

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited July 2023
    Awake early. We've been on continental time all holiday, so I'm an hour ahead.
    I'm downstairs in the living room.
    I made yoghurt last night, so I got that out of the IP to cool. On the ship I had their homemade yoghurt every breakfast on berries, or a fruit platter. I've asked DH to put some on my morning muesli and fruit. Got lots of berries in yesterday's delivery. :D The strawberries were free, as they were the same day's expiry date. They look fine! They also gave me two bowls of olives, instead of the one I ordered. Didn't charge me for it.
    Today's lunch will be Tricolore - mozzarella, tomatoes and avocado, arranged like the Italian flag. Garlic and olive oil dressing. Basil.
    How my basil survived I'm not sure, but I'm glad it did! One year I put a basil plant in the bin when we went away. When we came back and lifted the lid up, it was still ok! It survived to be an enormous plant!

    I'm not going to write today and will take things easy. Still need to hang things up and do a teeny bit of laundry. I always take a while to decompress and adjust from any long holiday. I'm not a quick 'switcher'.
    Gym as usual this morning. I will start doing a bit of elliptical again. Haven't done that for ages. My wrist is so much better. Can grip and bend it. It can't quite take the full amount of weight, so no push ups yet, but it is nearly there. I did rowing and light weights on the cruise with no ill effects. I will be able to resume light dumbbells at home now.
    Looks like a beautiful day. The light is gorgeous. It's supposed to get warm.

    We had Hairy Bikers last night, so I've got a leftover boneless cooked chicken thigh. Plus fresh green flat beans. Maybe that is calling for pesto? I really want to continue with lower simple carbs, so I might be having it with cauliflower rice. Trouble is I love our wholegrain spelt spaghetti!

    Love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    It is humid beyond anything I’ve experienced before. I don’t like it. Skies are gray & I wonder if this is connected to Canadian fires. I hope our Canadian friends are okay.

    On a happier note, I’ve seen a hummingbird at my feeder this morning. 💖

    Katla in Illinois

    Your humidity would be because of the wind direction and Great Lakes.

    In other words, you've got a north wind blowing over the Great Lakes down to you and bringing all the humidity with it.

    We used to have a similar thing happen in Manitoba with the big lakes in the middle of the province ... and it looks like it's happening again right now.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    edited July 2023
    Machka- Yes I remember being a little B,and Tracy the same..but Carmines mood swings are out of control and wild..
    And it is also effecting Miles she comes in yelling in the house Tracy wasn't, but as soon as Miles heard it ,he started screaming and crying and he has started throwing his cars and atuff he shouldn't..i got clipped in the glasses with his car.. I took the car away and gave him something soft to play with.
    Grandma is trying her best..
    Kyle took the body wash I brought for Carmine and poured it all out,so they both play games .. she was horrible and nasty to him ,so he took something he knew that she likes and got rid of it.. and im the one who got that for her..

    He really needs help. He exacerbates the situation. Maybe instead of being so volatile and petty with his “I’ll show you” attitude he could show some love.


    Agreed Tracey.

    Allie ... Kyle is teaching Carmine how to behave.

    What's that saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    edited July 2023
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Stats for the day-

    Outside bike ride- strava stats- 1hr 41min 32sec, 255elev, 66aw, 13.3amph, 129ahr, 149mhr, 22.48mi= 821c
    Strava app = 448c
    Treadmill walk at gym- 30min, 3.9-4.0speed, 0-7incl, incline by 1 after each song, 112ahr, 125mhr, 1.97mi= 201c

    *had to cut my ride short, my saddle broke then came off during my ride. I had 6-7miles to get home. I was able to snap it on but it would fall off if I hit a bump or at a stop light*.


    I don't think I've ever seen a saddle break!

    I've had a seatpost break, and rails become quite questionable, but not the saddle itself.

    My husband and I use Brooks saddles ... I see they're about $220 these days.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    edited July 2023
    Regarding spicy tea ...

    There's chilli and chocolate

    Spiced ginger, cardamom, cinnamon

    Camomile and spiced apple

    Rooibos chai spiced tea

    All sorts!!

    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea- is amazing- if you like cinnamon, you will really like it-think Red hots or Fire Ball Whiskey-
    I have gotten so many people hooked on it.


    "Naturally caffeine free rooibos red tea infused with spicy cinnamon and sweet orange."

    I drink a Twinings variety of that. :) It is very good.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    Today ... Cycling!


