guidothecat Member


  • ^^ this...and it is hard to judge since the HRM do not work for us. Go with your best guess and err on the lower side of a burn? I have been on a beta blocker for 25+ years now with SVT, keeps the blood pressure low, a bit too low sometimes?
  • ::I posted this to the OP in a message, but then I though about it, and it needs to be posted?:: Here is my background with the military...I was born on a base (Air Force) my older brother was born on a base. I have lived all over the united states and Europe. It was a blast...but on the other hand I can't remember most of…
  • oh, love fennel, never tried it with olives. Bet it was great!
  • I travel a bit for work.. peanut butter and whole apples (pack a knife in your suitcase to get through security) nuts are good too, a whole avocado doesn't need refrigeration (just pack it well so it doesn't get smushed?) ...and not with your laptop either...:noway: tinned tuna, salmon, the like... I get pre-packaed…
  • I agree with the fennel, I drink it in a tea...I also get my fiber in daily (don't always log it?) but the old man grit (as I call it helps keeps things slowed down for me) old man orange Metamucil seems to work for me, the sugar free stuff is not good for me, so I get the 'leaded' sugared stuff. If I miss a few days of…
  • I don't weigh at home, only at my DR. (I have other issues) but being free of the scale is empowering to me. I go more on how my clothes fit, and my shoes...seriously lost weight in my darn feet (WTH?) But not here to actually lose weight (which I have) but to keep the strength I have and to gain strength (a bit older now)…
  • eh, 42 going on 23, never married, have one daughter and she has given me grandkids (yup go the darn carseat in the back of my car WTH?) but travel a bit for work, my life is my own now...I think I am at my goal weight now, just struggling to put back on some muscle so my jiggle bits don't turn into the wobbly bits? And…
  • listen to fppalmer...nutrition is the need fats and carbs and such. They enable you to absorb vitamins and micro nutrients, which I assume (sorry if wrong) that your hair is brittle, your fingernails are brittle and your face is breaking it out, not to mention the loss of the TOM?-common deficiency signs) but a…
  • well I am not advanced as some of you, :smokin: but currently my favorites are cobra and tree. And I am learning to appreciate wheel. Cobra is a basic move I know, but it does wonders for the stress in my back/shoulders, working up to the inverted poses, but not going to rush it either (even as a kid I couldn't do a…
  • I like this one for a great Hatha stretch (I don't run at all :)) but it has 3 dvds in it, throw out the basic uncoordinated people one, and use the stress relief and am/pm ones...there are a bunch of different routines, from 15 minutes to…
  • I use this one, I bake them instead of fry and substitute the shredded squash for the potatoes. Think like potato cakes, but with squash? You can toss anything that needs to be used up from the fridge in them. I normally make a…
  • I agree with the grated mashed horseradish, adds a little zing! and I like mine with extra lime juice in them and just a small dash of Worcestershire. Pickles, garlic stuffed green olives, porcini peppers, celery and thaw out some precooked shrimp and hang them on the side of the glass....breakfast!
  • I under ate for a long time (we won't go into that here) but once I upped my calories (following my registered dieticiancist plan~so as not in get a bunch of ill intentioned PM's about ED's) I did gain weight, about 8 pounds...but after eating at my goal the weight has dropped off, and chunks at a time. I am down about…
  • Throw pretty much what needs to be used out of the fridge in them, tomatoes, onion, parsley, spinach, basil, zucchini, squash, asparagus, whatnot, throw some bacon, ham, sausage, etc in them and bake (I have used leftover steak, black beans, cheese, onions, Mexican shredded beef, leftover bbq pork, rotel, etc in them, bits…
  • Possibly you are burning more than you thought. Here is my take on things like food prep and house cleaning, if it is out of the ordinary for me, I log it if I think I burned a fair bit and need to eat those calories back. Say for instance deep cleaning the hardwood floors, which involves moving everything out of the room,…
  • cheese, peanut butter, hardboiled eggs (don't make you feel stuffed, especially during high stress times) cottage cheese, peanut butter and honey on toast...couple of my favorites and easy enough to pack up and take on the go or snack on when you get home from the hospital? avocado is a good one too...nuts, pretty much in…
  • I like ...but now that I looked at, I might be a convert! :smokin:
  • Smother the loin with a mixture of half blackberry jam (or jelly) and stone ground mustard and add in a squeeze or two of honey, put it on a rack in a dutch oven, pour in about a cup of wine, broth, beer (whatever you have on hand),cover, bake at 350 for however long it takes (I normally do 1 lbs loins for about 1.5 hours…
  • yes, I broke my foot (again) a couple of years ago and since I have started getting back into yoga, the swelling stays down most days and it doesn't ache as bad anymore (I have a couple of pins and staples in it holding it together). And my feet are more muscular now, but I have not had a problem getting into my high…
  • I agree with all of the above. I drink my glass of juice just about every morning 100 cals plus some vitamins! 1 oz of cheese is about 110, harboiled egg is about 70. Peanut butter with a sliced apple is the bomb! Eat full fat everything, and the other crap tastes like garbage I think. Our bodies need the good fats, helps…
  • I do alot of sandwich wraps in the smaller fajita size tortilla shells, slap some cheese, chicken/turkey, etc, spinach, mustard, mayo if you want and stick them in a zippy sandwich bag and toss them in my lunch bag with a freezie thing. If you use the smaller tortillas, they fit perfect into the sandwich bag. I take 2 or 3…
  • Blessings, and I am in late to the topic. But what works for me is smaller meals, snacks, etc. (but I am also here to maintain and eat healthier, not necessarily lose) I was a major meal skipper, or just not eating at all? That packed on the pounds too. I normally pack my lunch during the week, it keeps me on track and I…
  • I am in the same boat, can't drink milk or have ice cream, but cheese and yogurt are still ok. I eat cheese at least 2 times a day. (It will bother me if I eat like an entire cup too). I stick with the full fat ones, not the fakey crap. As long as it fits into your daily/weekly goal eat it :glasses:
    in Cheese Comment by guidothecat June 2013
  • eh...had all the lady stuff taken out a few years ago due to medical reasons (after years of suffering)....Dr. put me on prozac for 6 months (so I wouldn't feel the urge to maim people, and the crying spells) and I actually take hormones and have for the past few years. I tried going off them a few months ago, but it was…
  • Take your measurements. I don't weight except at the doctors now. Go off of how your clothes fit and the way your body looks (which can also be difficult for some?) but I say take the measurements and then you will see the results without obsessing over the scale. hips, thighs, gut, bra line, calves, wrists, biceps, etc.…
  • DVD's fit into my schedule (gym classes around here don't due to work schedule) I travel for work alot, so portable. I do alot of yoga/pilates and YAYOG. ...and I would seriously get kicked out of a class if I talked back to the class instructor like I swear at the tv? :smokin:
  • You look awesome and STRONG! :flowerforyou:
  • greetings! :flowerforyou:
  • Admitting it is half the battle? Welcome aboard and formulate a plan with the doctor and dietitian/nutritionist and go from there? Just make sure you refuel after working out. And don't be afraid of the scale, actually toss the damn thing out. (that is what I had to do and only weigh at the doctors) I initially gained…
  • I gained a few pounds once I stopped restricting in the first 3 months, and after about 3 months of eating consistently the few I gained have come off. Not sure if this helped or not :) :flowerforyou: