
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Little boy today at daycare,and i stopped after getting xrays..
    He was outside mowing.. well he grabbed moms phone and walks off with it and had me cracking up because he puts it to his ear and says hiya and starts jabbering away..to to funny..
    Had dinner at Trudys then watched the movie at our Movie theater.. a Mel Brooks movie always a laugh..
    Xrays from what i can figure is mild osteoporosis in both hands,spine a little bit of a curve and other than that fairly well off some of the bloodwork still a few weeks out..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited July 2023
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Rita-hope kidney infection responds to meds quickly. Happy to hear son seems to be leveling out. And Rita-we all have good days and bad days!
    Debbie-you certainly have a lot going on! Hope you can find balance during all of this.
    Annie-you will figure out the rest of the computer. More important than scale-can you notice a difference in the look and feel of clothes?
    Lanette-I like the parts of day concept. I also follow that a day is 24 hours and I can restart counting first hour whenever I chose! Typically a whole day isn't horrible but we focus on the part that was.
    Barbara-hate hearing fires are still going.
    Allie-it's a hard thing for a kid to not get some of the junk that is out there. They will face it at school and other places. I think if parents try to set a good foundation they can balance it out. My grandchildren are making some pretty smart choices with a bit of junk sprinkled in.

    I wear dresses to work (not all of the time) but for big meetings I usually do. On hot days they are also very comfortable. I either wear pantyhose or go bare legs-never done leggings.

    Latest health faux pas:
    So worked at food pantry last night and the heat and humidity got to me. Was standing there helping, sweating profusely and started feeling strange-kind of weak and woozy. Went and sat down, felt like I might pass out so I laid on bench. They wanted to call squad and I tried to explain I have had it before with my thyroid stuff and to give it a few minutes. Tried to get up to walk inside-nope-laid on grown fro a few before I fell. They brought me cold water and towels and after a few I could make it inside (with assistance). After sitting for a bit I was ok to drive home. There is a nurse in the group and she kept an eye on me and let them know I was responding well and no need for squad. Biggest effect is the spells wear me out-couldn't take off work today so I am dragging tonight! I didn't pay attention to the temperature or the humidity and take some of the steps I usually take (ice scarf, etc.). I am going to go in and watch tv in bed pretty soon and just rest.

    Off to relax. Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    That does sound scary!

    You've been with your company for a while ... surely you've got sick leave???

    I have never found a pair of pantyhose that I've liked, and I've tried a whole bunch.
    If it's warm, they make me very itchy.
    They're never long enough. Even during the years I was down around 125 lbs, my leggy 5'6" self was too long for even the bigger queen-sized pantyhose. I have no hope now.
    They often cut me at the top of my thighs, as above, even in a queen-sized pair when I was slender, they cut me. I have no hope with them now.
    I've tried pantyhose tights with cotton to ease the itching ... they're not stretchy enough.

    My body must be weird.

    I just don't understand why they can't make a decent pair of pantyhose out of legging material.

    These are the leggings I use in winter:

    Smooth and silky: Acrylic/Viscose/Elastane

    Machka in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Little boy today at daycare,and i stopped after getting xrays..
    He was outside mowing.. well he grabbed moms phone and walks off with it and had me cracking up because he puts it to his ear and says hiya and starts jabbering away..to to funny..
    Had dinner at Trudys then watched the movie at our Movie theater.. a Mel Brooks movie always a laugh..
    Xrays from what i can figure is mild osteoporosis in both hands,spine a little bit of a curve and other than that fairly well off some of the bloodwork still a few weeks out..

    Cute pictures but I can see him just throwing that phone to the ground...😂🙃
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,


    Debbie – thinking good thoughts for your MIL to move and be content. The place I am looking at for my mom is in the 8-9,000 a month without medical services but does have meals, cleaning and laundry for sheets and towels (they strip and remake the beds) which is all she needs. But getting her to say yes is crazy hard. She offered to give me $300 a month and move in here. That was a great BIG no. Honestly after the hell she put me through I am not sure I would do it for $8,000 LOL - I would like her to have the social aspect that she would get in the senior living environment.

    Kim in HOT N. California

    That is crazy that your mom thinks paying you $300 a month to live with you again would be ok.Your sanity is worth sooo much more.
    I told a friend that if MIL were to move in here(it would never happen- dh couldn't deal with 24/7 with her, I would move OUT.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Little boy today at daycare,and i stopped after getting xrays..
    He was outside mowing.. well he grabbed moms phone and walks off with it and had me cracking up because he puts it to his ear and says hiya and starts jabbering away..to to funny..
    Had dinner at Trudys then watched the movie at our Movie theater.. a Mel Brooks movie always a laugh..
    Xrays from what i can figure is mild osteoporosis in both hands,spine a little bit of a curve and other than that fairly well off some of the bloodwork still a few weeks out..

    Cute pictures but I can see him just throwing that phone to the ground...😂🙃

    My thought too!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Well he didn't throw it on the ground he was good and just put it on the ground lol,thats why its moms phone and not mine lol.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,771 Member

    Annie: Well done on the inch losses. All your exercise is paying off. Sounds like you’re building some muscle.
    Barbie: You are so right. We use the technology for so much.
    Lanette: 🫶the chickens.
    Heather: Bravo for getting your next book to this important stage. 🥰 Going with the flow. It’s is fine for most areas of my life, but not for my food intake 😝

    For me, tracking is crucial, and with MFP, it is quick and simple. Any time I have eased off in the past, my weight has crept up, so it’s worth the 5 minutes a day that I spend planning my eating. I still weigh portions as my guesstimates tend to be too generous 😝 I weigh most days, but don’t stress about it. It’s just data. Weight fluctuates daily. It’s no big deal, as long as the trend is steady.

    🤗 🤗 🤗 and 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 to those who want/need them.

    ☘️ Terri

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,783 Member
    edited July 2023
    Beth - Enjoy your time with your mom - I'm so glad you were able to get her close to you so you can have her with you or visit anytime you want.

    Ginny - Totally missed your bit of a collapse, had to go back and find it. Glad there was a nurse, glad you're OK. Heat issues can be incredibly debilitating, and quite scary.

    Lisa ETC
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,783 Member
    edited July 2023
    Annie - You're so welcome! I don't always comment, but I do read your stats every day and smile. I can see how, by being able to think of yourself here, you can gain some balance for the constant attention and worry and frustration of caregiving for your parents. It must be hard when every conversation is a completely new day. I hope your sister's visit will help some to just be yourself for a little while.

    Machka - My first calorie-counting was having to lose 60 pounds to enlist in the Air Force - I was 18, and I did it in 60 days (never did THAT again, and no one should!). I remember going through those calorie counting books one after another, one would have what I wanted, one wouldn't--starting a new notebook to start a new diet. MFP, especially with the barcode reader, was just blissful!

    Kim - Kinda thought that might be coming with your mom... $300 (or even $8,000) vs. your sanity? Yeah, you're making the right choice on that one. Love that the swimming is doing you good - don't forget that it's actually dehydrating, too. Your friend's loss of their dog is so tragic, I'm so sorry.

    Allie - So glad the tests were reasonably good. Miles is turning into a real charmer... Missing my grands, and Hawaii is an awful long way away :neutral: More on that in a bit.

    Rita - I look for your updates every day, and so glad that this thread is a small haven for you... glad to hear good news of your son, too.

    Barbara AHMOD - Always see yours too, and you keep me reminded of other people's I may have missed. It's always lovely to read your observations on everyone, I find insight in each.

    Heather - Did I say I love the newest piece? I can't remember whether I said it, but I do. I really struggle with representing light, no matter whether it's acryclics or watercolor... I do think you're getting there more than you might think, certainly better than I've done.

    Making a first try at foccacia bread this morning--need to get in and get it in the pan for a second proof. If it turns out well, I'll put a link. It's a no-knead type, so super easy to put together so far.

    More in a while~
    Lisa ETC