

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Lisa - All those women have been through a lot. G has had life-long mental health issues, with attempted suicide several times and incarceration in a mental hospital. B had her first young husband die in a car crash and then had huge marriage problems with an alcoholic and left with just a suitcase to move in with her lover, (still, her husband). Two of her grandchildren, twins who live in Australia, are autistic. P is in a very difficult 'sort of' marriage, but they have found a working compromise. She had her children in her 40s. Like most people, we have been through a lot. Rarely does anyone escape suffering.
    Old age seems to suit us!
    G has made huge strides recently with trauma therapy, including EMDR. She is transforming! It's never too late!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Well Miles sure was happy to get home,he did take a 2 hr nap this afternoon..,tomorrow im sure will be better.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,530 Member
    Heather - even more wonderful, that you've all dealt with so much and come out stronger. Much respect for all of you.

    Ginny - Should have done a TL;DR (too long; don't read) that basically said, medication changes to try to get my breath back, more tests and revisit the cardio in October. I've been in A-Fib 24-7 since three years back.

    Gave up and went back to Midsomer Murders, and now I'm hooked. :smiley: Taco night, but I'll just eat the meat with some cottage cheese. Not in the mood for lots of carbs tonight...
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Listening to a new group "The Gesualdo Six". Recalling my chorale singing days.💖. Listening on Pandora. 💖
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    BETH ~ Thinking of you as the news reported heavy flooding in NY. Hope you and your family are safe.

    LANETTE ~ Your exercise with bands sounds great. My core is where I need to do the most work. I tried doing chair sitting exercises on Youtube last week that are supposed to trim the core and those seem to be what messed up my ankles.

    I so admire all of you who take long walks and exercise!

    Carol in GA

    What core exercises did you do that involved your ankles?
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Carol ... the majority of the flooding in NY was in the lower Hudson Valley, which is a short ways from NYC. That's the south eastern part of the state. I live in western NY near Lake Erie so my family was not affected by the flooding. Scary videos they were showing ... 7-8 inches of rain in 3 hours is too much!!

    Vicki ... love the photo of you and your brothers! Sorry you hurt your hip. I'm tall and still have problems getting in and out of my husband's truck.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Lisa-that's actually what I kind of thought. Didn't realize your A-Fib was so regular. I believe that is the reason they cut down on some of my thyroid medication-if it is suppressed too long you can develop heart issues. Even though I have no thyroid they use the medication to suppress anything that may be there secreting thyroid hormones so tumor growth is slower. I can be hypo and hyper at the same time. My Apple Watch can pick up a-fib. I check it occasionally.

    I think relaxation is a capital idea. I was going to do stretches tonight then I remembered tomorrow is trash day (new company changed me from Weds to Tues while I was in AZ), then I came back and with the 4th on Tuesday they picked up Weds. Now I am starting new time/day-after Wednesday trash day for the last 31 years. So took care of garbage and threw out old rugs from under litter boxes and put down new.

    Bedtime is calling,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Barbie sounds exciting!

    Today I ate 1083 calories which is my target, Yay! And I did twenty five minutes on my bike, and an hour of yoga, and thirty minutes of aerobic walking, Yay! My deficit was 515, Yay!

    It's day twenty five of my sister challenge. Two weeks left!

    Annie in Delaware
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    I have read but didn’t take notes today. I’m trying to stay off my phone a bit to see if it helps the pain in my shoulder.

    Michele - a lot of companies do that hire two people to replace one, but won’t give a raise. When I left a company in 2017, they hired three people to replace me. I hadn’t been asking for more money, I was asking for more help.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited July 2023
    Rori - Reading about your new friend warmed my heart. <3<3<3 You deserve each other. One thing about age is that it can make you more adventurous, because time is short, and what is there to lose? Life has to be grabbed with both hands while we are still standing.
    Wishing all the best for you. <3:)<3:)

    Bea pick up day today. Haven't done that in a while! It's a bit on the rainy side, and my thigh is playing up again. I may have to take an Uber to the school.

    I started my writing again yesterday. First time since the cruise. It's always a little scary getting back to it, but I'm giving myself permission to be less than perfect. :p It seems it's going to be a short book, with all the things I have learnt about life, healing, and growth. :p:p:p

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well sheesh the waking up at 2 am wasn't a good idea and im dropping off Alfie and coming back and going back to sleep for a bit..i guess its today we have to get up at midnight or whatever..ohhh my tomorrow is my nuclear stress test in New Haven.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Rori how exciting to meet a gentleman friend! Stay safe until you know a lot about him. Dating is so tricky!

    Ginny No my sister doesn't know. I don't want her to feel pressured to compete with me. She gets her steps in, and tries to eat moderately, but she has a much more busy life than I do.

    I'm glad my sister challenge is motivating for you all. It's good all around.

    Annie in Delaware