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  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thanks Neo and Polo. I know i just need to do it. I know that i can, I just need to get at it. that is my goal for the week. Continue to do well with eating, and get at least 2 1/2 hour sessions in. Im gonna walk tuesday and thursday and come home and do some lifting.
  • Cinlan
    Cinlan Posts: 12
    "running around a kitchen for 6 hrs" sounds like a pretty good workout to me. My nephew is a chef, and I know there are miles on his shoes every day. Do you have a pedometer? Perhaps you (like me) want results too quickly. I suggest this: take stock of your real exercise (without added efforts) and log that on MFP. Watch the trend for a few days. Remember that you burn 11 calories per hour chewing gum (it's true) and every one of them lost counts against your day's total. If you're sampling as your cooking, stop. Or record every last half spoon you taste. For me the tedium of logging has caused me to just not eat some things.

    Sounds like your motivation is there, the will is in place, and the support is right here online. Yes, you can, and we're here to help you along the way.

    ETA: P.S. I lived in the Syracuse area for 22 years. I'm not going out at -2 either and I know you've got windchill, too!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    "running around a kitchen for 6 hrs" sounds like a pretty good workout to me. My nephew is a chef, and I know there are miles on his shoes every day. Do you have a pedometer? Perhaps you (like me) want results too quickly. I suggest this: take stock of your real exercise (without added efforts) and log that on MFP. Watch the trend for a few days. Remember that you burn 11 calories per hour chewing gum (it's true) and every one of them lost counts against your day's total. If you're sampling as your cooking, stop. Or record every last half spoon you taste. For me the tedium of logging has caused me to just not eat some things.

    Sounds like your motivation is there, the will is in place, and the support is right here online. Yes, you can, and we're here to help you along the way.


    Thank you cindy! And yes, im sure that i lose calories while cooking (1, its warm in there so i sweat, and 2, i run around like crazy during busy times) I should look into a pedometer, and i just ordered a heart rate monitor. i've never thought to count that as "exercise" because its my daily life. and no, i don't do much tasting at the restaurant, my downfall would be to eat a few french fries throughout the night, but i've cut that out. I do a lot of prep and sautee/flat grill work, so im constantly running to the freezer, fridge, and outside storage garage. I think a pedometer is the next item on my list.
  • vicster9727
    Another "exercise" is dancing... I just got Just Dance for the Wii and I told my husband, now you have no excuse
    you have to dance with me, plus I think the laughter burns even more calories... Do this with your wife instead of watching TV.
    My hubby has absolutely no interest in dance or music, but this is a great workout and fun "together" time.

    Use your lunch hour to walk, I'm pretty certain that some of your fellow workers would love to walk instead of eating at their desk, etc.

    My best motivation.... competition with my hubby who got me started here on MFP. He is whipping me on pounds lost, but not BMI.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I picked up my T/M at a pawn shop for $50. If you have the room for one it would be a time saver for you. Mine is a fold-up model so it takes up less space when not in use. is a good site for searches b/c it'll search eBay and craigslist for the whole lower 48 all at the same time. I've seen some real deals on there! I'm just waiting til I have some money to spare to get a bowflex revolution. I've seen them on there for as low as $400 (barely used) for a machine that was $3,000 new. My T/M upgrade of choice is a NordicTrack x7i.... $2,000 new, usually $1,000 on there. I just saw one on there that lasted a month b/c of the way it was listed and they got frustrated and dropped it from $1,000 to $500!!!

    It's time to start making one small change every week or two. B4 you know it you'll look back and not recognize your old way of doing things. Chin up pal !!
  • antipholous
    Hey man, it's all about how bad you want it. There are all sorts of things in life we don't want to do, but we have to do them anyway. The difference between your work-out and...say...jury duty, is one is mandatory while the other one isn't. Think of working out like jury duty if you have to, but you HAVE to do it on the days you say you will. There is no laying on the couch option. This is not multiple choice. You have to have the will power to make you do it whether you feel like it, have time, or not.

    There are days I get off work and I just want to go home, crack a beer, and sit on my *kitten* for the whole night, but I know I can't do that. I have a goal, and I'm going to achieve it. If you feel as strongly as I do about your weight loss, you can tell yourself to do anything you want.

    Think of all the reasons you want to lose weight (and you'll need damn good ones to make it work), and then remind yourself of those everyday. Psych yourself up in the mirror. Talk to yourself at work. Mark the calendar. Have friends hold you accountable. Put little post-its on your steering wheel. Whatever it takes to get you excited, and do it. There's no easy answer, but that's really the long and short of it. How bad do you want it?

