

  • Thanks for the info!
  • Thanks! I will look into a heart rate monitor as well. Has anyone used a body bugg?
  • I'm 29 and I am getting married September next year and have 100 lbs. to lose. Welcome to the site, I've only been on here two weeks and love it. There are so many motivating people on here. Feel free to add me as a friend, we can help motivate each other to get into our gorgeous wedding dresses! :wink:
  • I posted something similar the other day and no one responded to it! haha. I wanted to know if people were choosing the closest thing on here, because what I get off my machine isn't close to what everyone on here was getting with the same amount of time, pace, etc. I just chose to stick with the machine, so as not to go…
  • I love wine. I don't drink it as much anymore: 1. Because I get heartburn and 2. It's a sugar craving and makes me crave other sugar- plus if I drink too much, then I want all bad foods- "Is Taco Bell still open??" haha :laugh: This past weekend I worked out and had my extra calories, so I allowed myself a couple glasses…
  • Well if it's late, I usually won't eat anything. This weekend since I stayed up late however and I've been doing really well, I had two glasses of wine one night and a gluten free beer the next. ;-) I had Orville's naturals lime and salt 190 cal mini bag of popcorn tonight. I will usually have a snack like that or an…
  • The natural gift for me is getting there, it's a true blessing in itself. There's two other things I will be getting, that will both change my life. 1. My wedding dress. I get to marry the love of my life September 15, 2012 and I want him to see just how beautiful I really am. 2. The remaining equipment and materials I…
  • Well, the truth is, I am not sure how it all started, because I was way too little to remember. I do know, that by Kindergarten I was already overweight and was one of the chubby kids. I got made fun of all the time in elementry school and grew up with parents who fought all the time. I always hid food and I can't remember…
  • I am just going to throw this out there- have you ever been tested for gluten intolerance? I was told I had IBS when I was 21, and it took 8 years to get diagnosed correctly with gluten intolerance. That's one of the major issues I had (or the other way around). It's extremely common these days and it's usually…
  • Welcome, amd way to put yourself out there! I've only been on here for ten days and the people who have already reached out to me are awesome! Would love to help support you and anyone else. :smile:
  • Way to go on giving up the soda! I gave up soda a couple years ago and I had a few diet cokes through the holidays and had to get right back off again. Not easy to do, so nice work! Feel free to add me for support!
  • I do not have white foods in my house- sugar, flour, rice, etc. Just say "no!" :wink: On my grapefruit in the mornings I use Stevia. For a lot of other things I use agave nectar, which is another natural sweetener and is really good on Ezekiel English muffins with some cinnamon (instant cinnamon roll!) Agave has the…
  • I've got 101...add me. :wink:
  • I'm new to the site too. I've found that people are really supportive on here and sometimes having people support you that you don't even know is a pretty dang good feeling! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help support each other!:smile:
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Good luck! You will find many people on this site to motivate you.:flowerforyou:
  • I am guessing you probably don't...but do you have a crockpot? There are so many super easy receipes you can make in one of those. I use mine all the time. You just throw the stuff in and let it cook!
  • Hello to all that have responded to this- my name is Terra, in April of last year I had lost 20 pounds and was 60 lbs away from my goal weight. Then, my dad had open heart surgery and then a stroke, and since then I've been battling. You can do the math- I now have 101 lbs. to lose to get to my goal weight. I gained the 20…
  • I agree that coffee has health benefits (lots of antioxidants), I myself only drink decaf if I have any and stick to herbal tea, because I get heart palpitations and UTI's if I have too much caffeine. Just make sure drink your alotted water for the day, because while there are plenty of health benefits, it does cause…
  • If I drink coffee, I have it decaf and black, but usually stick to herbal teas. Maybe try some vanilla almond milk and some stevia (natural 0 calorie sweetener).
  • As far as veggies go, I like to take celery (also good with almond butter), radishes, snap peas, bell peppers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower with hummus. Also, for other snacks, brown rice crackers or soy crisps with salsa, Lara Bars (all made with just fruit and nuts), or I usually have a fruit (apple, orange, etc) with…
  • Thanks Mary, Love you too! Now I just have to get through this new hip injury (sigh...this too shall pass).
  • While I can't tell you what to do, you are asking for help, and speaking from experience- when you stay, you're not thinking of yourself and you need to be. Whew, here goes- this is not something I share often, but I think you need to hear it. When I was 21, I thought I had found the most wonderful guy. He was 5 years…
  • Wow, your story really sounds a lot like mine. I was starting to do really well last year until my dad had open heart surgery and then a stroke. Right before that, my best friend moved away. I had lost 20 pounds before that happened, then it hit me like a ton of bricks and I gained back over 50. Toughest year of my life by…
  • Welcome! I just joined last Monday and the people on here are great! I am also in my 20's (okay 29) haha, and my longterm goal is 105 pounds. Long ways to go! Feel free to add me as a friend. I can use all the help i can get too, and I would love to help motivate you!:flowerforyou:
  • I like to cut up and bag veggies and hummus, celery and almond butter, soy crisps and salsa, and every once in a while I'll make my own trail mix with dark chocolate chunks, roasted soy nuts, raw walnuts, almonds, pecans, and dried blueberries and cranberries. You wouldn't want to overdo it, but a handful is good for a…
  • It feels wonderful! I always feel so refreshed after.
  • That does sound good. I put cinnamon sticks in my tea sometimes, and cinnamon is a metabolism booster, so even better!
  • I agree that eating healthy foods are forms of natural detox, however, not everyone eats 100% clean, and there are several other environmental surroundings that are harmful to the body, such as the air we breathe, cleaning products, toiletries, etc. Honestly, I don't do things as a detox because I feel I 'need' to, I do…
  • I love water, but after a while it gets boring sometimes. I drink a lot of herbal tea- green, white, black, chai, fruit flavors, there's tons. I also always ask for lemon with my water at places, because while I like water, it doesn't always taste the best at some places, plus the lemon is a natural diuretic and detox.…