chatogal Member


  • you watch it cuz you like it or cuz it is anti -American (my impression from what you said earlier) and it feeds an itch you have for being cross at anything that might be pointing an admonatory finger at the influence the USA has on the rest of the world. Have to admit... if it is the latter... I…
  • havnt read all the apologies if I am repeting. Smoking is a is eating. So as you have cut out smoking AND you have decreased your food intake. ..your bowels will be feeling the pinch (so to speak!!) Hang in there. .. it WILL eventually sort itself out...meanwhile lots of fibre. .. good luck:smile:
  • I agree with "Them"....yes, certainly a good part of it is for looks... but mostly I think those who have been struggling for a good whileand dealing with a good amount of excess weight.. it IS about HEALTH!! Now of course there are those who are almost under weight already who wish to achieve under weight status who have…
  • sometimes I wonder if people muddle up metabolism with peristalsis!! ... all I know, when I first eat... half an hour later my gut is moving....dosnt matter what time this is after I get up!!
  • good reply...and in this case the iron levels in chocolate was always MY excuse for craving it then...(no idea why I didnt have the same cravings for spinach!!!)
  • losing weight down to 100 lbs will put you in the "underweight" category....not healty, maybe think about changing your modelling agency :wink:
  • But if you are on the pill, that will be suppressing your natural hormones so shouldnt be affected by your diet/exercise regime. I always thought that the reason you bleed whilst on the contraceptive pill is because during the week you stop taking the pill you have a withdrawal bleed! Like others have said before, maybe go…
  • lol....yup...this!!
  • it can take time for the cysts that stop you ovulating to build up. Therefore a young girl at menses may have "normal" periods to start off with and then they become increasingly irregular. I agree, you need a new dr.... and imo, I think it unlikely that your weightloss or exercise regime is anything to do with your lack…
  • Oh dear, I think she might be attention seeking going by the number of posts tonight and not really replying to anyones suggestions! Wish you would, OP, read and take the advice of these good people.
  •'s a terminology that really annoys me :smile:
  • Well, missing 3 periods is of more significance than being a few days late. Again, might well be nothing to worry about but going back to your GP (family doctor) might well be worth it. Of course doctors dont know "everything".. I dont think mine is much good at fixing my kitchen sink! However, they have been to medical…
  • I agree... especially as only a few days late, heck if every woman ran to her dr every time their period was a bit late the dr wouldnt have time to see anyone else. OP, sounds like you need to eat a bit more.
  • well....could be a fisherman...or anyone that sails a boat for that matter:wink:
  • love LOVE this reply....spend your calories on what YOU want to eat :smile:
  • Well, if he makes you feel bad then you have your own answers. I have no idea of what you have to lose, maybe you went to see him because you have an awful lot of weight to lose? It is often harder to start losing when very over weight, maybe the diet he recommends is designed for people who have a lot to lose...who…
  • so why did you go to him??
  • you are right!!!
  • Well!!! first reaction to looking at this list is think "crikey!! poor you"...then I had another look and thought "ok, there is the makings of some fine meals"... honey, you just need a bit of knowledge when it comes to cooking and a tincey amount of imagination, both of which you should easily find either thru recipe…
  • well...if her/HIS kidneys dont work the OP would be on dialysis and if the liver dosnt work...the OP would be dead!! ..either way...not a good prognosis!!
  • Eat what you want... but why does turkey have to be catergorized as "boring healthy food".. why cant it just be enjoyed for being yummy in it's own right?
  • Have to admit... not gone thru all the answers, but my first (knee jerk) reaction is that the OP miss-heard/miss-interpreted her dietition... happens all the time <sigh>
  • personnally, I think the term "skinny fat" is a disgraceful term and should be a "banned" phrase on mfp. It is one of the reasons why so many young girls have body dysmorphia. You have a healthy bmi now. It is NORMAL for young women to have a bit of fat coverage. You are not a child anymore so cant expect to continue to…
  • she dosnt "need" to concentrate on lowering her body fat percentage at all! This a perfectly healthy body fat percentage for a young woman her age. Now, if she wishes to, that is another matter altogether.
  • I understand totally what you are saying and I did not intend to imply that you specifically are body shaming people by calling "24-25%" body fat as "skinny fat". However, that is how you described yourself. Other, young, impressionable people might also have read this thread and now be thinking that a 15% body fat is the…
  • I think claiming that 24 - 25% body fat can be described as "skinny fat" is a nonsense. I understand that the poster who described herself this way is doing so because she competes in competitions. But this is a HEALTHY body fat percentage for the normal young woman of child bearing age. Going much lower for these women…
  • I beg your pardon??...any research to back up that statement??
  • I like this reply and holds my hand up to being one of those "older" ones. Seriously, the only person who sees me naked now is my lovely hubby who has loved my body from young and 'fit' through childbirth and now suffering my hot flushes along with me..He dosnt give two figs for "skinny fat":smile:
  • was JUST about to jump in with a "how rude of you comment"...when I suddenly thought a bit of irony might be rearing it's head!!!