

  • I use the natural peanut butter that you have to stir too as it doesn't contain any additives, just peanuts and a wee bit of salt. Who needs additives or extra oil in peanut butter? One note though, I've tried 3 separate brands versions of "Organic" and it isn't as tasty as the regular "natural" versions. Has anyone else…
  • Starting day 6 (I think) and am worried because today is my one whole day off per week and I tend to graze a lot. I've got lots of things to do laundry, cleaning etc. But I have to get to the gym and burn off my calories so this won't throw me over the top. Good luck everyone.
  • Obama gives me HOPE. I've been on edge for the past 8 years watching our "stock" around the world plummet and finally have hope that this team will- not get us back on track, but give us some new goals to set and make some long overdue CHANGES. Enough is right!
  • You don't sound like a geek at all, in fact, I just started thinking how I'd start being obsessive if I got one of those things, which I plan on doing soon. BTW which brand did you get? Good luck.
  • My favorite chocolate fix are the Weight Watchers Giant Fudge bars at 110 calories they just have the best overall flavor. A new treat I just fond are the vitabrownies at only 100 calories. Yum. Both I find in the freezer at my local Safeway. Good luck. Also, I too, just factor them into my calorie allotment as I cannot go…
  • I am currently using the light balsamic vinaigrette and it's YUMMY with only 45 calories for 2 TBSPs. Can't beat that. I also have a weakness for cakes and such and love weight watchers chocolate cake with chocolate icing or the lemon cake with lemon icing- only 90 calories each so I gotta have 2! Yea for me.
  • Today is a successful day 5! Yea! It's not over yet, I'm a late night gal, but I am feeling so good and strong that I know that I can do this. I'm aiming for our mini 10 day goal. And as for Sunday girls question as to what my triggers are, I'm not sure. I always want to start recording those times in a journal so that…
  • I was under the impression that it resets itself when you update your weight.
  • Well, how much do you weigh? And what type of exercise are you doing? I'm 164 so that's probably one reason right there. Otherwise maybe you're underestimating your range? Good luck.
  • So what type of apple do you use for this little recipe?
  • Ladies, ladies, what are you doing? I do an hour on the elitical and burn about 800 then some weights and stretching but 1100 and 1400? holy moses?! That's astounding. Honestly, I NEVER have a problem covering my calories as I'm currently only 1200 on my non workout days.... Tell me your secret workout regimes.... pretty…
  • Hey Wandering, I'll help you if you help me. I've been on lock down so to speak, for an event coming up and I want to lose 6 to 10 pounds in 5 weeks. My goal is to go the gym 6 days a week for an hour on the eliptical so that I can have enough calories on my diet so that I won't feel deprived. I have a random schedule that…
  • Good luck to you and your pooch. Keep coming back, it works.
  • I watched it and was expecting to hate it but was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I enjoyed all of the Kelly scenes and am going to keep watching to see where they go with it, I sure hope Tori comes back and Dylan and Brandon would round out the cast too, oh and Brian Austin Greene is a HOTTIE now.. hubba…
  • Ellelit, good luck. I agree with Anna about the protein. I was just thinking tonight how great and revolutionary this simple plan can be. I'm working out a lot (an hour of cardio a day) and find it really energizes me for the long haul to eat a lot of fiber with my protein. Like today I started out with only 1200 but I…
  • Yea! I feel so good today, today is day 4 and I am down a pound. SW 165 CW 164 GW 155 (mini goal for next month) I am still having tiny bits of the things I love, mostly chocolate, but abstaining from going overboard or over my calories. However, I've really been hitting the cardio at the gym so that helps. Dancer, you are…
  • Welcome! I wish you all the strength you need to see the changes in your life that need to be made. It's hard work, but the rewards are worth it. Remember nobody is perfect and we all mess up sometimes (or lots of times) but the trick is to get right back up after a fall or a misstep. Just keep doing what needs to be done…
  • Thanks! :tongue:
  • I have to agree with (almost) all of the ladies, I'm not feeling Serj but whatever blows your hair back... However, can someone let me in on how to add pictures here? Thanks! P.S. The guy who plays Don Draper from Mad Men is working his way up in my book, and if I were 20 years younger, Slilas from Weeds. :blushing:
  • Yes, um, I have to put in hard time on the eliptical in order to relax and eat like what I feel is a normal amount of calories. But I'm trying to lose 2 pounds per week right now so I only have 1200 before my workouts! Eat more nuts- they're healthy and loaded with calories!
  • I'm DVRing it myself, although my expectations are low as I remember how cheesetastic the original was. As alvdz noted, remember what Jennie's character alone went through, but I'm excited to see the old cast and I wish that Tori was in. Oh well, I hope it's fun.
    in 90210 Comment by clairegl September 2008
  • I feel you brother. If I don't reward myself then I feel deprived so it's better to dangle that carrot in front of me so that I can stay on track. I usually have a weight watchers giant fudge bar every night and then one night a week eat regularly for breakfast and lunch and my workout but then have a cheat dinner and…
  • Um, that's... interesting! I'm sure the back story there is CRAZY! And welcome back sir! :drinker:
  • I'm SO in! This is THE problem area for me. I eat healthfully at meals and then at night I just want to "reward" myself (or whatever emotion I'm suppressing at the moment) with whatever form of sugar I crave. So today will be day 1 for me too. Thanks for this brilliant idea Dancer33.:tongue:
  • Better in the garbage than on your *kitten*! Besides, rationalize by thinking that no one benefits nutritionally from chocolate cake. You are saving you from yourself so you're doing the right thing!
  • I can So relate to you here. I'm 5'8" and weigh 166 and have been trying to lose 15 pounds forever, I too have a giant sweet tooth. The things that help me are to plan my meals and snacks so that I'm never starving (bad decisions are made then) so I eat three meals with 2 snacks, but I always leave calories for my treats.…
  • miss sparkles, hi there. you mention your heart rate monitor. i have questions. i'm wondering if i should spring for one. you obviously wear it to work out, so what? then it can calculate for you the calories you've burned? Did you buy a fancy one? Thanks for the help.
  • I bring snacks of varying types to work so that I can eat every 3 hours approximately so I'm never too hungry and stay on track. I bring pre-measured almonds; pre-cut fruits, clif bars, pb&j on whole wheat; soups; string cheese; salads (target sells great containers) pre-made cottage cheese mixed with some sort of fruit;…