Poerava14 Member


  • This is me this Thanksgiving. And I admit I love it! I'll be drinking tea and doing something creative on my laptop. And tearily waiting for the final transition of my dear friend, Amy. Blessings in big bunches to all you wonderful ladies, and to your awesome, quirky families I so enjoy knowing from your generous posts.…
  • Hello Friends. I got behind, again, and only just now got caught up with the past 8 days of your news, photos, memes and bon mots. You always amaze me with the care and thoughtfulness shown here. I propose a salute to our sisterhood as we begin to enter the hectic holiday season and get poised and ready for the new year.…
  • Karen Profound sympathy on loss of your dear brother. A giant cyber hug is whooshing down the wire to you.....peace, my friend.
  • Hi Friends. I'm still trying to catch up with all the past posts, but wanted to pop in here to wave 'hi'. Also wanted to let you all know that Dan Harris is speaking at my church this Friday night. I will be there, and you can watch via online access. Requires a ticket, so I put link in spoiler. Thanks for all the great…
  • Annie: I have to echo what others have said here about reversing roles with your parents. One of the best "tools" in the caregiver kit is the ability and skill to utilize compassionate lies. I learned this from my social worker and the Alzheimer association. Please try and find more home care resources (PEOPLE) before you…
  • This meme made me smile as I sipped my coffee today. Thanks, Lisa. I'm slowly catching up with all of your wonderful posts. Meanwhile all is good here. Enjoying being outside with Mars the Leash Loving Cat during these spectacular fall days. Hugs to you all. Time to visit the gym. Rori Colorado Foothills
  • Hi Ladies. Finally have caught up on reading about everyone's busy lives. Heather: Belated best wishes. You look radiant in the photo with the bride. May your trip to France be smooth and amazing. Can I buy the Frida Cat picture???? Just love it. :smiley: Barbara: Happy anniversary to you and Joe. Here is to many more…
  • Rosemarie: Leave it to Lanette to get me to jump ahead 14 unread pages to reply to your compelling question. Yes, her recall of my standard reply is correct. "Too soon". "Still healing". " I did eventually begin meditations and Reiki centering on opening my heart. I began feeling joy full, grateful and highly engaged with…
  • Happy birthday, Tracey. May all your wishes come true. Rebecca: Congratulations, you Gorgeous Grandma! Rori From the gym getting rid of 3 pound vacation souvenir
  • 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 Hi Friends, I am 33 pages behind but just wanted to pop in an let you all know my vacation was wonderful. I got home safely, albeit 6 hours late, on Sunday. My friends in New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania were happy for my visit and were wonderful hosts. My special friend in New Hampshire exceeded my…
  • Greetings Friends. I've been behind for days and just finally caught up. Rita: So glad you are okay. Please stay well! Carol: Early Happy Birthday. I hope the tech issues are resolved soon. Debbie: Add me to the others who want to come eat your delicious home cooked meals. You are making me want an air fryer, but then I…
  • Rebecca: Can you hear me cheering? So happy to hear your housing is secure for another few years and your DS will have an interesting post. Yay! Lisa: Can feel your increased mojo popping off the screen. And your baked goods make me dearly wish we lived closer. Much closer -- like across the street. Ginny: Scary! Glad…
  • Barbie: What a hot looking ride! Excited for you and Jake. Kim: Bravo on starting your swim workouts. I used to be like your friends doing the laps in a manner where we could talk. These days I do half a mile but mix up the strokes and also use a kickboard and pull buoy to add variety to the laps. I have a cheap waterproof…
  • Vicki: Hope you heal quickly. Lanette: I have an avulsion fracture on my 5th metatarsal. Been told it will never fully heal. Three years later, it will still occasionally bark at me if I do too much. Heather: Congrats to your sons and bravo to you and your friends for your amazing resilience.: Carol: Healing vibes to you…
  • Annie: There are some very easy to use apps for interval training and timing. I also used one called Tabata timer. I haven't used one in awhile, but do recall it allowed me to set my own time for warmup+intense work+rest x number of repetitions of the sets. Rebecca: I buy the bagged salads, too. I make sure to put paper…
  • It's a Happy Bright Sunshiney Summer Day here in the foothills of Denver. Heather: You look so radiant. Travel clearly feeds your soul. You are making me want to travel to the Artic. Vicki: Hugs to you for hanging in there through the hiring challenges. My mother always said you attract who you are, so clearly there is a…
  • Rebecca: Happy birthday.💐🎂🎈🎁 Glad your feet aren't broken. Soaking in warm epsom salt bath and rubbing on arnica gel helps me with swelling, pain and bruises. Couldn't hurt.... Rori
  • Popping in to say hello. Just got back from the Nuggets Championship Parade and Rally. I was at the arena on Monday night when they won. I shed a quick tear and then had to quickly resume composure and get back to checking credentials as there were hundreds of people going through the backstage area where I work. It was a…
  • Flea: Sounds like a fabulous weekend trip. Live music and infused vodkas. We need to hang out. 😁 Barbie: I'm stealing that music meme. I could have (maybe should have) written it. Thanks for sharing. So sorry to hear about Jake needing chemo. I am sending healing energy his way. Machka: My DH was VERY responsive to music…
  • I am just so sad reading about two beautiful young people, Destiny and Carmine, suffering. Destiny's photo shows her so radiant, grasping at her final opportunities to LIVE. Carmine in pain, depressed and confused, trying to balance challenging family dynamics and a new love interest and turning to thoughts of ending life…
  • Home again, safe and sound. It was a long, but easy trip back to Denver with a stop in Iceland. That airport doesn't have jetways, so glad I had on long sleeves and a fleece vest for taking stairs out of and then back into the plane. I made it home around 9:30 PM (4:30 AM in UK), and thanks to a couple of naps on the…
  • My last day in Brighton and I was bound and determined to dip my feet in the channel. After walking along the shoreline for 2 hours after breakfast that cool salty water felt great! But as Heather already shared, by the time I made it back to my room, a nap was necessary. Feeling much better now. Gotta get some packing…
  • I took Heather's advice and visited the Brighton Pavilion. WoW! Quite the party palace in its day. I took a photo of the menu for a special Royal dinner, 1817. Unbelievable. Then I walked for 2 hours meandering around The Lanes. It is a network of streets filled with funky shops, coffee shops and huge variety of eateries.…
  • Look who I ran into at my hotel just now?
  • A couple more from day trip to Fort Augustus, through Cairngorms National Park and Ben Nevis range. Our bus driver was hilarious. Very entertaining and informative. Now I know what's worn under kilts. And we saw Nessie!
  • Will try again to post pix.
  • Dang! Lost a long post and photos while sitting here on the train to Inverness. Briefly: It has been an incredible trip thus far. I love Scotland and am so impressed with the people, the history, the countryside and the strong emphasis on cleanliness and sustainability. While in Edinbrough Andrea and I did the usual…
  • Pip: Yogi is not alone. My eyebrows are turning white, too. 🙄 Healing energies to your wonderful Kirby. Ginny: Congratulations!!! Allie: Happy Mother's Day from someone who sees you as one of the most giving and loving people on earth. Now, please take care of yourself with no apology. Tracey: Though nothing as dramatic as…