How to control my hunger?

Hi. I have a fast metabolism and I used to take it for granted. But now I think it's in the beginning stages of slowing down. I'm still a stick figure but my stomach has started to expand. I also have a crazy apatite. How can I get it under control and eat less? (Besides will power).

Oh and I tried starving myself (only eating once or twice a day) for about a week but it didn't go over too well. I had less energy, couldn't concentrate and started getting pimply for the first time in months (which may not have been because of not eating but still...)


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Maybe try reducing the amount of simple carbs and replace with complex carbs, more protein and more healthy fats.
    Make sure you're drinking enough water.
  • Persian99
    Persian99 Posts: 48 Member
    If you're hungry, eat. Make sure you're getting enough protein in your meals, and then you can have nutritious low calories snacks between meals. Also, many people mistake thirst for hunger. Have a large glass of water, then wait ten minutes to see if you're still hungry. Go for fresh veggies, air popped popcorn, a piece of fruit, some hummus on whole wheat pita, string cheese, the possibilities are endless.
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Here are some tips that work for me:

    1. Have protein, fiber, and some fat with every meal. They moderate blood sugar spikes and slow down the digestion of your food, making you feel fuller for much longer. This is especially important if you have simple carbs (refined grains, sweets, alcohol, etc.)

    2. Get enough sleep. When you're sleep-deprived, your body will read it as hunger--usually for comfort food or junk food.

    3. Don't waste your calories on fruit juice or pop. The calories won't register at all in satisfying your appetite.

    4. Drink enough water. Dehydration can feel like hunger.

    Hope this helps!