

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, I got my walk in (just barely) but didn’t go back in the pool because it started to rain. Running Buzz (Robot) right now and then will probably use the Swiffer.

    Pip – oh, what a hassle! So sorry for Kirby, that’s so frustrating.

    Michele NC
    waiting for Buzz to finish
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Pip wow so many hugs!

    Lanette I'd rather not put my car make/model/year out online. It's too easy to search. I don't exactly know what could happen, but my instincts vote for privacy. I'm not saying it's logical, but it makes me feel better.

    Today I ate 1083 calories, Yay! And I did twenty five minutes on my bike, and an hour of yoga, and thirty minutes of aerobic walking. Yay! My deficit is 515, Yay! An excellent day!

    Today I reached 500 miles on my stationary bike, Yay! It's been an awesome tool.

    Annie in Delaware
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Lanette I'd rather not put my car make/model/year out online. It's too easy to search. I don't exactly know what could happen, but my instincts vote for privacy. I'm not saying it's logical, but it makes me feel better.

    Today I ate 1083 calories, Yay! And I did twenty five minutes on my bike, and an hour of yoga, and thirty minutes of aerobic walking. Yay! My deficit is 515, Yay! An excellent day!

    Today I reached 500 miles on my stationary bike, Yay! It's been an awesome tool.

    Annie in Delaware

    Annie - no sweat on the car details. ;) Great job on the calories and exercise! Your dedication to the bike is inspiring. :)


  • laltt
    laltt Posts: 27 Member
    Hope you all had a great Friday AC fixed at work and it didn’t get too bad at all. They had it back up and running after about 8 hours.
    My bursitis in my right hip is so painful right now. Hard to lie in that hip, climb stairs, stand up, walk, lift the leg, and with sitting the pain extends into the thigh. Time for my stretches, ibuprofen regularly for a few days, snd heat. Need to get my steps in as this morning I was up 5# since start of vacation. Hoping some is water weight but I did have foods I would not normally eat at home.. and I enjoyed them!

    Debbie-I’m sorry to hear about Destiny’s passing and pray for her peace and her family as they navigate their grief and heartache.

    Matchka-Was it you who hurt your elbow? I hope you’re seeing the bruising recede and have improving mobility as the swelling goes down. If it’s not you, then whomever it is, these thoughts are for you.

    Heather-glad you enjoyed your vacation and thanks for sharing the lovely pictures of your cruise.

    Have a good night everyone.

    LeeAnne, Central NY
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    majork29 wrote: »
    Hi I just saw this tread/group/messasge board. Not sure what the correct term is... My kids would tell you that I am just getting behind the times, but tehy still come to me when their systems need and update, LOL. Anyhow, I'm Kira from Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Today is going to be a hot one. Already 17C in my backyard. Not as smokey today which is good for the lungs.

    I am 52 years young, married for almost 26 years now, together 28 years. We have 3 kids, our son is 24 and lives on his own now and is working to get his trades completed. (plumbing, electrical and HVAC) his goal is to work for himself. Our first daughter is 20 and has just completed her 2nd year of university, she is in Lethbridge which is just over a 5 hour drive from us. Our youngest will turn 18 in Spetember and just got her certificate of completion from school. She is special needs and will never ive on her own. I am working with her social worker to get her into a day program or group home.

    Kira in AB

    Thread ... in a forum. :):)

    And welcome here!!

    I am a Canadian-Australian who lived a lot of years in various places in Alberta including Edmonton.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Regarding spicy tea ...

    All sorts!!

    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea- is amazing- if you like cinnamon, you will really like it-think Red hots or Fire Ball Whiskey-
    I have gotten so many people hooked on it.


    "Naturally caffeine free rooibos red tea infused with spicy cinnamon and sweet orange."

    I drink a Twinings variety of that. :) It is very good.


    The Sweet and Spicy tea, the cinnamon tastes more like red hot candy or FireBall Whiskey. The other orange cinnamon teas I have had taste more like ground cinnamon/cinnamon sticks

    I'm not sure I would like it that spicy.

    I'm fond of naturally sweet, sort of mellow teas.

    Not black and not green.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: It was only a side mirror, no one was hurt.
    Yup, in bumper to bumper traffic both directions on the way home from Medford, clipped my side mirror off on an oncoming RV. No safe place on 199 to pull off, so kept going. Pretty shook up. Filed accident report online today.

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.

    Way too close for comfort!!

