

  • The issue may be a little more serious than you think. A friend of mine would have the same issue and was finally diagnosed with Celiac's. This means that she cannot eat wheat, rye or barley. You should pay attention to what you're eating and how you're feeling after you eat it and call your doctor. It can't hurt to get…
  • I would rank in the 20% of women... I've come way too far in my weight loss and my lifestyle has changed so much for the better, that I can't imagine being with someone who doesn't share those same goals. I started this long before joining MFP and it's taken me 6 years to get here, but I will never go back. To be with…
  • Cardio is absolutely awful! If I could get away with only lifting I would. Try looking up some full body workouts online if you're unable to hire a personal trainer. Aim to train 2-3 days per week. If you can't hire a trainer, at least consult a trainer or worker at your gym that can show you proper form. Don't be afraid…
  • Speaking from experience - you're probably not eating enough. If your body needs more fuel to feed your muscles and you're not giving it enough, it won't release the weight. Try eating more - especially on the days when you train the hardest - and definitely increase your protein intake. MFP sets the protein…
  • All of you need to increase your protein!
  • You may need to alter your gait or switch up your equipment (shoes, socks, etc.) or do some exercises to strengthen weak muscles in your legs. I recommend seeing a doctor and/or a physical therapist to make sure there isn't something bigger wrong. I had knee pain and it turned out to be that certain muscles were stronger…
  • Be careful of the sugar content on the sweetened milks - almond, rice & soy!!
  • You don't necessarily have to follow a particular diet that's been written up by some "expert" when it comes to eating "clean". One easy way to take some baby steps - any maybe get some buy-in from the Mr. is to start eliminating some of the processed foods in your diet & start cooking more at home. For example, stop…
  • To see a decrease in your overall body fat %, you need to incorporate weight training. If all you're doing is cardio, sure you're building some muscle, but overall, you're actually burning off your muscle - especially if you aren't giving your body enough of the calories and nutrients that you need. Make sure you eat…
  • It takes 3 days for ketosis to kick in & for your body to begin feeding on your muscle. For short bursts of fat-burning, & under the supervision of a trainer, zero-carb is ok.
    in Protein Comment by safiresp04 March 2010
  • Protein shakes are an excellent supplement to your diet & training, and sometimes can work as a meal replacement - if you add enough nutrients. I have had good results with All the Whey in chocolate peanut butter (only sold on NutraPlanet's website) and with Optimum Nutrition. They're great mixed with water, cow milk or…
    in Protein Comment by safiresp04 March 2010
  • You're fine. Cycling calories isn't a bad thing since we work harder on some days than others. If you're still getting a balanced diet, with all of the food groups, but still maintaining healthy weight loss, you're good. Make sure your high days are on days when you're working out the hardest and your low days on the days…
  • Whey protein is a great supplement for weight training as it contains quality protein, delivered in liquid form, that is easily broken down to help your muscles repair. I am "large framed" and I eat 6 meals a day - 3 of which have a protein shake included. Now, I am training for a bodybuilding competition, so my…
  • It's recommended that you get at least 8 8oz glasses of water each day.
  • Organic Evaporated Cane Juice is sugar. That's where your 22g comes from. Sure, some comes from lactose, I believe yogurt is relatively low in lactose compared to milk. Try buying fat free plain yogurt and adding your own fruit. If you need added sweetness, try adding some honey or a little bit of sweetener. Yes, natural…
  • You can work to strengthen your wrists by taking lightweight dumbells & curling them up towards your forearms - just a basic flex that moves just the wrist muscles, not your whole arm. That may help strengthen those muscles a bit.
  • I think they're pretty good. I always did the single-serving recipe & they always came out very fudgy. They're great for a low-cal ice cream sundae or with fresh fruit. I've also added a little bit of PB to the center to make a fudgy Reeses cup.
  • You didn't pack on the extra weight in a week, so what makes you think it will come off in a week?
  • One of the best things that's happened to me is meeting mine. We've been together almost a year and we're both passionate about being healthy & losing weight. We've actually lost weight since we got together! If you're in it together, it makes eating healthy and getting out and being active easy.
  • You're on the right track. It takes about 30 minutes of exercise for the body to start burning fat. If you lift, then do cardio, you'll burn more fat and have better results.
  • If you want to know how many calories you're burning (roughly) on MFP, add strength training or weight lifting under the cardio section in the exercise tab. MFP doesn't give calories for the amount of weight or sets you do under strength training. I think it's there just to track your progress.
  • Good job on 7# in 2 weeks. You should aim for 0.5 - 2# per week for maintainable, steady weight loss. Don't think that every week is going to be a 5# weight loss & don't get discouraged. A loss is a loss. What about sweet potatoes or brown rice? I had read an article a while back that red skinned potatoes have the least…
  • Not really. Microwaving veggies typically destroys a good amount of the nutrients. Always try to steam them on the stove, roast them in the over, or saute with a little cooking spray. Microwaving is OK in a pinch, but try not to make it a habit.
  • Is there any way you can find a happy medium? Maybe keep a few of the pounds, but focus on firming and toning up rather than just being skinny. You will reap the benefits of having an amazing body as well as all the other health benefits that come with the added muscle and he'll have you a little more "filled out". It's…
  • Try running/jogging intervals - 1 minute walk, 1 minute run. Also, walk at a good clip at an incline and you'll get a good workout - much better than walking level. When you walk at an incline, it should be like climbing a hill; you want to kind of lean your body into it. I see lots of people walking too fast at too high…
  • Don't worry about going over on protein. Protein is essential for rebuilding muscle and losing weight. When you lose weight, some of it is always muscle - no matter what - so you want to rebuild muscle & preserve as much as you can. Protein helps you do that. Always make sure you're eating lean protein - boneless/skinless…
  • Worrying about 1 pound isn't going to get you anywhere. 1 pound could be from a number of things. Maybe you're retaining water. Maybe you need to go to the bathroom. Maybe you're weighing yourself at a different time of day. Maybe you had on clothes. Maybe your body just wants to hang on to the food you're giving it.…
  • Keep in mind that two people can weight the exact same amount but be two entirely different sizes due to height and muscle mass. If one person has more muscle mass than the other, they are denser and more compact because muscle is more dense than fat. People always say "muscle weighs more than fat" but they fail to…
  • There are a few things that I've learned along the way about strength training vs. cardio training. Both are important in any weight loss program for a number of reasons. As many other people have stated, muscle keeps your metabolism going all day long. Muscle also burns more calories than fat per hour. You of course need…