Hungry all the time?

I have been doing really well the last three weeks making sure I am doing some serious workout time and keeping my calories down. For some reason the last few days I am just seriously hungry all the time! I wake up hungry and can't seem to get enough to eat. Anybody else out there ran into this? :sad:

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  • htdavidson
    I seem to be alot hungrier if I have the kind of breakfast I'm supposed to have.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    That usually happens to me when I first start working out. My body just isn't used to burning extra calories and it thinks it needs to eat more to make up for what I burn. But it usually goes away within a week or two.

    Just make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables and eat snacks with protein. Whole grains and high fiber help keep you full for longer too. And drink lots of water.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Well, I can't see your diary; try again more lean meats, proteins, complex carbs -

    Also you might not be eating ENOUGH to sustain your weight loss. Either way, there is a reason you are hungry. :)

    Trick: If you think you are hungry, imagine a steak. If you would eat it, you are hungry. Then try with an apple. If you answer NO then you might just be having cravings.

    Also thirst can sometimes mimic hunger; try drinking more.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • thompskl
    thompskl Posts: 3 Member
    Try to eat 3 smaller meals everyday, along with 2 snacks. Get lots of fiber and protein, especially at breakfast so it will fill you up in the morning. Cottage cheese is a great snack as well! This way, you're constantly feeding your body, and there's less chance that you will get super hungry between meals and binge at your next one!
  • miss_martin
    I've actually been that way most of my life. LOL... but I've found that eating smaller meals w/snacks in between helps. I've started keeping protein shakes with me at work for my snacks. I was amazed by how well they work and how full they actually made me feel.
  • fluffypbunny
    fluffypbunny Posts: 11 Member
    I've been working out pretty steady for the last 4 months. I think the only difference is that I added a fifth day and started working out in the morning. I eat alot of fruit and veggies and snack on nuts! I have almost wondered if my extra focus in the gym has kicked up my muscle mass and maybe making me a little more hungry!
  • fluffypbunny
    fluffypbunny Posts: 11 Member
    I snack all the time but I just can't bring myself to eating cottage cheese LOL I hope it is because my metabolism has boosted!!!!!
  • hooks1953
    I don't stick to a certain regime. I have a glass of water with every piece of fruit I eat. I chew a lot of gum and I only eat when I know I am hungry. Not when I think I am. Habit sometimes make us eat and it is not always necessary. I tried having breakfast every morning because they say it is an the most important meal of the day but I am hardly ever hungry then. I would also do a few small meals but I would gain wait. So now, I start with coffee in the morning and if I feel like it in a few hours I add a piece of fruit and follow everything with a full glass of water. It works for me. Plus I exercise from 90 mins to 2 hours daily. I have been doing this for more than a year and it is working for me.
  • fluffypbunny
    fluffypbunny Posts: 11 Member
    I hope my body is not just telling me to be hungry all the time... THAT would be rude!!!!!!!! I usually work out at 5AM for about 90 minutes so I know I need to eat a little something after that so I usually have yogurt with a piece of fruit. I Hope it's just a temporary thing!
  • dirkfour4
    dirkfour4 Posts: 9 Member
    I agreed with most of the posts here. Check your 'resting' suggested calories (use the MFP guide).

    If you are exercising 90 to 120 every day then you'll notice that your MFP suggests you add calories to compensate for those that you burned.

    If you are not doing that then your body will quit building muscle mass and start burning the muscle instead. That's when you get into a lot of trouble.

    Lots of water! I do believe in that. You can eat all you want you know? Just choose vegetables over hamburgers and french fries :)

    Hang in there and good luck!
  • derbygirl90
    I hope my body is not just telling me to be hungry all the time... THAT would be rude!!!!!!!! I usually work out at 5AM for about 90 minutes so I know I need to eat a little something after that so I usually have yogurt with a piece of fruit. I Hope it's just a temporary thing!

    I usually eat a partfait (fogurt, granola and fruit) for breakfast (w/o working out before hand). You might need to eat more since b-fast is so important and since you just worked out.
    I would also add some sort of carb.