Good camping foods

So i am going camping soon and i need to stay away from foods that are usually high in cholesterol and fat. The only thing i can think of that is camp worthy is some stews. Anyone have any good ideas on camping food that is healthy and not out of place with the setting?


  • MartyDiller
    MartyDiller Posts: 48 Member
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,020 Member
    You could do turkey sandwiches, soups, egg white omelets,marinara sauce over pasta, turkey chili,grilled chicken or fish with vegetables and salads.and for snacks fruit, rice cakes, popcorn, fat free hot cocoa, baked lays, beef jerky I hope this helps enjoy
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    You can make:

    Potato packets with minced garlic and onions--I usually use butter in them butyou can spray them with cooking/grilling spray.
    grilled chicken breasts
    grilled portabella mushrooms-marinated in vinegartte dressing
    grilled zuchhini, eggplant etc...
    turkey burgers ( has a yummy on their site)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Are you car camping or backcountry? If you have a cooler available, you can go with turkey burgers, salmon burgers, chicken sausage, whole wheat buns, mustard.
  • derbygirl90
    I like to make potato bundles which entails gathering favorite veggies, herbs, and protein (if you like) cut them all up and wrap in foil. Throw this on the fire for an hour (rotating every so often) and enjoy. So yummy. Fresh rosemay is awesome in the bundles.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I love camping!

    Breakfast: varies--I like Kashi Go Lean cereal, good cereal and keeps me going until lunch. If you are cooking everything, then scrambled eggs usually go well with some toast (whole grain). If you are adventurous, you can do omelets, but I tend to feel that the prep is time consuming out there in the woods!

    Lunch: we usually do some sandwiches in the sandwich makers. 2 slices of whole grain bread, then stuff it with your favorite sandwich fixings. Deli meat cut up into smaller bits, some shredded cheese (we use Kraft Fat Free shredded cheese). I always bring a bag of apples along, too.

    Dinner: anything that you like to grill. I have done easy things like burgers and dogs, but I also like grilling chix breast, fish/seafood, etc. I have done big bay scallops in a grill basket--delicious! I cut up veggies and wrap them up in a foil pouch, then season and toss into the campfire coals.