Anyone else trying to gain

bexter87 Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi is there anyone else trying to put on weight xx:happy:


  • carolsohn
    carolsohn Posts: 33 Member
    I wish /:
  • autumntia
    autumntia Posts: 72 Member
    Hi is there anyone else trying to put on weight xx:happy:
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    After losing 32 pounds through two rounds of P90X I felt I needed to add some muscle. Since the end of September I've upped my calories in conjuction with more aggressive weight lifting. I've gained 10 pounds so far, would like to add about 5 more over the next month or so before I really hit P90X hard again.

    Hopefully half of the 15 total I put on will be retained as muscle, we'll see.
  • No I have a coworker that is and oddly she is having a hell of a time doing so.
    she wieghs only 88 pounds but she is a very tiny petite person trying to be between 105-115 pounds.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I wish /:

    I don't think you do. Some people seriously struggle to get in the calories they need on a daily basis.
    Us food-lovers just don't understand unless you open up your mind.
  • hey I used to be one of those people. I could eat 24/7 and never gain an ounce. now I just think about food and I'm gaining. Where did the good old days of being too skinny go? can I get a dog to track them down you think?
  • hope39
    hope39 Posts: 19
    Yes I am trying to. And I have a money tree to sell you also :laugh:
  • Funny ha ha
  • Thanks Neliel :embarassed: ,this site isnt just for people trying to loose weight,it works both ways. And it can be really hard. Were all here for the same reason at the end of the day because we want support,nice to know some people are capable of giving it. Scarletblue do you know what she is doing to try and gain weight any tips helpful thanks xx
  • hope39
    hope39 Posts: 19
    Just trying to break up the day with a laugh or two :happy: :tongue: :laugh: :smile:
  • cflorkie
    cflorkie Posts: 92 Member
    just keep trying, its so hard to gain weight the healthy way. I'm stuck at 97-98 pounds but there's no point in upping my calorie intake goal, I just can't possibly eat any more anyway, Most days I don't even go near 1300. I've swapped out snacks for protein bars, added breakfast (I usually eat nothing) added mindless (healthy) snacking in front of the tv, and I still barely get there.

    The only time I ever gained a decent amount was eating fast food for every meal, for six was not healthy and I felt horrible and was sick all.the.time.

    Good luck trying to do this the healthy way! I'm trying to build muscle right now and its so hard!! I think I'm just meant to be underweight?
  • Hey ye i totally agree you get to the point were you cant phisically force anymore, i went to see a dietician and she told me to start havin milkshakes with full fat milk and also adding milk powder ive started that this week, and its not too bad been adding a bit of strawberry nesquick for the taste,although i cant move afterwards he he, so been having it before i go bed xx
  • Yep, I'm on here to gain. I've gained almost 10lbs (keeping 7 to 9 of them on). It's hard!!! It's taken me several weeks to get my body used to eating more. My problem was I would eat (or not eat) and simply not get hungry. I am drinking protein shakes every day (specific weight gain ones), but I've also been trying to continue increasing my calories with "real" food. Lots of pastas, rice, and beans have helped me.

    What are you doing as far as working out goes? If you do some heavy lifting you will most likely work up an appetite!
  • Ive just been walking everywhere instead of drivin,it has give me an appetite tho espec in the morning x:yawn:
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