karint74 Member


  • I was kinda dreading the Friday double day. I've been sore all week in the legs and lower calf muscles due to all of the fast high-impact moves. Lower Focus was hard--especially all of the back lunges--had to drop some of the reps and take little breaks when holding or bouncing the lunge. Just not quite that strong yet.…
  • Did Ab Intervals for the first time yesterday. This is probably the most intense core workout I've ever done, but I could keep up pretty well. I was already feeling it less than an hour after finishing. Surprisingly, not that sore today. I think all of the endless plank circuits in Body Revolution prepared me for this.
  • I just started this week as well. It's my first Beach Body program. I've been a Jillian disciple and gotten great results from her--just wanted to bump up the intensity and try something different to mix it up. This one is challenging! It's pushing me into the red zone, and I'm already in shape. You will love it--it really…
    in Focus T25 Comment by karint74 July 2013
  • I rode 427.66 miles on my bike in July, the most miles I've ever ridden in one month! Only missed one day due to pouring rain.
  • Did this one this morning. Wow, is it *hard*! No way I could have gotten through it without Jillian's endless plank circuits to prepare me. Guess I got my wish for more upper body moves in this program. Didn't have to go to the knees for any of the push-ups. I did leave out some reps because I kept looking at the screen to…
  • I likes this one, and was able to keep up the pace without modifications the whole time. I think the intermittent stretch and stability segments providing built-in recovery time really helped. Added jumps to the burpees as I always do in Jillian workouts. Next time, I'll add a little weight (2-3 lbs) to the boxing moves.…
  • I'd love to join the FB group. Just started Focus T25 today!
  • I'm late to the party and officially starting the program today. Just when you think you're already in shape... Wow, this one was challenging! I kept up with them pretty well (didn't have to modify except slowing my pace at times). This was tougher on the quads than I expected. My legs felt like lead whenever back lunges…
  • Finally started the program today with the Stretch. (Meant to start 7/22 with the rest of the group but was having technical problems with video playback, finally solved over the weekend.) I am extremely stiff and inflexible. I have lots of room for improvement on the flexibility front! This workout felt great--really…
  • Hi! I'm Karin, 48 years old, and in the best shape of my life so far. Lost about 30 pounds and hit my goal weight in December 2012. I've been in maintenance ever since. I eat a lot and move a lot. I'm a huge fan of Jillian Michaels and have completed Body Revolution twice. T25 will be my first Beach Body program. Looking…
    in Welcome! Comment by karint74 July 2013
  • I highly recommend Catcrap Antifog Lens Cleaner & Paste (yes, that really is what it's called!) I bought mine for about $6.50 at my local bike shop. Here's a link to it on Amazon:…
  • I finished my first round of JMBR on June 8. Now I'm doing a 3-week super express round (one day per workout, one week per phase) so I'll finish just before I leave town for 15 days in July. (I won't be able to bring DVDs/weights with me.) Workouts 1-4 last week were surprisingly challenging with 12-15- pound dumbbells and…
  • I think the cables they use are *extra* long. I bought the heavy resistance cable from Target (Reebok brand, I think). It's 5 feet long from handle to handle. It was perfect...until Workout 5! I couldn't even begin to extend my arms on the cable flys and cable punches. That third circuit is one of the hardest in the whole…
  • I walked or biked in addition to BR every day. I only burn about 140-220 calories per BR toning workout and maybe 250-280 for the cardio ones. Since I feel better when I eat a lot, I get enough exercise to burn at least 400 calories for the day. Usually 500-700. Biking and walking give a good burn without being hard on the…
  • Oops, double post.
  • I finished my first round on June 8. In three weeks, I have a 2-week gig playing piano for a summer dance intensive away from home (and away from DVD player and weights). I've decided to do a super-express version of JMBR (once through each workout so one phase per week) so I'll finish right before I leave. Workout 1,…
  • I use mine to track trends only. I *know* it reads really high--it tells me I'm 31% bf at my current weight (see my profile picture). I don't think so! Also, per suggestion of one of my MFP friends, I changed the age setting to see if it would affect the bf% reading. When I dropped my age setting to 10 years old (the…
  • I've had this happen to me, too! I agree with the above posters: make sure that strap is dripping wet before you put it on. Wetting the skin first too. Make sure that the strap is both tight enough and that the buckle won't "migrate," loosening the strap mid-workout. I fixed the migrating issue by sewing the buckle in…
  • Ha ha, yup! My philosophy is eat a lot, move a lot. I like exercise and usually got in about 90 minutes per day, including biking or walking my commutes. I eat about 2400 calories most days. Often 3 sweets a day. Once a week or so, I have a pig-out day, usually involving lots of quality time with a spoon and a jar of my…
  • I'm also finishing up Week 12 this week. I already have 40+ other fitness DVDs, about half of which are too easy for me now. I plan on doing a mix of my other Jillian Michaels workouts for a while. I just got Killer Buns & Thighs and Hard Body and looking forward to trying those. I'll throw in pairs of JMBR workouts into…
  • Everybody's different. If I only ate 15 grams of fiber per day, I would be horribly stopped up. I need at least 25 grams a day just to stay regular. My usual range is 30-60 grams per day. Though 60 is a bit much, even for me. Another reason to eat more fiber: It helps you feel more full for longer by slowing down the time…
  • Just did Workout 11 for the first time. That held chaturunga was tough--I don't think my upper arms were quite parallel with my back, but I'm strong enough (barely) to hold it the whole time. Cable push-ups were really tough. Maybe my cables (from Target) are just a lot shorter than theirs, but this move made me glad I had…
  • I'm in maintenance, but I'm in the habit of leaving the following out of my diet, and I don't miss them (much). 1. Sugar-sweetened beverages (regular soft drinks, fruit juice, etc.) 2. Bread before dinner 3. Cheap, low-quality chocolate that isn't worth the calories (the kind that come in a "value-sized" giganto-bag) 4.…
  • I'm 5'5.5", 48 years old. SW: 165 (end of August 2012) First GW: 140 (reached mid-December 2012) CW: 135 Average daily exercise calories burned (Body Revolution + walk/running or cycling 6 days/week): 450-650 I've never eaten less than 1500 calories a day as an adult unless I was sick. While I was losing, I ate 1600-1950…
  • Hi there! You will *love* this program! I'm on Week 8. You will see crazy progress as long as you watch your eating. There are two active, great, supportive Body Revolution groups here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/2900-jillian-michaels-body-revolution…
  • I've tried several of the recipes and thought all of them were delicious, with the exception of the creamy cucumber and yogurt salad.Plain Greek yogurt + lemon zest + lemon juice+ raw red onion was just too sour and pungent for me. My very favorite was Dinner Option 14, the Thai green curry barramundi and Thai spaghetti…
  • You all have done an incredible job! So inspirational--keep up the good work! Here's mine. I am 5' 5.5" and 48 years old. 8/20/12.165 lb, size 14/16. 3/28/13, after 7 months of MFP. 135 lb, size 8.
  • You are making great progress so far--I can definitely see the changes!
  • I usually walk/run to work (3-mile round trip) or go for a bike ride in addition to my JMBR workout 6 days a week. I don't do any extra strength training, not even abs. (I can't imagine even needing to do any extra ab work after Workout 7!) Walking and biking are pretty easy on the muscles while still giving a nice extra…
  • Congrats on reaching your goal! I reached my (initial) goal in December. Since I was only netting 1350 calories after exercise (I eat back all of my exercise calories), I bumped up my calories by about 100 per week for a month until I was up to 1820. I figured an increase of 500 or so all at once would be too great of a…