Yoga after long run - suggestions?

Hi there,
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a yoga video for the day following a long run? I'm basically looking to stretch and tone.

There are just so many disappointing video's out there I'm up for any suggestions...

Much thanks!


  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member

    I like this one for a great Hatha stretch (I don't run at all :)) but it has 3 dvds in it, throw out the basic uncoordinated people one, and use the stress relief and am/pm ones...there are a bunch of different routines, from 15 minutes to an hour on them...definitely makes you bendy and stretch. I like her tone in the dvd and runs at a bit slower pace for me, which I like (the graphics could use some work IMO). More of a mind stress relief thing going on. And I like that I can choose what I want and mix it up a bit. The evening revival is a great leg workout (at least for me?) And for the $18, they are my favorite set and I have probably about 15 yoga dvd's in my collection, but these are the ones I keep going back to for stretching. But I do yoga more for the stress relief and actually taking time for myself.

    another one is Rodney Yee for beginners...stay away from anything with POWER in the title of you are just looking for a good stretch? I do have his power yoga one and it goes a bit faster.

    others may have more input?
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks! I actually have tried Rodney Yee's but it's pretty fast for me now... or maybe it's a power one and was just super intense for right after a workout.

    I'll totally checkout this dvd!

    Thanks so much for the feedback!