Weight Gainers



  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Do any of you guys log your daily WO's? Personally I don't take measurements I focus on strength related goals and use that to track my progress.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I track every set/rep and runs. It helps me figure out when to increase my weight.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Yep, I keep a workout log on another website.

    I am happy to do either method :)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Making a new thread a little later tonight.

    If you want to be a part of the First Round (Nov 29 - Dec 5), this is what I need by Nov 28:
    Starting Weight:
    Goal Weight:
    RM Exercise 1 and Reps/Weight:
    RM Exercise 2 and Reps/Weight:
    RM Exercise 3 and Reps/Weight:
    RM Exercise 4 and Reps/Weight:
    RM Exercise 5 and Reps/Weight:

    Preferred Color:
    Body Fat %:

    e: Ugh, I'll fix it later.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
  • Wow, you guys have a system in place! I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do, since I don't have access to a gym, and can't gain weight easily, probably won't gain more than 1 pound a month, but I'll keep updates and listen to all your advice! My home gym consists of: perfect pushup, iron gym, slant board, a few sets dumbells, and ankle weights. I need to find some larger dumbells and heavier ankle weights to help build more muscle, I know. Any advice for the equipment I have?

    I'm 74.5", 145 this is the most I've weighed my entire life, and am really taking it seriously this time. I have good upper body strength for my size, but my legs have always been scrawny. I've been doing calf raises, squats (one-legged also), lunges, side lunges... any advice on how to strengthen legs at home? I know it might seem like a lost cause, but it's all I've got to work with. Thanks for your help in advance.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Nice! Count me in. I've been bulking for the past month and a half and it'll be motivating to be doing it with a team. I was first really out of shape and overweight so I used mfp mainly as a way to get back in shape and lose much of the fat. Went down from 167 at probably 24% bf (didn't measure), down to 148 at 13.5% (according to the impedance bf monitor) from Feb to Aug this year. I feel I lost some muscle along with some of the fat as my bf % pretty much stayed the same as I went down from 150 even further to 144 lbs in sept.

    After that I saw myself as both skinny and flabby and felt that I need to focus back on putting on muscle and deal with the bf% later. Now I'm at 158 lbs, looking more muscular by my bf monitor varies in it's readings anywhere from 15.5% to sometimes 18% based on how it feels about me I guess. Ultimately I'd like to be at 160 and 10% body fat so at best that means I need to lose roughly 10 lbs of fat and gain roughly 10 lbs of muscle or something of that sort. That'll probably take another year given that muscle takes allot of time to grow, and that last 10 lbs of fat is stubborn, idk.

    But for now my focus has been lifting heavy and often and eating roughly at maintenance, some days a little above some days below. I gained back 10 lbs really fast (like in 2 months) and Idk how much (if any) of that is muscle, so I'm looking to bulk right for at least another month or two.

    Count me in!
  • Hey guys,
    Hopefully you can be patient with me as I'm just starting out with this stuff. I really don't know what realistic goals are, aside from my main goal of wanting to gain about 20 lbs (as much of that as muscle as possible). I think my body fat is at around 11%.

    But as far as weight lifting goals, what's realistic for 6 weeks - to increase by a certain amount of pounds, or a percentage?

    Also, for the logging of the exercises, are those all the 1 RM you were talking about? So I need to go to the gym and put on enough weight that I can only lift it one time, right? (Think I'm gonna need a spotter!) I'm going to the gym on Monday so I'll record everything then.

    Until then, I can give you my basics:
    username: jdubs1201
    age: 27
    height: 6'0" (72")
    weight: 152lbs
    color: really don't care - give me a blue of some sort

    I'll look up how to properly take measurements too... never done that, could be fun!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    You can just do your normal weight and lift it as many times as possible in one set. I'm aiming for a five pound increase every week on my barbell exercises.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    frogmanjared: What is an iron gym and a slant board?

    Re legs: it is going to be hard to build muscle without big weights but you need to find ways to add resistance to make exercises harder. Pistol squats are hard, can try them. When you can do 8, start holding some weights, when you can do 8 with those weights add some more etc. etc.

    Jdubs1201: being new to resistance training, your increases will be massive. I wouldn't put a number on things, just keep adding weight each and every workout. The 3 mores come into play, more weight, more reps or more sets. e.g. if you make all reps for a workout then you add weight. If you don't make all reps, then you strive to achieve more reps. If you don't make more reps then you do an extra set until you have. (and eat more and sleep more :P)

    Also, you can use online calcs to determine 1rm from your 5rm :)

    I will wait until next week until I give you my stats btw. They'll be in on time though. Made 330lb deadlift yesterday. Was very happy :)
  • frogmanjared: What is an iron gym and a slant board?

    Re legs: it is going to be hard to build muscle without big weights but you need to find ways to add resistance to make exercises harder. Pistol squats are hard, can try them. When you can do 8, start holding some weights, when you can do 8 with those weights add some more etc. etc.

    Thanks for the tips! Iron gym is the pull-up bar that fits on a doorframe, has about 6 gripping areas to work different muscle groups. I don't know what it is exactly, I call it a slant board, but its an angled board to do situps on. Its really nice because my tailbone hurts if I do them on the ground, and I can get a greater range of motion on the slant board.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    If you can do pullups then you'll be set. Same sort of thing with progressive resistance. Once you can do 8-10, add some weight. You can do this with a dip belt (ebay is good source) or just hold a db in between your feet. (this is what I used to do)

    Unsure of current fitness level so it's hard to say where to start but I would be doing say 3-4 sets or pullups, 3-4 sets of pushups (can also add weight via backback with stuff in it), db's for standing overhead press.

    Slant board for abs sounds good.

    Then you can use db's for bulgarian split squats also as well as the previous mentioned lower body exercises.

    That should hit the whole body. It is far from ideal for maximum muscle growth but just remember progressive resistance and the 3 mores and keep a workout log to make sure you are progressing.
  • When's the best time to take protein? I'm currently using body fortress whey protein, and have been taking it after my workouts. Last night I worked out right before bed and feel that it worked really well. Is it better to take it in the morning, afternoon, before workout, after... what do you guys do?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I try to get about 30-40g protein per meal at the moment. I prefer to get it from whole foods where possible but sometimes whey powder is more convenient for me ie. breakfast with oats.

    I also have it post workout. THis is a must IMO. I tried some intermittent fasting a while back and didn't have post workout shake and I got crazy DOMS. Never doing that again!

    Post workout shake should have about .25g/lb BW protein and .5g/lb BW carbs. I don't usually have fats as they take a long time to digest (high GI). The carbs should be high GI also like dextrose, various fruits etc. e.g. 180lbs person (45g protein and 90g carbs)
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