    On a plus note, after working out becomes more of a hobby and less of a prison sentence, you will feel better after you're done. Often times I feel drained from work, hit the gym, and I'm energized by the time I leave. Everyday I don't work out feels a little off beat to me now. My body wants it. You'll get there eventually, just keep at it and don't give up. You don't want to go back to the weight you were at.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Hey man, it's all about how bad you want it. There are all sorts of things in life we don't want to do, but we have to do them anyway. The difference between your work-out and...say...jury duty, is one is mandatory while the other one isn't. Think of working out like jury duty if you have to, but you HAVE to do it on the days you say you will. There is no laying on the couch option. This is not multiple choice. You have to have the will power to make you do it whether you feel like it, have time, or not.

    There are days I get off work and I just want to go home, crack a beer, and sit on my *kitten* for the whole night, but I know I can't do that. I have a goal, and I'm going to achieve it. If you feel as strongly as I do about your weight loss, you can tell yourself to do anything you want.

    Think of all the reasons you want to lose weight (and you'll need damn good ones to make it work), and then remind yourself of those everyday. Psych yourself up in the mirror. Talk to yourself at work. Mark the calendar. Have friends hold you accountable. Put little post-its on your steering wheel. Whatever it takes to get you excited, and do it. There's no easy answer, but that's really the long and short of it. How bad do you want it?

    On a plus note, after working out becomes more of a hobby and less of a prison sentence, you will feel better after you're done. Often times I feel drained from work, hit the gym, and I'm energized by the time I leave. Everyday I don't work out feels a little off beat to me now. My body wants it. You'll get there eventually, just keep at it and don't give up. You don't want to go back to the weight you were at.

    Thanks bro. Everything you said is 100% true, i think i just found everything to be a bit overwhelming. and after i just "took this weekend off" to recharge, im going to work out this week, at least twice, possibly more. Im going to make small changes to get more active like walking on work breaks, and if the weather doesn't completely suck, walking to my 2nd job which is a 1/2 mile away so I'd at least be walking a mile- 3days a week.
  • EmSpad
    EmSpad Posts: 1
    Wow Phil, you got so many hits on this I didn't finish reading them so if someone else offered this, I'm sorry to repeat it. What worked & still works for me are 3 things: music, SCHEDULING workout time, & saying to myself, "Ok fine, I really don't feel like working out but 5 minutes is not going to kill me..." after those 5 mins, my energy level starts to soar & I almost always finish the whole thing. If I don't, I don't & I will next time! Good luck!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Wow Phil, you got so many hits on this I didn't finish reading them so if someone else offered this, I'm sorry to repeat it. What worked & still works for me are 3 things: music, SCHEDULING workout time, & saying to myself, "Ok fine, I really don't feel like working out but 5 minutes is not going to kill me..." after those 5 mins, my energy level starts to soar & I almost always finish the whole thing. If I don't, I don't & I will next time! Good luck!
    thanks! i definitely need to step my game up and stop making excuses.

    Its far to easy to be fat and lazy.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Definitely hang in there and don't give up. Recommend focusing in on the mornng time to get your exercise in. Given your erractic work schedule, what may be even more important is that you get your required rest first. High stress levels can impact your exercise results.

    You'll also have to focus extremely hard on your diet (something you can manage even when busy). Eat clean, determine/track your calories, and drink plenty of water. Take walks during your breaks at work or go up and down some steps.

    Let me know how your progress!

  • LonnaRox
    LonnaRox Posts: 38 Member
    When I have days or weeks like that, I break up my exercise into four 15 minute sessions and scatter them throughout the day. I can usually summon the energy to do 15 minutes of something physical ... sometimes my 15 minutes is a brisk walk around the office complex. Good luck!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Definitely hang in there and don't give up. Recommend focusing in on the mornng time to get your exercise in. Given your erractic work schedule, what may be even more important is that you get your required rest first. High stress levels can impact your exercise results.

    You'll also have to focus extremely hard on your diet (something you can manage even when busy). Eat clean, determine/track your calories, and drink plenty of water. Take walks during your breaks at work or go up and down some steps.

    Let me know how your progress!

    Yeah, Im already focused on the diet. that is fine. im always under my calorie goal. I need to just step up the exercise as my weight loss has stalled.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    I think you should give yourself a break..... for a while. You have lost a lot of weight in a small amount of time and that is amazing. Your body is probably adjusting to that tha any of us who having been trying to loose weight know how much energy and time it takes to sort out the food buying and ensuring we check ourselves re the amount of calories.

    I am kind of where you are and was starting to beat myself up re not getting moving as much as I thought but ..... I have decided to give myself a couple more weeks to get myself into gear. Be kind to yourself, congratulate yourself of the positive of the weight loss and then, with the vit B tablets others have mentioned your 'system' will catch up with your change, it is a big change, don't underestimate it, and then you will do it.