    Distance: 51.08 km
    Elevation: 201 m
    Moving Time: 2:43:46
    Elapsed Time: 2:54:47
    Speed: Avg: 18.7 km/h | Max:45.5 km/h
    Calories: 753

    Machka in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited July 2023
    I've been out to buy a couple of brushes like the ones we were using on the ship. Round no 10. They only had one in the goodish class, so I sent the assistant to the basement to see if they had any more. She came back with a sable one for £63 !!!!! So I bought the goodish one and a cheaper nylon one. We are going to try to paint a holiday photo this pm. :o
    Also went round to the deli for bread for DH. Carrot juice for me.
    Laundry in, hair washed.
    All good.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited July 2023
    Allie - I hope you get over your crud soonest! <3 I'm feeling so much better, but still have an occasional deepish cough. I think I was brooding it most of the latter part of the holiday, but it only won the battle when I was sure I was coming home. ;) Rest is the most important thing. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Miles snoozing
    Since its my last day here ,she took out his favorite book .12 days of Christmas lol
    Read it 4 times..
    Im picking up a few groceries after watching the little guy..
    Lisa- saw your supposed to get some nasty weather... stay safe..
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Barbara so glad that was a mild accident! Hope insurance will cover the mirror.

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,545 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: It was only a side mirror, no one was hurt.
    Yup, in bumper to bumper traffic both directions on the way home from Medford, clipped my side mirror off on an oncoming RV. No safe place on 199 to pull off, so kept going. Pretty shook up. Filed accident report online today....
    Debbie Grocery Outlet is the only place I’ve found the Good Earth tea, and only the herbal. Have you ever found/tried the black tea one?

    Barbara: Walmart.com has both the herbal and the black tea version. I'd be shook up too! Glad you're OK... mirrors are replaceable, dear heart, but you are not.

    Allie - Yeah, it looks to be a stormy weekend here. Hopefully no damage coming, but I do have a lot of respect for what high winds can accomplish.

    Heather and Flea - Welcome home!

    Cardiologist on Monday... hopefully a change in medication so my blood pressure won't stay quite so low. I have had a couple days now without vertigo or dizziness, which is a very good thing. Making chicken enchilda casserole for dinner.

    Have a nice weekend, all!
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Debbie – Sweet and Spicy tea...I was thinking spicy like in hot peppers, not cinnamon. Now THAT sounds good

    I did go in the pool then took a walk around the block. Not without my bathing suit on, work shorts over them (which got wet but that’s ok) and a swimsuit coverup which I wet. Took my ice water with me. Then back in the pool to do my exercises. Really, the pool wasn’t all that refreshing. Next time I probably won't wet the coverup, I really didn't need it wet

    TV : Vince refuses to pay for something like Disney+ or Netflix. Then you’d be paying for a lot of different services since some have one show, some another. At least that’s his feeling. Really doesn’t bother me a whole lot since I don’t watch much TV. It does bother me, tho, when a show goes to a special service. Like now all the Charlie Brown’s are on one and we can no longer watch them.

    Pip – I didn’t realize that bike seats were so expensive! Guess I just never thought of it.

    Rosemarie – one of the things I like about the part of NC that I’m in is that, yes it gets hot, but there aren’t many humid days at all. I remember one time when we were moving things from PA down to a storage unit here in NC. It was 102 degrees. Coming from PA I was certain that we’d be dying. But it was not bad...because you didn’t have the humidity.

    Rebecca – when Vince bought his Genesis, the same thing happened to me. I found out by phone from the insurance company. I should have known that he’d buy it.

    Wrapped up the crystal I'm going to take to the Humane Society's thrift store. I think Vince was sad to do it, the crystal reminds him of his parents. But we don't use it, Replacements won't buy it. First I'll stop at the soup kitchen and give them bags and empty egg cartons that I have

    Better get to bed.

    Michele NC

    That bike alone cost $1000.00. That has been my first road bike. I didn’t pay for it so it wasn’t so hard in buying it. Lolol. I had a winter bike and kirby thought I was riding often enough and experienced enough to Grady in getting a road bike. I remember riding it for the first time, I was so light! He had been asking me from time to time if I wanted another one but I’ve said no every time, I’m fine with one summer bike.

    $1000! That must have been a long time ago, Pip.

    My Giant road bicycle, which is now my trainer bicycle, was $750 back in 2002.
    A similar bicycle wouldn't be anywhere near that low now.

    I'm riding a titanium road bicycle I bought in 2010 these days. Sometimes I think something newer might be nice, but the titanium still works for me.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Woo-hoo! Blood pressure at primary Dr was 110/62! Breathing exercises while waiting. Cholesterol lower than it has ever been (211 from 30 it has been 213 until menopause) . Med for down there irritation/infection. Otherwise continue as am, slowly adding fruits and veggies. Belly sounds are normal but hungry this morning. Yeah!

    Kylia feeling pleased in Ohio

    WOW! 110/62 is low!

    I haven't seen numbers like that since before my husband's accident. I've settled in somewhere around 140/80 to 145/85 over the past few years.

    Machka in Oz