How Many Eat Whatever I Want Days per Month?

I'm 5 ft. 4.5 inches and I weigh in the early 130s. I want to be in the early 120s. How many eat whatever the hell I want days/24 hr. periods can I have per month without screwing up my weight loss?

Don't tell me none, that doesn't work for me.



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    it totally depends on your calorie deficit for the rest of the week/month.

    Check out the spike 84 group for one method. That is a weekly spike day.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I have usually two per month where I eat at or above maitenance. I don't do a huge binge, but I do eat more than normal
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    Last Friday, Dr. Oz' show was all about this cheat day...or Faturday. He said you should at least have 5 diet days in between cheat days so I guess that's several a month. He said that people who include a cheat day every so often, lose more weight than people who don't. I'll bet you can go look at his website for more info about it.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I've been doing like 2 moderate cheat days a week... while also increasing cals from 1220 cals to 1600 over the past month - at first I gained weight but now I think my metabolism is revved up because I lost that weight and 1 more lb over that and it seems like I'm going to lose even more. Cheat days = boosted metabolism :).
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I'm 5 ft. 4.5 inches and I weigh in the early 130s. I want to be in the early 120s. How many eat whatever the hell I want days/24 hr. periods can I have per month without screwing up my weight loss?

    Don't tell me none, that doesn't work for me.


    "Because I can't stand the shame that's imposed on me by society as a fat person"

    There are people on this website who are actually in dire straits, because they are much worse off than you are.

    Even if you were 136lbs, your bmi would be normal. I don't usually go by BMI's, but since most doctors still do, the following applies to you:

    At 136lbs and 5'4.5:

    You have a BMI of 22.98.

    BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 (Normal Weight)
    People whose BMI is within 18.5 to 24.9 possess the ideal amount of body weight, associated with living longest, the lowest incidence of serious ilness, as well as being perceived as more physically attractive than people with BMI in higher or lower ranges. However, it may be a good idea to check your Waist Circumference and keep it within the recommended limits.

    Note: Since Body Fat Percentage calculations use total body weight and not estimates of lean muscle mass and fat, BMI can not determine between the overweight and the more muscular. Use our Body Fat Calculator and Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator in combination with our BMI Calculator for a more accurate view of your body fat.


    I find it insulting that you refer to yourself as a fat person, when you truly don't know what it's like to be overweight (at least going by your current weight). you are not fat, you are N O R M A L - you are not struggling with severe weight issues, and you are not "marginally overweight" as you put it.
  • nevadjinn
    nevadjinn Posts: 75 Member
    Just joined the Spike 84 group. It sounds like exactly what I've been searching for! Would you mind telling me the basic rules so I can get started? Thank you so much!
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Haha - shock your body with low cals then when your metabolism is too slow that you stop losing weight start eating more cals and have cheat days to rev it back up.... then repeat.... I know if I dropped my cals to 1220 again I could probably double my weight loss but I have different goals now (cardio performance)..... but I seem to be losing just as fast as I was at 1220 so I think my metabolism has boosted a lot.... you need exercise tooo for muscles to increase resting metabolism...
    Just joined the Spike 84 group. It sounds like exactly what I've been searching for! Would you mind telling me the basic rules so I can get started? Thank you so much!
  • nevadjinn
    nevadjinn Posts: 75 Member
    The Body Mass Index is a flawed way of measuring weight. By the waist/hip circumference measurements I read as overweight. Also, have you seen the media lately? Thin is in, and anything that is not thin is equated with poor willpower etc. I am not conventionally attractive because there is too much FAT on my body for me to be considered hot. Identifying that fat is a problem for me does not mean I am overweight. In this culture, not only the overweight are considered "fat"
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just joined the Spike 84 group. It sounds like exactly what I've been searching for! Would you mind telling me the basic rules so I can get started? Thank you so much!

    Eat BMR for 6 days (lots of protein)
    Eat 2x BMR on spike day.

    I'm not actually on it though but talk to RussellB97 or 4theking for more details.

    Sounds like you are in healthy weight range and just need to focus your training on some muscle building to "tone" up. Yes, I really HATE that word but I used it. :laugh:
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    The Body Mass Index is a flawed way of measuring weight. By the waist/hip circumference measurements I read as overweight. Also, have you seen the media lately? Thin is in, and anything that is not thin is equated with poor willpower etc. I am not conventionally attractive because there is too much FAT on my body for me to be considered hot. Identifying that fat is a problem for me does not mean I am overweight. In this culture, not only the overweight are considered "fat"

    you are the one who referred to yourself as "overweight" in your profile. You are completely contradicting yourself. And regardless of what you think is "in" your focus should be on your overall health, which is not being HINDERED by your weight at all.
  • nevadjinn
    nevadjinn Posts: 75 Member
    Who are you to tell me what my focus should be? Last time I checked my body belonged to me.
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Who are you to tell me what my focus should be? Last time I checked my body belonged to me.

    I have to agree. She wants to lose 10lbs or so, which will not put her at an unhealthily low weight. I greatly doubt she posted here to be attacked about her motivations. This is a place of support, encouragement and information, not a place to have one's goals ripped at publically with no provocation. If you don't agree with someone, keep it to yourself, or if you really must say something have the courtesy to message them privately.

    Oh, and on topic - I have a 'cheat' day, where I don't count my calories and eat what I crave without stuffing myself, once each week or week and a half, and I'm losing weight sucessfully.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Thats me. I am a carb junkie, i have candy every day. Besides that, i eat relatively healthy. I ve lost 7.5kg since mid dec. I dont know how long this will last. I know it wont be forever.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I was wondering the same kind of question! Just recently I got really sick with a full on cold/flu & a stomach virus (nothing major). I went to the doctors & she told me I basically had run myself down & needed to rest (no exercise for a week & not to restrict my diet too much atm - she felt I was losing too much weight too quickly). I had absolutely no appetite and felt dreadful, however the only food I managed to eat was mcdonalds (two days in a row for lunch) and pizza for dinner on one night & don't forget the chocolates (Poor me right? haha). However I was panicking today when it came to weighing myself because I hadn't exercised for a week & had been eating more calories than usual + I went over by quite a lot on 2 days. When I weighed myself I was 100grams (does that even count haha) LIGHTER! So I don't think an odd bad day here and there really makes a dramatic difference! That was my first 2 bad days in a row in a month. So I am thinking 1 bad day a month + exercise & you'll still lose weight.

    Good luck!!
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    i just can't have those...:sad: i would binge SO bad... therefore I choose days where I have had more exercise than usual (that would be weekends of hiking/rock climbing/ snowboarding where I burn a ton because I really do move the whole day) and eat accordingly (read as cheesecake and pasta ad nauseam). I do try not to go over 1200 though at all times.
  • SugarHighAbbie
    To be honest I don't have a specific day each week/month where I eat more than normal. I just decide on the day...I think if I've been good enough for the past few days/weeks then I'll treat myself to something fatty (something from McDonalds or a cream cake).
    Although I class myself as 'on a diet' I still indulge in something almost everyday (packet of sweets, can of coke, apple pie after dinner) and I still lose weight :)

    My love to hate word: 'MODERATION'. Eat what you want, just don't have as much of it as normal! (Instead of a Big Mac Meal, I now get a 99p Mayo Chicken and small fries. Enough to satisfy my junk food craving)

    Oh and I'm 5'2 and started at 154lbs Xmas 2010 and now weight 128.5lbs. Slow and steady, but the weight has stayed off.
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    I do it once a week. Although I really like my "spike"/"cheat" day to fall on a special occasion so I try to keep it for parties/events, which could mean once every 1.5 weeks or whatever. I recommend looking into it :) x
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    for me its almost always used on a day where i'll get the most from it.
    For me that day is Deadlift day. Its the heaviest lift, and takes the greatest toll on me. Helps me get over it real quick!! haha.