

  • Depends on his personality. Some guys respond well with the serious sit-down talks, some don't. Sounds like your hubby doesn't. I would suggest ditching that approach entirely - it might only make things worse. You don't want him to have a vendetta against the idea of exercising! At that point, even if he wants to work…
  • I just watched an episode where he ate 17 chili cheese dogs... good googly moogly!!!! But no, Annerea, I haven't read about that... I'm gonna have to look it up though. Cause I was curious! The guy doesn't look out of shape!! And he eats some of these 10lb food challenges in one sitting, and it blows my mind! I actually…
  • Yep, I'm on here to gain. I've gained almost 10lbs (keeping 7 to 9 of them on). It's hard!!! It's taken me several weeks to get my body used to eating more. My problem was I would eat (or not eat) and simply not get hungry. I am drinking protein shakes every day (specific weight gain ones), but I've also been trying to…
  • I'm stuck right around the 157-159 lbs mark. So I HAVE gained 7-9 lbs and have kept them on, but I think I need to up my calorie intake to keep going. I would "like" to be up to 170, but I don't think my current diet is gonna get me there. I also got one of those BMI/Body Fat monitors, so I know that weight increase hasn't…
  • Hey sue... welcome to MFP!! There is a forum on here that may be what you're looking for... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/114512-gluten-free-girls-and-guys It's already 11 pages strong, so hopefully you'll find some great stuff in there. Join in the conversations!
  • The only game I've played for Kinect was the sports game that came with it. After doing the track and field routine with the long jump, hurdles, and javelin throw, I was more sore in more places than I've ever been after a gym workout!! Granted, I don't think it monitored calories, but still... heck of a workout!! I've…
    in Kinect Comment by jdubs1201 January 2011
  • Hey Kaitlyn! First, congrats on your baby-to-be!!! Second, welcome to the MFP site!! And third, congrats on the weight-gain working! I'm on here to gain weight too (but that's cause I'm scrawny and want to bulk up), and it's been hard eating as many calories as I need to as well. I think the "correct" way to do it is to…
  • If you're doing some gym shopping, go check them out at the times you are planning on going, and pay attention not only to the facility itself, but also to the people who are there working out. If there are a bunch of meat heads, then maybe go somewhere else. When I work out at the gym, there are a lot of elderly people…
  • Black ice tea is good for you - at least in the sense that it has a bunch of antioxidants. How is it sweetened - real sugar or something like splenda? The sugars would probably be the only thing I'd watch out for. I'm no tea expert, but from what I understand it's good for you - better than drinking coffee in the morning.
  • Awesome!! Thanks for the advice guys! Tomorrow is bench press day again... hopefully I'll hit that 5th rep on the decline this time!! =)
  • Question for you guys about grips (since YL brought up his grip on squats)... I had a spotter save my neck (literally) at the gym this past week... couldn't quite finish my 5th rep on decline bench press. I was gripping the bar like you'd grip anything - with my thumb wrapped around the bar (like gripping a hammer). The…
  • Here's my end-of-week stats... YL, thanks for keeping this up even if you're not gonna participate anymore. Just wanna thank you for starting this in the first place - it's really got me excited about my lifting and gaining! Weight: 160lbs (woohoo, gained 10lbs since November 1!!) Bench Press: 105 Shoulder Press: 80…
  • I've been trying to put a protein shake in with breakfast... so I'll eat a 2-pack of nature valley honey & oats bars and have a cytogainer protein shake with it. Ends up being about 600 cals with 40 carbs and almost 30 proteins. Should I be trying to replace that protein shake with actual foods?
  • For some reason I just can't do big breakfasts... maybe that's where I should start trying to change next. After a lifetime of just a bowl of cereal or some little breakfast bar, I can just never stomach big meals first thing in the morning.
  • Way to go on your upper body workout man!! You'll get those deadlifts next time! By the way, here's the link to the Week 2 topic: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/139460-weight-gainers-week-2
  • Whoops, forgot to include my weight. No worries... I think my start weight was wrong anyway. I'm at about 159lbs right now (on November 1 I was 150, so I've almost gained 10 lbs!!)
  • Bench Press: 105 Shoulder Press: 70 Barbell Curl: 60 I'm gonna try starting my squats and dead lifts again tomorrow. Hope for the best!
  • My wife really digs Denise Austin. She has a workout DVD that has several things - one of which is cardio, which mixes zumba, aerobics, step, and others. It has 3 different intensity levels depending on where you're at. By the way, I LOVE your profile picture... Charlie Brown Christmas is the best!! =)
    in hi. Comment by jdubs1201 December 2010
  • Haha I hear ya! My wife says the same thing when I say we should get an eliptical or something for the living room so we can watch tv while using it! There are a TON of other cardio exercises you can do tho - things like jump rope, jumping jacks, Zumba DVDs, etc. I fully support having variations to keep it fun! We found a…
    in hi. Comment by jdubs1201 November 2010
  • I agree with Aislynne - you should start small. And if you're used to something way above 1200 calories per day, you might want to gradually work your way down to that. Your body will eventually learn to be satisfied with smaller food portions. Have you ever logged your food before, so that you have an idea of what a…
  • Hi there, welcome to MFP! I'm sure you'll find plenty of support and workout buddies! =) This site has definitely motivated me to stick to my diet and exercise routines. I hope it helps you meet all your goals as well! Best of luck!!
  • Awesome! Welcome to MFP!! Do you have access to a gym so you can walk the treadmill or eliptical during the cold months? I started walking/jogging over the summer and once the temperature dropped that was the end of it for me too!! I don't really care for treadmills, but I like using the bikes at the gym. I hope this site…
    in hi. Comment by jdubs1201 November 2010
  • Hi there, and welcome to the site!! Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your stingray accident, but good for you for not giving up on yourself!! I hope this site helps you reach your goals. The food tracker will help you stay on track with your diet, and if you have any diet/eating/food questions, definitely search the forums on…
  • Hey kencz, welcome to MFP! I hope this site will help you reach your goals. The food tracker is awesome and helps you set diet goals. And the people on this site are very supportive and motivating. Best of luck to you! =)
    in New Comment by jdubs1201 November 2010
  • Hi there... welcome to MFP!! The people on this site are awesome and VERY supportive! I hope this site assists you in meeting all your health goals. The food tracker is awesome, and you can choose what you want to see (if you're concerned about cholesterol, sodium, sugar, etc). The message boards are fantastic for…
  • You and me can start a sub-team... "Team Injury"! lol But in seriousness I know how much it stinks to have to cut down on your workouts cause of an injury. Especially when you just started getting into a good routine and you have goals in mind, and now you can't give your full potential. Sorry to hear about it man... I…
  • This week's results: 1) Squats: 105 2) Bench Press: 100 3) Shoulder Press: 60 4) Deadlift: 100 5) Barbell Curl: 55 My squats and deadlifts probably won't be going anywhere in the next few weeks since my knee is jacked up and I'm trying to stay off it =(
  • Answers below...
  • Hey guys, Hopefully you can be patient with me as I'm just starting out with this stuff. I really don't know what realistic goals are, aside from my main goal of wanting to gain about 20 lbs (as much of that as muscle as possible). I think my body fat is at around 11%. But as far as weight lifting goals, what's realistic…
  • I hate crunches... cause I can't do them correctly. My neck and back always hurt, and my abs don't feel a thing >=( I've watched, read, and heard so many people describe how to do a crunch correctly, but I swear every time I try them I end up stopping due to neck or back pain, NOT due to sore abs.