

  • I obsess over my thighs and being able to see my hip bones. I'd love them to stick out a little (and not just when I'm lying flat in bed breathing in haha!). The thigh gap is an ultimate goal but I doubt I'd ever see it. I envy it on other women when I'm out though. And also less chins would be chin when smiling…
  • I would love to be confident enough but unfortunately NO...No way...Not a chance! Even for a good cause or a huge amount of money I would be very doubtful. I don't think anyone would appreciate my nude body lol
  • I feel exactly the same! I've lost all my weight on my top half and have a small waist (which is great) but my chest has reduced dramatically. It's great to get into a size 10 but I don't even fill the chest of dresses, which is too depressing. My bottom half is still more like a 12 cause my hips and thighs are huge, and I…
  • Not exactly ComicCon but Insurgence4 which is a Vampire Diaries Convention in June in the UK. So just as nerdy :P I'm hoping Ian Somerhalder will take one look and sweep me off my feet...haha one can dream!
  • Knowing my luck I probably did consume all those extra calories without realising! I know the calories of almost everything I eat at home (not a very varied diet but it is low in cals and fat) yet I had no idea while over there. I bet a lot of the park food contained way more than I thought, and I snacked on crisps and…
  • Thanks for the advice guys :) Hopefully a lot of it is water weight but I did eat higher calorie food (not more food, just worse food). None of the parks would do caesar dressing on the side, it would come with like half a bottle poured over it. I tried filling up on the chicken and leaving croutons and a lot of sauce but…
  • I even find sitting down hurts now! I never had a bum anyway but it's even bonier. My boyfriend always complained if I sat on his knee haha!
  • To be honest I don't have a specific day each week/month where I eat more than normal. I just decide on the day...I think if I've been good enough for the past few days/weeks then I'll treat myself to something fatty (something from McDonalds or a cream cake). Although I class myself as 'on a diet' I still indulge in…
  • Absolutely pig out! Then almost cry at how much crap I've just eaten! For example, this morning I popped to a shopping centre and bought a Terry's choc orange cause it was on offr for £1. Now i'm eating segment after segment...I can't stop. I shouldn't have bought it, losing my willpower lately :( I'm not help to this at…
  • I hate seeing my 'ideal weight' cause it makes me aim for the lowest. I'm 130.5lbs and my ideal is 118-136lbs. I'm 5'2 and a size 10/12 (UK). All my friends and family have told me to stop losing weight cause I look like I've lost enough. But I know my ideal is a lot lower...
  • Cream crackers and laughing cow. 4 crackers and a light laughing cow cheese is about 160 I think
  • I do two classes a week with the same instructor at different venues. I love it! It's the only proper exercise (other than walking) I do so it's a good calorie burner. In one class, there are lots of older women, but the other is filled with teens up to 60 year olds. For £3 a session I think it's great value and I don't…
  • First Gig: Cute is What We Aim For (2005/06) Most Recent Gig: Leeds Festival (Summer 2011) Best Gig: 30 Seconds to Mars- Leeds Fest 2011, and Billy Talent- O2 Academy Leeds 2010
  • Yes definitely on a morning :) I weigh every Sunday in my underwear after going to the toilet. My weight fluctuates loads during the day, I can gain up to 5lbs by teatime. Even after having just breakfast I can put on a lb or two
  • Haha I agree with Watchmen. I enjoyed it...although the big naked blue man was a little strange :P
  • In all honesty I find around 1200 calories enough for the day. I may sometimes eat 1300 if I've done exercise, but I never go to bed starving. I could definitely eat more, not because of hunger but because of boredom/ something to do with my hands/ comfort/ cravings, and sometimes I will. If I fancy a pizza I'll go buy…
  • I love the Cardio party DVD. It gives you individual moves to learn then puts them all together with some awesome music. You do need a bit of space though. Shame I can;t use it now I've moved back home cause there's not enough room. But I do the real thing now :P
  • Bread :) All breads.....baguettes, loaves, rolls, cakes, buns. Especially Tesco's Meditarranean bread or a cheese-topped baguette. Droooooool :P
  • How has no-one mentioned the two hottest Vampire (characters) around right now: STEFAN AND DAMON!! Vampire Diaries is to awesome :P But yeah, Vamps are a little soft now. Not like the bad boys (and Queen) in 'Lost Boys', 'Vampires', 'Queen of the Damned' :D
  • Mushrooms! Any type.... I can't even eat a sauce if I know it has mushrooms in it (even blended). It's annoying cause I love chicken and so many products think chicken and mushrooms go together...THEY DONT!! Yuckkkkk :P
  • Pringles crisps. I just can't open a Pringles tube without devourig the whole lot! Love the sour cream and onion flavour but they get a little sickly...still keep eating though!
  • I'm a UK size 12 and my legs rub awfully in Summer and if I walk for a while outside. It can get really painful and sore. My friends laugh when I say I chafe in the heat cause they think it only happens to really large people but I'm sure it happens to most women who wear dresses/skirts in the warm weather? My Mum…
  • Thankyou everybody for the advice :)
  • Me too :) Leeds and Scarborough...typical Yorkshire lass with a love for Yorkshire puddings :P
  • My boyfriend was like this (eating chocolates and packs of biscuits while I was eating apples or nothing). It took me walking off and crying for him to stop doing it...He still eats loads (I have to remember he is male and needs more than me) but he doesn't rub it in my face or scoff while I'm there. Try telling him,not…
  • Well done!! I have friends like that who I'm so jealous of when we go out eating. My Dad was the same...but one day he woke up fat lol. All the food finally caught him up :P
  • Thanks for all the quick responses! I'll try doing some different exercises then,see if that helps. Would jogging instead of walking make a difference, or do I need to focus on different areas of my body? I can't afford the gym,so exercise needs to be free, or at home. And I'll also reduce my weight loss each week and up…
  • I would advise taking it slowly. Fast weight loss is likely to mean you'll put the weight back on. I'm losing about a pound a week by eating 1200-1400 cals a day and walking at least 45 mins a day. Not much exercise really, and quite a bit of food but I'd rather it take time than have it pile back on over Summer. 2 lbs…