eating enough protein? Can you see a nutritionist?
    I'm not sure what will work for you but YAYY for you, for trying so hard and being commited to weight loss. YOU inspire me!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Congrats on your weightloss Hoppymom! Thank you for your post... it's nice to see someone who has been through it and learned how to break the plateau by trial and error. When I get there, I'll use your advice. Good luck!
  • Jeanetta10
    Jeanetta10 Posts: 74 Member
    Wow! We are so in the same boat! I've been struggling since Thanksgiving. Good luck with your journey. You can do it.
  • Happiness29
    Hi, I am not new to this site, I'm just ready to take my health seriously now. I am no exspert at losing weight myself. But I am up for try new things. What kind of workouts are you doing? maybe try switching it up a bit because your body is just "used" to the same old work out?? I tried boxing last week for the first time and OMG! I used muscles that I didn't even know I had! So maybe check out your local gym, most of them will let you try out a class for free to see if you like it. Just try different things. Just DON'T GIVE UP! You have lost 40 lbs and you should be proud of that accomplishment! Just keep going, your body will kick back into the weight loss mode before you know it. As long as your moving you can't go wrong. :0)
  • Venus2011
    I truely agree with the others. Shake up your routine. What happens is the body has gotten used to you diet and exercise. Don't give up. Hang in there and you will soon see the rewards :smile:
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    It might help if you made your diary public....then we can see what you are doing now...
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    As others have said, when things level out, sometimes you have to mix it up a bit. May be a simple as changing the kinds of foods you eat for one of your meals, rather than even changing calorie amounts.
  • nelnova
    nelnova Posts: 57 Member
    thanks everyone what i have heard so far has been great!:laugh: And i hope this can answer some question on my regiment...

    I Just started 30 shred last tuesday and I wanted to know if any Guys have done this or have had any success with it? I just finished my 2nd round of insanity on Monday and I would also like to know has anyone that has done insanity ever cycle off to do something else?

    * This is Just for the record of what my workouts are like during the day
    -morning workout b4 breakfast
    *insanity or JM30DS/ follewed by 2-3mile jog
    -Afternoon workout
    *1-2mile jog after lunch or right b4
    -evening workout
    *p90x strength training M, W, F/
    *Cardio training T, TH, Sat

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    Glad you are reaching out. Everything becomes a little easier when we have others to help us on our journey. Feel free to add me, I am on here everyday and try to support all of my friends in any way I can, and they too have been wonderful at helping me to stay motivated. I love this site! :smile:
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Well done on your losses so far. All I can suggest is that you mix up how you eat and exercise and increase your friend base on MFP. Halfway through my journey I am finding the mutual support from the MFP community helpful in getting me over a mental hump, and sometimes a change in diet can fool your metabalism into speeding up. Also, remember that January is generally a depressing month and if you can get past this month you will probably be OK. Good luck.
  • fpsjcrucial
    fpsjcrucial Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe it's because you're gaining muscule to replace the fat you're still losing. I mean, come're starting to look like you came straight out of Sparta. When was the last time you checked your bfp? Also, potato wedges are a HORRIBLE idea. LOL.