    I'm glad it wasn't worse than that.

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited July 2023
    Up early again. ;)

    My son texted yesterday afternoon that he wanted to pop over 'to say hi'. :p That is is son-speak for 'I need you to do something for me ' !!!! He came over in the evening and brought Edie with him for collateral.
    As I thought, he had quite a list, but tries to pretend he's only just thought of it. He's a business man, and used to negotiating, but I know him too well. <3:p<3

    Edie and DH sat on the sofa laughing at funny pig videos. I told my son that I wanted to borrow Max one day so I had a good excuse to go to the Regency for fish and chips. I denied myself all through the cruise.
    OK. Then he said he was taking part in a half 'Iron Man' competition on Sunday about 20 miles away and DDIL and Edie were coming to watch him. Complicated arrangements, because Bea has her theatre show, 'Matilda', that day. So we are standing in as the official audience with Max. So, it's drop off, take her to the rehearsal, wait around an hour, watch the show (thankfully only half an hour), and back to ours with the two of them.
    If my son is in any kind of a fit state we will all meet up for early dinner somewhere. I can't imagine he will be. He can do the long sea swim, and the cycling is no problem, but the half-marathon at the end? My elder son has done it, but at a much younger age. I don't think his training has been enough and he has never been a runner, with calf and ankle problems. Oh well.

    I'm pleased to be supporting Bea and encouraging her performance. She has some words to say. :p

    Then it turns out they need to stay with us for two nights in the beginning of August as they have to leave the apartment then. After that they are going to DDIL's parents in Hampshire for a week, before they move back in to a not-quite-finished house. Oouuff! They have had to borrow more money from her parents to get the house finished and have cancelled their holiday in France. So, all five are here for two nights. Could be worse! We are lucky we can help out. The stress must be awful and I have no idea what they are doing with the furniture. I suppose it must be going into storage.

    Of course, now I'm thinking about it all........

    I did up two houses in London. Both times I was in the middle of a mental health crisis. I know it's very stressful. Happy to support them. I know they're will be a lot more babysitting in the holidays. Max breaks up next week and the girls in two weeks. (IMHO we break up far too late in the summer in England)
    I'm sure the house will be amazing when it's done, but house prices are falling and mortgage rates keep going up. They need their health. Good job it's the summer.

    Taking a quiet day today. Salad lunch for me, sandwich for DH. No idea what we are having for dinner. Frittata? Yes!
    With feta and veggies from the freezer. I have some King Charles's organic eggs. Actually, I think they are now Prince William's.

    Yesterday, I cooked, in the IP, a whole lot of urad dahl. I will finish it off today with fresh ginger, tomato, garlic, herbs and spices, along with oodles of butter and some cream, to make 'Dahl Makhani', one of the most heavenly, indulgent, dishes in the world. Not remotely slimming, but a little goes a long way. I will freeze most of it in portions. I had it on the cruise, and it reminded me of how much I loved it in India. Some people add some red beans, but I didn't have it like that in India, and I prefer it without. Also with less tomato.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    You all seem to pay a huge amount for your internet and tv. We have to pay a TV licence fee for the year, then the usual phone and Internet, around £65 a month, including BBC Sport for DH. That's it. We use Freeview on the TV, which is more than enough for us. I have free Netflix from my son, but I expect that to be stopped before long.
    At the moment we are still catching up with stuff I recorded while we were away. I prefer recording to streaming as I just choose what I like. Less choice, less confusion.
    I hate high monthly bills. Don't have any personally, apart from sim only phone, and Amazon Prime. Jointly, we keep monthly outgoings to the bare minimum, just utilities and council tax. DH does car and house insurance, parking, and TV license. We are lucky in that we have no mortgage, no car payments, no health insurance, no pet insurance, no subscriptions. Each month our joint account just scrapes by on our state pension. I do have to be very careful, and often economise on food and clothing. Our extravagance is our wildly expensive cruises, for which we use lifetime savings. When it's gone, it's gone. I keep hoping I'll win the lottery! :p

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    We pay $0 for TV.
    And something ... maybe $50/month?? ... for internet. I'd have to look it up.

    I win the lottery just about every week. If I go 2 weeks in a row without winning, I get frustrated and stop buying tickets for a while.

    No debts.
    No big expenses.
    Nothing extravagant.

    That said ... I have started toying with the idea of getting us gravel bicycles. And unfortunately, the days of $1000 bicycles have gone.

    Machka in Oz