Not new, but tired of lurking

SherryC53 Posts: 48
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Sherry and I am not new to this site but have been just tracking my food and exercise and not asking for support. I came to this site through my brother, Ray, who just finished his goal of losing 50 lbs through MFP and your support. It has been awesome seeing him hit his goal and it has spurred me on to attempt a new way to lose weight, ONCE AND FOR ALL. I have a chronic illness and I gained weight after a prolonged period of being basically bedridden about 10 years ago and have never been able to take it off. I eat healthy but that being said, I also have had a healthy appetite to go right along with it. Now I am tracking my calories and am seeing all the empty calories I have ingested and how my portion size has added to the problem these past 10 years. But, now I a serious ab out taking it off and helping my body be the healthiest body it can be.


  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Welcome to the community! Empty calories is such a problem for so many people! Learn to love your food scale! If you don't have one - it's the best kitchen investment I've ever bought.

  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    hi and welcome. im so glad you are feeling better. the people here are so awesome and encouraging. feel free to friend me. im glad you are posting and you will find great friends. thats what i found amazing is the tracking calories and exercise. good luck to you.
  • Welcome! IT can be done! And I just bought my food scale and am excited to put it to good use. Feel free to add me! : )
  • Kabear2013
    Kabear2013 Posts: 18 Member
    Whats a food scale do?
  • Welcome, amd way to put yourself out there! I've only been on here for ten days and the people who have already reached out to me are awesome! Would love to help support you and anyone else. :smile:
  • My brother and his wife gave me Weight Watcher scales for Christmas and now I guess I need to invest in a food scale. I have been just been using measuring cups, etc. I love the WW scales BUT they weight me 6 lbs heavier than the ones I was using before. I guess I will have to take the hit and adjust my progress here but it's okay in the long run.
    Thanks for all the welcomes support!
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