I am here to GAIN weight



  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    I totally understand the challenge. I just spent a few months putting 35 p0unds of muscle onto a 20 year old aspiring football player. We did it, but it was a lot of work. It is easier to get the pounds off than add them on without steroids or junk food, but you're on the right track. Not too much to add, since you got some good tips here from other posters, but I would suggest that even on upper body days, you find a way to get some squats in. There is some solid new research that looked at men (sorry ladies, we can only extrapolate that the findings SHOULD be similar for women) who did two joint exercises using large muscle groups (specifically squats or leg presses which involve the knees and hips and several large muscles). Researchers hypothesized that since these specific exercises cause the body to release testosterone into the system at a higher rate than other exercises, that with the increased levels, other muscles would be able to tap into the free flowing testosterone and build at a faster rate than they would without the squat induced release. The results, explained simply, were that the subject group actually experienced an average of 20% increased growth in upper body size and strength compared to those who worked their upper bodies without the pre-workout squat induced flush of testosterone.

    I have been using this finding and am finding it to really make a difference, especially for those who have a hard time gaining. No reason not to give it a try. It's a natural way to make it a bit easier for you to put on some extra bulk. Just eat clean, consume plenty of beans and nuts (good protein and higher in calories). Get plenty of healthy fats and complex carbs and you will see a difference if you really stick with it. Diet for you is critical as is tracking calories because you're likely to think you're consuming more calories than you actually are. I got pretty good at designing meals that topped 1,500 CLEAN calories. Get creative and you'll do the same and find new favorites. Good luck!!
  • Thanks Robin! That's pretty cool to know! So when you say to fit squats in, do you mean full out heavy weight squats, or more just warm-up exercises, like an empty bar or something?

    The program I'm starting this week is M-W-F, and they all include squats. I'm just a little concerned that I won't be recovered enough to do squats this many days a week. Here it is Tuesday and my legs are just starting to burn. From everything I've heard/read, you're supposed to rest until you're recovered. So if I'm ridiculously sore tomorrow, should I still do squats?
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I have leg day on friday, and squats are definitely the foundation of the workout. I can barely walk every weekend since I do my long run the next day. No way I could do squats to my full potential every workout. haha
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    For the first 2 weeks you will have sore muscles after a workout (DOMS) but usually this doesn't really hinder the amount of weight you can move when you get into a workout. I always make sure I have a good stretch before and light weight warmups.

    Good advice Robyn :) BTW I have just switched back to a beginner full body program as I figured I'm not anywhere near those strength standards either.

    The program I am doing is

    Squat 3 x 10
    Bench press 3 x 8
    Bent row 3 x 8
    Military press 3 x 8
    Deadlift 2 x 8
    BB curl 3 x 8
    (but I'm doing hang cleans instead of BB curls as more use for mma)

    This is 3 times a week as well so will be punishing. Have to make sure I get those calories in!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    hey! Welcome!

    I know it can be just as hard to gain weight as it is to lose, if not harder!

    I would bulk up on healthy fats, like salmon (or any oily fish) and avocado and nuts!! Mmmmmm!! Lots of calories in those :bigsmile:

    Also, yes, pasta and rice :)

    Good luck

    I agree! A lot of protein, healthy fats, and whole grain carbs. I would only worry about added sugars and not natural sugars.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    I have leg day on friday, and squats are definitely the foundation of the workout. I can barely walk every weekend since I do my long run the next day. No way I could do squats to my full potential every workout. haha

    Yeah, it takes some creativity since we all know that you need a good 48 hour rest between hard pushes. But it can be done. Just a pain to calculate in rest time. But essential so remember that rule ... even with abs. ;)
  • OK so wait... if I wake up tomorrow and my legs are ridiculously sore... I should still do squats at the gym???? Doesn't that go against everything that says if you don't let your muscles fully recover in between workouts they won't grow the best they can? :sick:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Being sore doesn't mean that they still need more time to recover. Being sore means that your body is not used to the pressures that you just put it through. This is why if you were to continue at the same weights for a few weeks (or even when you gradually increase) you will most likely have less DOMS in a few weeks time doing the same exercises as your body adapts to the movements. I recommend light exercise on your "in between day" and stretching.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    OK so wait... if I wake up tomorrow and my legs are ridiculously sore... I should still do squats at the gym???? Doesn't that go against everything that says if you don't let your muscles fully recover in between workouts they won't grow the best they can? :sick:

    I probably didn't explain myself well. Yes, you're right.You do need to give your muscles 48 hours between workouts. As the previous poster said, that doesn't mean you can't stretch and very lightly work the sore muscles you worked the previous day. In fact, usually they'll feel much better after some good stretching. But they WILL recover better and you'll get better repair/growth if you do give yourself the 48 hour rest. That's a standard that I'm a stickler about. So you are right on there about the rest.

    If you're squeezing in squats/leg presses every other day and you're pairing that with the areas you are seeking big growth in, then on the alternate day, you can work the remaining areas of your body. And after 4 or 5 weeks, switch it up and pair other areas with your squat/leg press days so you don't get in a rut.

    I hope that makes better sense. If not, let me know.
  • Cool, thanks =) Definitely been stretching more, and I was able to do my full potential of squats today. The routine I started this week was:
    Monday: squats, bench press, deadlifts, + a few extras
    Wednesday: squats, overhead press, pulls, + a few extras
    Friday: same as Monday

    Then next week on Monday and Friday I'll do what I did this Wednesday, and vise versa. So I have exercise "A" and "B", and I'll alternate MWF weeks as exercise ABA, then BAB. I'm just trying to find where to put the "filler" exercises, like abs, biceps, etc.

