

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Beth, hugs for you and prayers for your son. How incredibly scary. Maybe this will be the turning point for a solution to the migraines.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Beth- goodness... how scary for your son and for you guys..glad he is home and resting...and good he is getting tested to get to the root of the problem.
    Going to try and get some sleep.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,114 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Today I ate 1083 calories. Right on target, Yay! And I rode my bike for twenty five minutes, and did my dumbbells, Yay! My deficit is 488 Yay!

    It was an excellent day. I tossed out all my old underwire bras. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    edited July 2023
    Diana – welcome! Aren’t frozen grapes fantastic? I like the red ones

    Rebecca – my waffle iron makes small waffles. I make like 6 at a time and just put them in the refrigerator. Try putting your waffle in the microwave for a little bit (maybe a minute on a lower power setting) and then in the toaster. I tried this last time and the center came out soft while the outside was crunchy, like when you first make them.

    Allie – hope you’re better fast. You need to get better for your cruise! Update: glad the x-rays didn’t show anything bad

    Beth – how scary that must have been to see! Glad your son is better now

    Went in the pool then walked around the block. Had to leave for church so didn’t get to go back in the pool. Probably will be able to tomorrow. Vince is talking about cutting the grass Tues. since we have the Newcomer pool party Saturday. Update: I have an eye MD appt Tues. afternoon, so it may be Tues night or during the day Wed. since we have to go to the ceramics studio to pick up Vince's tree trunk. That's also the last day they will be open. I'll need to make the pie for the gal on Tuesday, probably before the eye MD or maybe at night, I don't know, whatever works into the schedule.

    Anne – I HATE underwire bras. Hate with a capital “H”. I won’t buy one.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Scary Thursday ...
    My son has been having a major flare-up of migraines that are causing him to miss way too much work (like every other day). His employer is trying to accommodate him with intermittent, unpaid leave but there's a limit. On Thursday, my son developed another migraine, left work early, and decided to try a new abortive migraine medication. He did not understand the dosing recommendations and within a half hour became violently ill, experienced seizure-like convulsions, and began to lose pulse. Fortunately, he was at home when this occurred and my husband and I were able to call 911. Paramedics then took him to the ER by ambulance. He was able to come home late Thursday night from the ER and besides a little PTS, he is going to be ok. Now, however, he has a slew of testing ahead of him. A problem with his heart rate was discovered even after being stabilized. And because of the convulsions (which were most likely a result of the accidental overdose and not actual seizure activity), he is now on a 6 month driving restriction and requires additional testing and clearance by his neurologist before he can drive again. Interestingly, he hasn't had a migraine since taking the medication. Go figure.

    Beth near Buffalo

    I'm sorry your son and you went through that. :heart:

    The testing might be good ... might help find the cause of the migraines and determine if there are other issues.

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Awake early again and downstairs.
    It is gloomy and humid and waiting for rain. Weird light. So still out there, with just the sparrows chirping. We have a whole batch of baby ones, who are loving hopping about in our 'meadow'! :p Our shrubs, trees and long grass means we breed all kinds of birds here.

    Slightly bothering myself with the plans for the day. We may have to forge through the rain to get Bea to her theatre show. Max will be with us. It runs over our usual lunchtime and that's not good for me and my hypoglycaemia, so I will have to think about a snack for us. Bea will have a packed snack, as she seems to have inherited my perpetual hunger! :* We have an hour to kill, so may be able to wander up to the coffee shop. We will be going by bus to the venue. I do not operate well when my blood sugar plunges, but I am trying to stick with lowish carb. I think cheese is coming to my rescue.
    Will have to cook the kids some light lunch when we get back. We can have left-over frittata. :D

    My son is just about to plunge into the sea at 6 am. :o:# Madness.

    In the end I ordered my DSIL's scented candle from Amazon. Otherwise I would have to make a journey into town and it didn't seem worth the expenditure of time and effort to save £7.50. I was able to order her favourite scent she asked for. :) We are meeting up in London on Friday for a posh lunch as a celebration of her 70th back in June. DH is paying for her, as her present, but not for her boyfriend. I have got to cancel the extra place I reserved in case DH's daughter could join us, but she has to work. I love the restaurant, but not the tube (underground) in the summer. I hope we will be able to get away before the rush hour. It all seemed a good idea at the time I booked it!
    The day before I have a social in a local park for MDMD. I do not like having a lot of commitments in my week. I like the simple life with lots of naps!

    Love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited July 2023

    To the newcomers ... welcome here!

    This is a fast moving thread where we talk about all sorts of wellness things.


    Machka in Australia
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good morning all. Already done a short HIIT workout to get my minimum Zone minutes for the day. Holding steady with maintenance.

    I have been concentrating on habit modification for a while now. This month I am focusing on improving my sleep habits. Going back to my old habits is not an option. I like the results of my new habits so much better. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks 😂 😂 😂

    It’s been showery for several days, but much brighter today. We are joining family after lunch to celebrate DYGSs 20th birthday. It’s wonderful to have everyone back home for it.

    Allie: Great news on the X-ray.
    Heather: 😂 Our kids can be so transparent at times. It can be entertaining watching them trying to get to the point.
    Beth: OMG! That must have been very stressful. I hope they can find out what is causing the migraines.
    Lisa: 🥰 Father Brown & Sister Boniface. They hark back to a more leisurely way of life.

    Tech: We have a bundle which includes a landline. Pay around £35 a month. DH negotiates when they try to increase the charge. Occasionally we change providers if they don’t play ball 😝 We use Freeview, which is more than adequate for our needs. Not into paying for extra channels. I use YouTube a lot, especially for exercise and craft tutorials. We have 2 smart TVs, one upstairs and one downstairs, so that I can access video when DH is watching a programme.

    🤗 🤗 🤗 and 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 to all that want/need them.

    Welcome to our newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    As I thought, DDIL brought Bea round earlier than my son estimated. But she did have the car, hooray, as he got a lift from a fellow participant. She looks great in her school 'uniform' for Matilda. :p
    DDIL had left when I thought to check that she had a snack in her changing bag. NO BAG! I ran outside and the car was just leaving. Managed to wave and stop it and retrieve the bag. Phew! It has her drama shoes in it.

    So, we are set to leave in just over 10 minutes to catch the bus. Not raining at the moment and I hope it holds off.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,536 Member
    Storm coming in later than expected, but following yesterday's gentle soaking, should do some good in getting things watered. Yesterday was like being basted then roasted. Rain all morning, hot-hot all afternoon. This is a big one - My area is circled in red at top right - and my sister lives in southwest Oklahoma, just north of Wichita Falls at bottom left. We're about 300 miles apart, so there are seldom systems large enough to affect us both at the same time. As it's moving west to east, we'll be in it for most of the day. Good day to get laundry done. :smiley: