

  • I love love love milkshakes from Chic-Fil-A but they are so bad that I only allow myself one during my TOM. This makes me less pissy about getting TOM! Also, I take ginko a week before, during and a few days after TOM to help w/ bloat. Being in roller derby helps; knocking a ***** down does wonders!
  • I think cheat days are a way to fall off the wagon. So I try to allow one cheat meal a week (i don't always adhere to it though!) Maybe I'd better think about upping it to two cheat meals a week....?
  • Not so bad! Thanks!
  • Doesn't the chip come with it? Ugh $100 shoes and I still need to buy the chip. Effing Nike.
  • ummmm.....YESSSS! The idea is not onnly to lose weight but to also to healthy. Your body needs fiber, protien, vitamins.....
  • I don't drink soda, but maybe when you open a can pour some out frist so you don't drink it all.
  • I think forst and foremost you need to change your attitude about exercizing.
  • Iam giving up Whiskey! This is going to be tough since St. Patricls day and my birthday are during lent!!
  • Lost three inches! That's awesome!!! Don't get down on yourself. You've probably changed those lost inches into muscle !!!!
  • Next time use spaghetti squash instead. Huge difference in calories and very filling. nd it's in season right now!
  • It has been quite some time since I've been on depo but from what I remember it was awful. I recently tried the iud (w/o the hormones) and I love it! Lasts for tens years. Haven't really notices any side effects and it's been three months.
  • Rather than having a cheat day - I have maybe two cheat meals for the whole week. It's too easy to get carried away for a while day. (Although this never works for me during football season - that's when I allow Sundays to be the cheat day.) I also find that I overeat when I am relaxing at home. So I try to stay busy by…
  • Shoot! I've been kiddingmyself too! I've been eating so much least I'm making the right step by replacing deserts w/ fruit. Next step, cut down on the fruit. I must be really puffy! (I hope so at least!)
  • How was everyone's weekend? Do any skating? I had to go for a jog after scrimmage yesterday since there were so many people - I think I only got 20 minutes of skating at a two hour scrimmage. Boo.
  • I like to make potato bundles which entails gathering favorite veggies, herbs, and protein (if you like) cut them all up and wrap in foil. Throw this on the fire for an hour (rotating every so often) and enjoy. So yummy. Fresh rosemay is awesome in the bundles.
  • You should go to Derby Days - they'll teach you how to skate and you can see how your ankles hold up. So much fun. Or you could skate with the rebels - rec. league.
  • Hey ladies. Just wanted to share this site. It's for skiers, but I think it would help w/ derby as well.
  • I disagree w/ the low carb thing. Carbs are good for you - they help keep you full for longer. But you need to eat the right carbs. Brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal etc. Avoid eating all that processed stuff. There have been some articles about this recently - I am pretty sure Womoen's Health Mag. has one on their…
  • Well, I started a thread for skiiers/skaters. Maybe we can post something there since we are both curious about this!
  • I use it on baked potatos. It's delicious if you mix w/ fresh dill, dijon, lemon and put on top of mahi mahi.
  • I skate w/ RMRG in Denver. If you are wanting to join this group, post the league you skate with too. Freind request each other too. Derby love! Uh, I also don't know who to start a group - is that an option on here?
  • I'd like to join! But can I just aim for 7% loss? CW: 121.5 GW: 113 Height 5'2" Any for real snow bunnies out there? I ask because I am a skiier and a skater. While I am toning up, I am also getting huge thighs. Does anyone know of a good way to slim them down without loosing strength?
  • I drink Guiness which has not much more than 100 calories. Just don't make the mistake that I did - ordered a stout the other night thinking it was probably low cal like Guiness. NOT AT ALL!
  • An ex-boyfriend and I started giving blood on Valentine's Day. We didn't like the traditional stuff, so it might as well be painful right? We have since broken up but I'd like to keep this tradition alive. Then Valentine's Day isn't about me bwing alone in the midst of happy couples. Instead, it is about me helping someone…
  • I really like the strength workouts that Women's Health Magazine has on their wesite. When doing strength I try to avoid the weight machines and go for moves that hit more than one muscle group. Each week I find 6 new exercises. I'll do the first three follwed by jump roping for a minute then repeat up to four times. Then…
  • I'm 5'2" and 124. I lost about 10 lbs. this summer but gained it back. I'd like to get back to that weight and keep it off this time!
  • Maybe join a sports team - soccer, football, basketball......anything that doesn't necessarily feel lik exercise. But teams are good - helps keep you accountable!
  • I agree, but if my fat is changing to muscle, shouldn'nt my clothes be fitting differently? I feel likey they are tight as always.
  • I usually eat a partfait (fogurt, granola and fruit) for breakfast (w/o working out before hand). You might need to eat more since b-fast is so important and since you just worked out. I would also add some sort of carb.
  • Ugh. I have that problem too! I just ate veggies and and egg for hour later at the sandwich i brought for lunch. How emarassing. I am literally hungry all the time. It;s not so bad b/c I have a high metabolosm and workout everyday but I can never seem to stay under 1200 calories!! What the hell?
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