Does what you eat matter?

My question is... does it matter what I eat as long as it is with in the calories allowed for the day. example.. if I have 250 cals left over for the day... could I eat a chocolate bar at 250 cals? Any time I have ever had a chocolate bar while on diet I have always thought of that as a failure. Help


  • namrettik
    For me, so far, it doesn't seem to matter too much. I may stay the same weight for a couple days after some fast food, but other days after fast food, I keep losing like normal. I get the feeling it's going to matter more when I get into the healthy BMI range.
  • namrettik
    For me, so far, it doesn't seem to matter too much. I may stay the same weight for a couple days after some fast food, but other days after fast food, I keep losing like normal. I get the feeling it's going to matter more when I get into the healthy BMI range.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    it matters if you are trying to train your body to crave healthy foods with nutritional value instead of junk foods with no nutrional value, just calories.
  • AdamA
    AdamA Posts: 15
    You have so many better options for the 250 calaries left other than a chocolate bar. I know in the past the better food I eat the better I feel. Maybe use the choclate bar as a reward for a great week of healthy eating, if you even need it at all. Good Luck.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    my attitude last year was well "whats heavier a tonne of feathers or a tonne of bricks?" well if they are both a tonne they are both the same, and I applied that to food as well, if they are both 250 cals then they are both the same (if its only calories your watching) but then I learnt that there's "good" calories and "bad" calories.

    I still eat the odd takeaway (very rare compared to the 3 times a week I was used to now its once a month or so) and I still have the odd frozen pizza because I am on a limited food budget and sometimes have to eat freezer food - but as long as its in moderation and you still come within your calories for the day then I don't see why not.

    I could be wrong though so will follow this with interest.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Don't always look at the calories...You have to take into consideration everythin' else, fats, trans fats, sodium, carbs and sugars...

    You be better off fillin' your tummy with Oatmeal or somethin' along those lines....Not JUNK food
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    It matters in a nutritional sense... but not calorie wise. You can lose weight still eating junk, but your body could end up lacking in vital nutrients.

    But I love chocolate and won't deny myself what I crave, so, come to a compromise, have a treat size chocolate bar for less than 100 cals and use the other 150 for something that will be good for you. Nuts, dried fruits etc. I have a 'big' treat on Sundays and allow myself a full chocolate bar or slice of cake etc. Then it's only once a week that i'm choosing to have empty calories and I am guilt free!
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    The big question is, are you really hungry or just craving junk. Technically, it doesn't matter because a 3500 calorie deficit = 1 pound lost. Realistically, we need to break our junk food habits and quit rewarding ourselves with food.

    I personally like to undershoot my calorie targets most days then not fret about having occasional cake and ice cream at a birthday party.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes, it ABSOLUTELY matters. Think of it this way. Say there are 250 calories in a chocolate bar. There are also 250 calories in 4 ounces of grilled chicken with a side of grilled vegetables. What is going to keep you fuller longer?

    You HAVE to look beyond calories. The chicken has at most 3-4 grams of fat, while the chocolate bar has upwards of 10-15. Also, there is zero fiber (keeps you full!) in the chocolate, whereas the other option has probably around 5. The chocolate also has several tablespoons of sugar-- the chicken, probably none.

    So that's the surface level stuff......but you have to look at it in the grand scheme of things. You can eat 1200 calories of only chocolate everyday-- but do you have any idea what the inside of your body will look like?! Eating like that will clog arteries, cause diabetes, hypertension, and deprives the body of important nutrients and minerals.

    Try to think in terms of QUALITY, not QUANTITY.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Yes, it ABSOLUTELY matters. Think of it this way. Say there are 250 calories in a chocolate bar. There are also 250 calories in 4 ounces of grilled chicken with a side of grilled vegetables. What is going to keep you fuller longer?

    You HAVE to look beyond calories. The chicken has at most 3-4 grams of fat, while the chocolate bar has upwards of 10-15. Also, there is zero fiber (keeps you full!) in the chocolate, whereas the other option has probably around 5. The chocolate also has several tablespoons of sugar-- the chicken, probably none.

    So that's the surface level stuff......but you have to look at it in the grand scheme of things. You can eat 1200 calories of only chocolate everyday-- but do you have any idea what the inside of your body will look like?! Eating like that will clog arteries, cause diabetes, hypertension, and deprives the body of important nutrients and minerals.

    Try to think in terms of QUALITY, not QUANTITY.

  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    It does matter, and if you are serious about leading a healthier life drop that chocolate bar now. Go for some fruit and just because you have extra calories left over does not mean you have to eat them if you aren't hungry. I tend to usually have calories left and i will eat if i'm hungry but not if im not hungry.
  • derbygirl90
    The idea is not onnly to lose weight but to also to healthy. Your body needs fiber, protien, vitamins.....
  • Mrs_McFadden
  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    very interesting thread!! thanks for starting it :)
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    At the moment as I've only been doing this for a week, I am more concentrating on my calorie intake. I have a chocolate bar or something sweet every day, but I'm always within or below my calories for the day... apart from yesterday cos I had a binge on chocolate and didn't do any exercise! Oops!

    Today I bought some reduced cal and fat ice cream to have with fruit instead of chocolate! 60 cals for 2 scoops compared to 300+ on 3 KitKats!!

    Of course it's better to eat healthily - but isn't that what being healthy is about, having a varied diet? I'm not going to deprive myself of things. This week I've lost 1.5" off my waist and 0.5" off my hips, while still having a pizza and chocolate etc...
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I agree it does matter. but it's so hard to make the change all at once. I eat at least one cookie ot bit size candy or 1/2 a cup of ice cream a day but I try to keep teh rest of my food healthy. I also get mcdonalds or chick-fil-a every once in awhile too. You have to be able to stick with the eating life style for it to make a difference. So eat a bit size cany if you're craving it. but don't use food as a reward and stop and think abou tit before you eat it. Good Luck!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    From just a weight loss sense, then no it does not matter. But as others have stated, if you want to be healthy and fit then there probably are better options. If you did this once in a while it wouldn't hurt you one bit. Its what you consistently do that is key.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    However I don't live off junk, haha. I eat healthier foods than I was before, but still eat soemthing sweet once a day or whatever too.
  • callipygianchronicle
    Lots of good advice already. And yes, from what I’ve read from the various success stories—people who have lost 60 pounds or more—as you get toward those last 10 to 15 pounds, what you eat starts to matter significantly. The less weight you have to lose, the more eating wholesome, balanced foods matters. Better to train your tongue and your body to like different kinds of stimulants now, than after you have been at this for months and hit an unmoving plateau. What you eat also affects your body composition dramatically. Eating poorly will make you “skinny fat” but never “skinny fit.”