karint74 Member


  • 1/10/15 Had a couple of *huge* binge days last Monday and Tuesday. I was able to restart my resolve Wednesday morning, and today was my 4th day in a row binge free. Feeling pretty good about that! Karin: 7 The BingeMonster: 3
  • 1/4/15 Hi, I'm new to this group. So far for 2015: Karin: 3 BingeMonster: 1 (last night)
  • I did Workout 1 Launch for the first time yesterday. What a great workout! I could do all of the moves without modification other than going to the knees for a couple of the push-ups the second time through the set. The heaviest weights I used were 7#, much lighter than I'm used to. I'm going to modify the program a…
  • I just got mine, too--planning to start tomorrow! I watched the DVD with the cast intros and tutorials for some of the moves. Dang! I'm *definitely* going to be modifying! The push-up variations I saw are crazy. And "kipping burpee"--have you checked that out? This 50-year-old body ain't doin no kipping, lol! And wheel…
  • I *just* got mine in the mail today and plan to start tomorrow! I've done 5 rounds of Body Revolution and am psyched to go to the next level! Tonight I watched the DVD with the intros to the cast members and the tutorials for some of the moves. I'm going to be doing a *lot* of modifying--I'm definitely not ready for some…
  • It *is* true! Check it out--I want! :) https://www.getbodyshred.com/
  • Reset ladies--how is it going? I started my reset 7 weeks ago on August 1. Here is what I've accomplished since then: *2 Phases (of 3) of Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution program. Modifying the program this time around by doing the strength workouts only 3 days per week (instead of 4) and adding in 1-2 days of yoga or…
  • Here are some tips that work for me: 1. Have protein, fiber, and some fat with every meal. They moderate blood sugar spikes and slow down the digestion of your food, making you feel fuller for much longer. This is especially important if you have simple carbs (refined grains, sweets, alcohol, etc.) 2. Get enough sleep.…
  • I use a heavy resistance cable I got from Target (5 feet long with handles) for most of the BR workouts. It was fine--until I got to Workout 5. The third circuit of that one is just evil. I've done the program for 4 rounds already, and I think that one, along with the first circuit of Workout 7, are the two most…
  • Hi boxfish100, I'm 49 and just started my 5th(!) round of Body Revolution last week. I did my first round in the spring of 2013. I was already fit and at goal weight before I started, and had dropped 5 more pounds and improved my muscle definition, balance, and stamina by the end (See my profile pic.) Second round was an…
  • Alice, your post about restarting on August 1 helped motivate me to do my own reset that day--thanks! I joined MFP almost 2 years ago and promptly lost 25 pounds in 4 months without any setbacks along the way. Maintained pretty well for about 6 months after that, but then some of my bad overeating/binging habits started…
  • Moment of truth today: I've gained back all but 5 pounds of my original loss. No more denial. (Let's just say I no longer look anything like my profile picture from March 2013.) Now 20 pounds overweight. Reversing this trend starting today.
