rapat Member


  • There's nothing right or wrong about what you're doing. One thing you should do is record what your run speed is, and try to increase it every session (or every week if you're already at near peak shape). You might also want to consider different lengths of intervals (60 seconds running, 2 min walking; 2 min fast jog, then…
  • I think I'll probably try Runkeeper out for a while.
  • I'm not an expert but here's just my guess as to a good answer: Cut down on upper body training. Maybe once or twice a week -- it shouldn't really help with your half marathon. For lower body, I'd do sprints, and plyometric type exercises -- box jumps, squat jumps, etc). Search for plyometric box training. I would guess…
  • I drink the same smoothie on most days. 1 cup milk blueberries (about 1 cup) strawberries (about 1 cup) banana spinach (the more the better) yogurt (about 3 tablespoons, most of the time, unless I'm out) pb2, unsweetened cocoa (1 teaspoon, sometimes) ice (to make it cold; or water if I was using frozen berries to make it…
  • If you're going to eat a bagel daily, switch to a whole wheat bagel. You won't save on calories, but it'll be healthier
    in bagels Comment by rapat July 2013
  • If you only had 30-60 minutes / day, it's not the best way to burn calories if that's your primary goal. It's great at developing core strength and flexibility. I think it has its place in a workout. It will never get 'easy' if you keep pushing yourself. And if you're interested in learning eastern philosophy -- which as…
  • If you're at any risk of being locked in and are in a trial period, I would just look elsewhere. There's a strong possibility they simply have a low bar for PTs. If not, it doesn't hurt to give another PT there a try. Maybe use yelp to find a good PT in your area?
  • He's not a good trainer -- simple as that. A good trainer would've asked about your exercise history, your goals, and would've evaluated what you're already capable of. Also I agree with doing free weights if you are paying a trainer. They should be able to teach you proper form and correct any issues. Doing machines isn't…
  • Dry Grilled chicken -- tandoori, tikka. I love Indian grilled chicken (but I'm also Indian so I'm biased). You can ask them what curries are not cream based. Chicken Tikka Masala has a cream base. Chicken Curry should have a water base. You can ask them to make things with less oil (don't know if they would. probably…
    in Indian Food? Comment by rapat July 2013
  • stretching poses building strength (yoga can be very demanding) meditation / mindfulness /eastern philosophy is a benefit if you learn yoga at a hindu/Buddhist center but isn't necessary for the physical part of practicing yoga you're body will feel better overall if you have back/muscle pains/issues
  • This is quite an accomplishment for a 13 year old I'm not going to comment about her form because I don't know enough to and I'll just assume she's been taught by trainers who know what's best for her (otherwise how'd she end up here).
  • I'm Gujarati (state in India; just mentioning cause the food is a little different than the OPs) This is what I've done when it comes to eating Indian food at home: 1. Use zero to a-lot less oil than usual 2. Use no sugar 3. Cut down on rice. Wheat rice tastes awful wiith indian food in my opinion; so I've just started…
  • my advice: you want to gradually & safely build your endurance levels so that you can burn more calories during exercise. I personally don't get too concerned with where those calories are being burned from (ie which fitness zone) -- I think it really only matters once you're at a amateur/professional athlete level and…
  • My guess is it would be a small amount compared to the calories burned jogging.
  • If you're not in a rush, look on craigslist -- you'll likely find higher quality stuff for cheaper; esp if you can get it off someone who is moving and doesnt seem like they used it all that much. But to answer your question. if you're not going to be lifting heavy, then any cheap bench should be fine
  • If you can keep your HR at 180 for an hour, that's an accomplishment I have yet to do. So congrats. Don't worry about calories burned. Focus on improving your intensity-- running for longer or faster. Sounds like you're doing fine
  • My advice My current routine is: 1. Run 2-3 times/week on a treadmill (You can do this outdoors to save money) 2. Alternate lifting between:
  • Eat as much fruit / veggies as you want. If you tried to eat 20 bananas in a day (ie 2000 calories) you would likely be pretty full thru the day. Likewise for 30 apples
  • Anywhere from 1 to 1500 per hour depending on your weight, incline, speed
  • I find the smith machine awkward and don't use it. Can you not do barbell back squats due to some injury? Do you have access to a leg press? I'd use a leg press; or just super high rep bodyweight squats before using the smith machine.
  • Agree -- Blend instead of Juice If you have $400 -- Vitamix If you have under $100 - Ninja
  • On a budget: Ninja Not on a budget: Vitamix There's a consumer reports blender review. Read it then get one of the highliy rated ones
  • First 2.5 months I lost 25lbs. Was counting calories in and burned. Then I stalled for the past 5 weeks (didn't gain, didn't lose) -- also stopped counting. Going to try to get back on track Anyways, I suggest you start slow and gradually increase. Complete the run at something you can easily finish, then increase over…
  • If you're eating 1000 less calories than your body needs, then yes. It's much easier to eat 1000 less calorie than your body needs if your body needs calories to exercise though
  • It's possible but difficult. You need to lose 2lbs a week. So about 1000 less net calories a day than you are currently at (assuming your current weight has been steady). The good thing about being home schooled is you have more control over your schedule. Can you workout 2-3 times a day? In the morning, in the afternoon,…
  • if you're walking, increase the incline, ditch the weights
  • Pushups using dumbbells, or pushup bars would be my recommendation. Try doing them again and seeing if the back issue is recurrent or a one time thing. If not, then does a barbell bother you? If not, switch to the bench press. Better yet, do both. I do a bench press followed by pushups on the same day. If that's still…
  • I play in an adult rec league. It's a coed league -- 0-2 girls on my teams (I play on 1 team regularly, then sub in for a few other teams). It's the best cardio-like workout I get; and its the funnest sport to play (in my opinion). I would not be able to get myself to workout that hard if a fun activity wasn't involved (ie…
    in Hockey Comment by rapat January 2013
  • If she's just sitting there, then its a waste of her time. I'd be in favor of my (non existent) kids playing sports or other fun / physical activities (martial arts, dance, swimming, hiking) than running on a treadmill / lifting weights. Difference being that in sports the fitness is a byproduct of a fun activity. I'd…
  • I have a polar ft7. it tells me: workout time, calories burned current hr avg & max hr (after I stop) nothing fancy; it does the simple things above I need it to. I haven't ever tried getting the data to my computer (you need to buy some accessory for that) an I don't look at the weekly summaries. The chest transmitter…
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