Don't know how/if I can give up my diet sodas

I've been really good for 2 weeks now at limiting portions. I have resisted extra treats, evening snacking, even made it through a Sunday trip to Costco without eating a single sample (opting instead for the chicken caesar salad with only half the dressing packet provided).

But I don't think I can give up my diet soda. It's mostly Diet Pepsi, but occasionally some Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper.

At the same time I would love to be rid of this vice. Has anyone else successfully broken this addiction and how did you do it?


  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I stopped cold turkey.....I was a huge Diet Pepsi/Diet Dr. Pepper freak. I stopped cold turkey and every time I wanted one told myself it made me feel bloated and it was terrible for me. I felt so much better when I gave up the diet soda and trust me you will too. I stopped smoking the same way..........Now I don't even crave pop. Good luck!!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    How about starting out by setting a mini-goal of some sort... go all week without one and reward yourself with one on Friday night. Or something like that! Good luck!
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I used to have a can (or more) of diet coke just about every single day. I stopped drinking it cold turkey and replaced it with water and I feel so much better! I used to be exhausted by the end of the day every day but now I'm energized and I feel great. It gets easier as time goes on and occassionally I do have one but it's only when I feel like it and not NEARLY as often as I used to. Maybe one every 2 weeks at most. I feel so much better and if you give it up I bet you will too!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I was a Diet Coke fanatic. I gave it up cold turkey. I substituted seltzer water with lemon etc. It's amazing how icky it tastes now. Yuck. And when I say addict I mean it. I had at least one 44 oz big gulp every day.

    Just have to bite the bullet and do it. The chemicals in the soda is just horrible. :)
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Dont psych yourself out about it! I didnt think I could give it up, well ok, I still dont think I can give it up completly (I like my captin diets). I used to drink a can a day. I have noticed (after 3 months) that I dont crave it nearly as much anymore! It takes me forever to drink a can even! So in the last lets say 5 days, Ive had 2 cans of pop. Im guessing in the next few months that will be reduced even more.
    Good luck!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I quit pop easily enough but I was hooked on Crystal LIght.
    I just gave it up cold turkey on Monday.

    I don't do well with moderation. I need to eliminate certain problem foods/drinks in order to lose the taste for them.

    Good Luck with this!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I gave it up cold turkey too. Just stopped. Can't remember the last time I had a soda. Sometimes I'll have a sip of someones just to see how it is and it tastes so horrible to me.

    My husband is/was a HUGE soda addict. He started drinking these carbonated waters, La Croix. No sugar, no sweetener of any kind. Just carbonated water and fruit flavor. He said it has really helped. He found he was actually craving the fizz of the soda, especially with a meal. This has helped greatly.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I stopped cold turkey.....I was a huge Diet Pepsi/Diet Dr. Pepper freak. I stopped cold turkey and every time I wanted one told myself it made me feel bloated and it was terrible for me. I felt so much better when I gave up the diet soda and trust me you will too. I stopped smoking the same way..........Now I don't even crave pop. Good luck!!

    I should add I drank at least 4-5 cans a day!
  • elcyclista
    Have less and less servings per week until you're at a point where transition between diet sodas and nothing but water becomes seamless.

    Ride a bicycle at 20 mph for extended amounts of time and you will want nothing but water afterwards. XD
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I just stopped buying it for at home. I only get a diet soda now if we eat out, which is like only once or twice a month. I love the bubbles and the taste so its a special treat. Its actually been nice not having it at home cause I was drinking that over water and it was costing us lots of $$
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Ah ... thanks Randee. That's me, too (3-5 a day).

    Thanks for the tips, everyone. If nothing else, y'all got my back!
  • jahnlaw
    jahnlaw Posts: 95 Member
    I used to drink "diet" coke 3-4+ 20oz bottles a day but rarely drink any now. I didn't stop cold turkey becaused it seemed that this was it was how I hydrated and that I was addicted to the caffeine.

    I didn't tell myself id never have it again but promised myself that id always have a big glass of water before a soda. More often than not I didn't crave the soda after I drank the water. Next I promised no soda with meals and stuck with water or tea. Finally I upped my consumption of coffee and tea to replace the cafeine addiction.

    I rarely drink sodas but enjoy a full calorie coke on special occaisions. Unlike DC, the real thing satiates. Btw I put "diet" in quotes because it seemed to hinder my weight loss
  • ginnyroxx
    i still love diet coke, but like the others quit cold turkey.

    now i like to use them as rewards. when i lost 10 pounds - i got a Large diet coke from McDonalds. (my fave)

    funny thing is now...they don't taste so good :\
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I used to drink 4-5 cans of regular coke / pepsi daily. I stopped cold turkey because I realized that I'd rather drink free, 0 calorie water (notice I put free first), than spend the money on pop. I had already started losing weight at this time and decided drinking 500+ calories a day (calories that could come from good food) is something I could do without. The funny part about this story is I was still living at home at the time and it took my mom a month to figure out I wasn't drinking the pop she was buying me :laugh: .
  • derbygirl90
    I don't drink soda, but maybe when you open a can pour some out frist so you don't drink it all.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I am an RN, worked the night shift for years and years, and simply couldn't get through a 12 or 16 or 18 hour night shift without several Diet Cokes! However I've been off nights for the last 2 years, and recently started a M-F office-type job.

    I decided last year to get off the Diet Coke. Before, when I was drinking 8-32 oz/day, I used to HAVE TO HAVE a few Tums in my pocket AT ALL TIMES for my occasional "heartburn". I was probably chewing a Tums 3-4 times EVERY DAY. Well, guess what? No Diet Coke = NO HEARTBURN! Can't remember the last time I even chewed a Tums for relief - it completely went away when I got off Diet Coke!

    I will admit I occasionally drink one for a treat, maybe twice a month. But even then I have to watch the volume, it simply upsets my stomach now if I drink too much! I drink water and tea - mostly black Chai--type tea bags but have found some terrific Chai Green tea that I really love. (Again, tea BAGS, not the "mix", don't like those!) I also love the carbonated water and fresh lime - yummy!

    If you decide to stop altogether, you can expect to expience headaches caused by caffeine-withdrawl. Take some Motrin to treat the headaches as needed, they'll go away after 2-3 days.

    I have a small fridge in my office, and I have ONE CAN of Diet Coke in there. Every afternoon when I think I want it, I just say, hmmm, you know, I think I'll save that for tomorrow. It's been there for a month..... :-)

    Good luck! :drinker:

  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Why do you want to give it up completely? Just curious.

    I used to drink 3-4 a day like you and I wasn't getting enough water. For the past two months I have averaged 1 12 oz can of caffeine free diet coke every day. It's kind of like a treat for me after dinner. I drink milk in the morning, 4-6 cups of water while at work, 1 iced tea for lunch, 1 can of soda after dinner, and 2-4 more cups of water in the evening. I don't see a reason to cut the one soda out at all personally. I think if you drink it in moderation then you will be fine. Oh and I don't log it and I've still lost 13 pounds in 6 1/2 weeks.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    I want to give up Diet Coke. I have about 2 cans a day. I struggle because I'm teetotal, so if I go out I always end up ordering a Diet Coke!
    I have about 4 cans left in my fridge and I'm not buying anymore. I'm just going to try and stick to water but it's going to be hard.
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Try getting some fizzy water (I forget what it is called at the moment, but its carbonate) and add spritz of lime juice, or a sliced lime/lemon, mint leaf(ves) or any other'll feel like you're drinking soda!