    If you beat yourself up for not doing it now, it may scupper your progress. We don't want that now do we. Eat good food, take your vitamins (if you so wish), feel better, and enjoy this easing in time. There is time for exercise, just spend a little time planning what you will do next month, not today. Good luck!
  • leastwood
    If what you are doing is temporary to obtain a goal, a number on a scale, then in the end you will fail. It must be a "change", not a temporary diet. Once the diet is over, then you go back to eating all the wrong things and gain it all back. Change is hard, but it can be done. Focus on what you want to be, you have the power to change who you are. I want to be healthy, active, and happy. No one can do this for me, I have to do the work in order to gain that for myself. If I can do this, so can you. Love yourself enough to change into the person you want to be.
    Two years learning this. Have I got it, am I there yet? No, change is very hard to do. But I will not give up. I am going to change. I can be who I want to be. Learning that I not only have the power to change, but the only thing holding me back was me - AWESOME MOMENT. You can do anything you set your mind to do.
  • classiclady59
    Hi Phil,

    I do know your dilemma. You are caught in the same catch 22 that I am. No energy to work out but if I would start working out I woudl increase my energy. You do put in a lot of working hours. Are your jobs stressful? Maybe if you rethink the reason for the workout it might help. Exercise is great for reducing stress. Do you journal your intake and your exercise. It is amazing how much better you do if you make the one person that matters most accountable, YOU.

    I also know how it feels to have a workout program that you wish you could do but can't because you can't keep up with it. I have a Wii Fit too. I just recently got the Biggest Loser Workout and tried it out for the first time, it is do-able. I f I can do it I know you should be able to as well. I need to lose 120 lbs, I can't do a lot of things becasue of my weight but I can do this. Don't give up, keep it up. If you will so will I. I know we will be so happy we did. Anne
  • techcommdood
    techcommdood Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Phil,

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, lost weight enough to warrant throwing the t-shirt away, gained the weight back, and am now earning another t-shirt. LOL!

    Honestly, you're being a bit too ambitious out of the gate. At least, that's what I found with myself as well. Do too much too early and you'll beat yourself into bagging it. Focus on exercise on your days off if you're working 60+ hours a week. If you work 2 jobs and don't get much time off, plan to work out on the days your jobs don't overlap (if they do).

    Also, start off small. Plan 2 workouts a week, and count a workout as 30 minutes of doing something, whether it be walking, Wii, dusting off the weights (maybe using them, too... LOL!). Focus more on your intake. Make what you eat really count. Avoid the processed junk (even the "diet" stuff) and eat lean meats, fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and whole grains. You don't need to go "organic" (much of it's a sham anyway), just real.

    Stay within your calorie goal and move 30 minutes x 2 times a week. Log it. Share it. Then, if you can do that consistently for a few weeks, you'll likely naturally gravitate toward more movement. Make it 30 x 3. And so on. Build the momentum. After all, a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion. It's physics, man!

    Whatever you decide to do, good luck to you! I'm back on the wagon after gaining 40 lbs back from my personal best (years ago). I plan to shatter my personal best, but it's a long road. Still, it's a road worth taking.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Hey Phil,

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, lost weight enough to warrant throwing the t-shirt away, gained the weight back, and am now earning another t-shirt. LOL!

    Honestly, you're being a bit too ambitious out of the gate. At least, that's what I found with myself as well. Do too much too early and you'll beat yourself into bagging it. Focus on exercise on your days off if you're working 60+ hours a week. If you work 2 jobs and don't get much time off, plan to work out on the days your jobs don't overlap (if they do).

    Also, start off small. Plan 2 workouts a week, and count a workout as 30 minutes of doing something, whether it be walking, Wii, dusting off the weights (maybe using them, too... LOL!). Focus more on your intake. Make what you eat really count. Avoid the processed junk (even the "diet" stuff) and eat lean meats, fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and whole grains. You don't need to go "organic" (much of it's a sham anyway), just real.

    Stay within your calorie goal and move 30 minutes x 2 times a week. Log it. Share it. Then, if you can do that consistently for a few weeks, you'll likely naturally gravitate toward more movement. Make it 30 x 3. And so on. Build the momentum. After all, a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion. It's physics, man!

    Whatever you decide to do, good luck to you! I'm back on the wagon after gaining 40 lbs back from my personal best (years ago). I plan to shatter my personal best, but it's a long road. Still, it's a road worth taking.

    Thanks for the add! we can definitely keep each other accountable. Thanks for the post, it made a lot of sense, and you were right, i think i was too ambitious out of the gate.
  • techcommdood
    techcommdood Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the add! we can definitely keep each other accountable. Thanks for the post, it made a lot of sense, and you were right, i think i was too ambitious out of the gate.

    Hey, we both have a long way to go (my goal isn't even to "normal" BMI, just to a weight at which I'll reassess things, but a very healthy weight). This isn't a race, it's a journey. Hopefully it's not round-trip (again)!!!
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    The more I stay on track with exercising, the more energy I have - but it takes getting so it's a habit. It takes a while, but you can get there.

    In a pinch, I run in place while watching tv. I bought a treadmill, which is worth the money if you use it.

    You can do this - I promise you!
  • derbygirl90
    Maybe join a sports team - soccer, football, basketball......anything that doesn't necessarily feel lik exercise. But teams are good - helps keep you accountable!