    I'm having fun, but since I'm a newb I am very grateful for all the advice and help you all are giving! Thanks again!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    It's awesome that you have a dietician working out a meal plan for you. That'll keep you on track and I suspect will gear you toward "real" food over too many supplements, but those can be helpful used in a reasonable amount.

    One other thing to keep in mind as you're upping your calories: be sure to track not just your weight but your body composition as well.

    With all of my clients, I keep a four column register of their weight when I check them in every week. The first is their body weight, the second is their body fat percentage, the third is their weight in fat and the fourth is their lean body weight.

    If you don't have someone that can check that for you, you can actually go online and for about $30 buy a body fat monitor that is handheld and for the most part, pretty accurate (very accurate, for the money). And even if it's not perfect, you'll be comparing apples to apples by using the same machine. The point here is that as you gain, you want to stay at a lean body fat percentage and be adding lean body mass to your frame (not fat). Here's a link to the product: http://www.amazon.com/Omron-HBF-306C-Loss-Monitor-Black/dp/B000FYZMYK

    Plus, it's another fun "toy" that you'll find yourself using with friends and family too. :)

    Have fun and keep us posted!!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    ChrisDavey is right on about the style of workouts. Go basic. I will also reinforce the point about getting adequate rest and recovery. Aside from the workout and eating, sleep is mandatory (7-8 hours). Don't shortchange it if trying to grow. I would crank up the protein to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight and split the calories over 5 to 6 meals throughout a day. That will make it easier.

    Have fun.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Hey Justin,

    Welcome to the world of Fitness Training. You've got some great tips in your post already so I won't contradict or comment on any of the previous.

    As a beginner I would recommend you go pick up a copy of "New Rules of Lifting" by Lou Schuler. It's a great reference with most everything you'll need to be successful in the gym for whatever your level.

    Nutritionally speaking, gaining weight is a challenge and eating enough calories is not easy (especially if you're eating Healthy).

    Basically, For a pound a week gain you're looking for adding an additional 3600 calories a week or 500 / day extra into your diet.

    For my own training, I have two scoops of a good quality Whey Protein mixed in 2-4 cups of milk immediately following my weight routine. (Just chug it down in the locker room before hitting the showers). That gives me about a 480 calorie boost from natural sources immediately following my workouts and the timing goes right into re-fuelling the muscles from the training stress.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Good workout plan Justin.

    Re additional isolation exercises: you can do them after your main sets on M W or F if you wish. You probably won't realise it yet but when it starts to get a bit heavier, a lot of these muscles are used in the main compound lifts ie. biceps in deadlifts and power cleans. If you have the energy to do extra stuff then go ahead. I still try to make sure I fit into that 1hr total lifting time frame though. Read something about going too long having diminishing returns. In saying that, I will usually incorporate some calf raises at the end of my session as these are very helpful with bjj. In a few weeks, you will be find out about muscles you didn't even know existed :P (I found most of this was from deadlifting)

    Also good advice re the body fat measurements. I use accumeasure ones and just record the mm (don't really care what % it tells me)
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Welcome....eat what I can't... Pizza ,Pasta rice...ice cream...Lots of protein shakes for weight gain and lots of seeds and nuts for snacks. And do weight training. You will gain weight.good luck. hug. :)
  • Welcome....eat what I can't...

    Haha, I get that a lot!!

    I've been doing these protein shakes a few times a day and it's taking some getting used to... especially these weight-gaining ones! Snacking is so far proving to be my biggest struggle. I need to set up alarms on my phone or something, cause hours will go by and all of a sudden it's meal time.

    @Chris, I usually don't spend more than an hour lifting weights. I do about 15 mins of light cardio before I start, but then do lifting for 45-60mins. I'm usually done my 3 main exercises in 45 or fewer, so I still have some time to kill.

    @Egger29, thanks for the tips man! I'll add that book to my list, along with a few other weight-lifting books I've seen and heard great things about. My buddy also told me to drink a whey protein shake right after a workout, so I've been doing that.

    @trelm249, yeah, sleep is good! I've actually been sleeping a lot better since I started going to the gym and getting serious about all this. And as I said about, doing 5 to 6 meals a day has been a struggle to get used to... simply cause I forget. Working on it though!

    @Robin... oooooo, toys are always fun! That one on amazon has a bunch of great reviews too. I'll add that to the list too, thanks!!

    OK, one more protein shake and I'm off to bed. Thanks all... good night!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
  • I once dated a skinny & I currently work with a skinny...they both were always complaining about not being able to gain weight. I'm a little jealous, I have to admit, but I understand the difficulty. Good luck.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    How's progress going mate?
  • I'm stuck right around the 157-159 lbs mark. So I HAVE gained 7-9 lbs and have kept them on, but I think I need to up my calorie intake to keep going. I would "like" to be up to 170, but I don't think my current diet is gonna get me there. I also got one of those BMI/Body Fat monitors, so I know that weight increase hasn't been all fat, so that's cool!

    The past few weeks have been garbage as far as my diet has gone. I'm still trying to get back on board with that =/ I guess like anything, all it takes is to get away from it for a little bit and then it's really hard to get back into it! BUT, I just hit up the grocery store last night, got a whole bunch of good stuff, so here we go!

    Haha, I did some squats the other day that almost made me puke! I haven't lifted so heavy as to get sick yet... think I need to back off a little bit! I actually wanted to share that with you guys on here!

    Thanks for asking man!!!
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