My 'ideal weight'... really ideal?

According to the BMI calculator I should weight somewhere between 118 and 160 pounds. I have a 42 in rib cage and wide shoulders. Why does that not factor in? At 175 pounds I was healthy, happy, energetic. Do I really have to be 160 pounds to not be considered fat?!?


  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    I am supposed to be between 120-150 for my ideal, when i weighed 174 i felt amazing also, the way im planning it is if im feeling fine and cant seem to loose anymore once i get to the 170s im staying there lol
  • hristossida
    hristossida Posts: 5 Member
    BMI is a load of crap. Go do a body fat calculator, its much more accurate.
  • I hate seeing my 'ideal weight' cause it makes me aim for the lowest. I'm 130.5lbs and my ideal is 118-136lbs. I'm 5'2 and a size 10/12 (UK).
    All my friends and family have told me to stop losing weight cause I look like I've lost enough. But I know my ideal is a lot lower...
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    I wouldn't pay much attention to BMI
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    i've never made it to a healthy weight, but i liked being happy! 70kg is good for me and i'm 5'2" with shapely body structure!
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    I personally believe the BMI is pretty useless when it comes to determining a goal weight. It doesn't take into account muscle mass or bone structure. You should go by body fat percentage, and the way you look and feel. It doesn't matter what some number says, if you aren't happy then you should aim for something different. According to the BMI, I should be between 116 and 157 lbs. My goal is 120 lbs which would put me close to underweight, however I feel I look the best at this weight and feel healthy. Go by how you feel. Best of luck :) x
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah I also wouldn't pay that much attention to my BMI.

    According to my 'ideal BMI' I should be between 58 -73kg.

    I have been eating healthy foods, exercising consistently for the last 5+ years and haven't ever really dropped below 75kg. The last time I got down to 72kg I was tired and got sick way too easily.

    Not to mention that when I trained 12ish hours a week for the ironman triathlon I was only around 74kg at my lightest. I tend to hover closer to 80kg and I find it hard to move from there. Hence I now focus on maintaining 80kg but burning away more body fat (currently around 15%).

    So all in all the BMI is a decent estimator for populations but not that useful on an individual level.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Yep it's pretty much a load of BS. I SHOULD weight 110-135. At 150 I was happy, healthy, and active. So that's what I aim for.