  • Last month I put my chest strap in the washing machine...forgetting to remove the Wearlink first. Oops. Thought I had destroyed the Wearlink forever. I used a nickel to open the battery cover, and it came right off. I was surprised that replacing the battery was so easy after all of the horror stories I had read. Perhaps…
  • I just finished my fourth round. Started with 3's, 5's, 7's, 10's, and( for some exercises like rows and dead lifts) 12's. By my third round I tried using 20's for the heaviest weight exercises. I could do it, but not with good form, so now I max out at 15's. I usually hold 3's during the cardio moves whenever possible, as…
  • Hi Emily! I've been using my Lumo Back for about 6 weeks now. I would *highly* recommend it if you're a habitual sloucher like I've been most of my life. It won't detect slouching in your upper back, only the lower, but my posture has still improved a lot. I find it really motivating to see the hourly, daily, weekly,…
  • I can't do wheel push-ups either! But it's not because I don't have the strength. It's because I lack flexibility. My spine is so stiff it barely bends when I get in the wheel position. As a result, I can barely get my palms all the way flat on the floor behind my head. My range of motion is already maxed out just holding…
  • Hi, fellow 9/16 folks! I've already done 2 rounds of JMBR earlier this year (both times when already at maintenance/goal weight) and got in the best shape of my life. I'm also a huge fan of Jillian. I tried a different workout system (Focus T25) for the past couple of months, and while it's challenging, it just isn't as…
  • You and I are on exactly the same T25 schedule. I just finished Alpha this past Friday as well. I've been at maintenance for about 9 months now--my goals with T25 are to keep myself motivated and shake things up with a break from Jillian Michaels and get rid of the 5 pounds and 0.5-1" per measurement I gained over the…
  • Hi autumnsquirrel :-) You and I are on exactly the same T25 schedule. I just finished Alpha yesterday as well. I've been at maintenance for about 9 months now--my goals with T25 are to keep myself motivated and shake things up with a break from Jillian Michaels and get rid of the 5 pounds and 0.5-1" per measurement I…
  • Those burns were what my HRM calculated doing the workouts at full effort with no modifications. My burns are *much* lower than they were when I first got my HRM last October. Combination of being lighter, more fit, and more used to strenuous exercise. My overall heartrate is just lower on everything for the same effort.…
  • Here are my burns for the Alpha workouts in this program. I'm at maintenance, 48, 5'5.5" 135-140 lbs, and used to high intensity exercise.Your burns will probably be different, but this gives you an idea. Alpha Cardio: 213 Alpha Speed 1.0: 194 Alpha Total Body Circuit: 210 Alpha Lower Focus: 151 Alpha Ab Intervals: 119
  • I am still here! I've moved my check-ins over to the Team Insane Results T25 Facebook group. Everyone over there is on different weeks of the program, and some are on Week 3 along with me.
  • W2 Staturday. Progress in the past week: Weight: -1.8 lbs (weekly average) Bust: -0.3" Rib cage: -0.3" Waist: -0.3" Belly: -1.0" Hips: -0.5" Thigh: -0.3" Mostly excess water from not great eating before 8/1, but hey, I'll take it! I rode my bike about 8-15 miles a day and added 2 strength workouts in addition to T25 in the…
  • I'm another Jillian fan and don't want to lose the muscle strength and definition I worked so hard for. Just finished Week 2 of T25. The first week kicked my butt. My shins and calves were sore from all of the fast-paced plyo I wasn't used to. By the second week, it still feels intense, but I don't get any soreness at all.…
  • Double Day Friday Week 2 Lower Body Focus + Ab Intervals done. Even though I woke up a little sore from adding JMBR 1 & 2 the last couple of days, I was able to power through these just fine. They didn't seem nearly as hard as they did last week. Could stay in the lunge holds the whole time without taking breaks. Still…
  • W2D4 Cardio done. I like T25, but I need more strength training. Added an easy Body Revolution workout yesterday and today with moderate weights (7, 10, 12) without adding impact to the cardio moves. Plenty of impact in T25 Cardio! Amazingly, this didn't feel like too much.
  • W2D3 Speed 1.0 done! I really like this workout, too--the stretch/stability breaks give enough recovery time to really go for it during the burnout. Today I just noticed that the burnout on this one is 8.5 minutes long(!) Picked up 3-lb dumbbells for the boxing moves this time--I could really feel it in my core and it got…
  • Oh yeah. Toughest one in the series so far. My range of motion on the push-ups isn't the greatest ( I don't think that chest, or even nose, is going to be hitting the floor any time soon), but I never had to go to the knees. Dropped a few reps, but that was mostly due to not quite knowing the moves yet. I feel less…
  • W2D1 Alpha Cardio done. Stronger already! No modifications, and I was able to keep up the pace with them the whole time. Even on the On Your Mark Up Downs and the Burnout sections! Don't get me wrong--it still kicked my butt--but it definitely felt more doable, and I was able to push more than last Monday.
  • I've been eating oatmeal with milk, molasses, cinnamon, and walnuts, every day for breakfast since 2006, except when I'm on vacation and it's not available. It definitely agrees with me! Love it, never get tired of it, and it keeps me full for 3-4 hours. No negatives I can see eating it every day.