What to do when you don't like water!?

rnhall82 Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I hate water. I know you're supposed to drink it every day, but no matter whether its filtered or bottled, i can't stand the taste of it. I can't sip water because I don't like it, so i have to chug an entire bottle in the span of a few minutes just to get it down. Which leaves me feeling yucky until my body does something with it.

So i tend to use the crystal lite (or store brand) flavor-to-go packets that I can drop into the water to make it actually taste good. All of the ones I use contain Aspartame. My question kind of is, is it horrible for me that I drink more Aspartame flavored water than regular water. And, if so, does anybody have ideas as to what I can do to flavor the water so that I can tolerate drinking it?


  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    i was like you. i used to HATE water.
    So i started with the flavor packects and started to use less and less of them. Eventually i was to the point where i could drink plain water.
  • You should try adding the crystal light powder to your water. It comes in a package of 10 and in all different flavors. I only use 1/3 of each one per glass of water, just to give it a little flavor. They are only 5 calories per pack, no sugar :) These are great to add to sparkling water too if you are craving carbonation and are much better than soda.
  • ttova
    ttova Posts: 11
    have you tried squeezing some fresh lemon juice into the water? It tastes a whole lot better and is good for you too
  • supaflyjoy
    supaflyjoy Posts: 20 Member
    What about herbal teas? I use fruit flavored herbal teas such as peach, raspberry, blueberry, black cherry ect, and make a few liters at a time and then cool them. They also add extra health extras.
  • I used to be just like you. I hated water; couldn't stand the taste of it. I drank soda all the time.

    I later discovered that it wasn't WATER that I hated, it was ICE COLD water. I know this sounds weird, but if water is room temperature, I like it so much more. Now all I drink is water.

    It's a crazy idea, but try playing around with the temperature of the water. You might be like me and only like it room temperature!
  • nana_of_8
    nana_of_8 Posts: 23 Member
    I was the same way too! Never drank water, always soda, tea, juice, milk.. anything but water! Because I knew it was good for me...I started drinking the carbinated/flavored waters and using flavor packets. The more I drank, the better I liked it, and the less I needed flavorings and now very rarely even want soda.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I used to be just like you. I hated water; couldn't stand the taste of it. I drank soda all the time.

    I later discovered that it wasn't WATER that I hated, it was ICE COLD water. I know this sounds weird, but if water is room temperature, I like it so much more. Now all I drink is water.

    It's a crazy idea, but try playing around with the temperature of the water. You might be like me and only like it room temperature!

    Its nto crazy I cant stand cold water either.....I prefer it at room temperature too
    What helped me was having a bottle at my desk and sipping often and making myself drink water before and after each meal
  • lmvolk
    lmvolk Posts: 51 Member
    Contrary to long held popular belief, recent studies have shown that there is no physiological need to drink any more fluids than you are thirsty for (unless you are exercising fairly hard and fairly long, in which case you should probably pre-load a little and try to consume fluids consistently throughout the exercise period)
    Drinking excess fluids does not improve kidney function, skin tone or anything else.
    So my advice is to drink what you want when you want it. I'm sure this comment will cause howls of protest from the water lovers out there. (not to mention the bottled water industry)
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    @Imvolk, I've actually heard that too and I think it makes sense. Unless of course you are a point where you are so dehydrated that you're body will be repulsed by water... But I have to agree, your body lets you know when you are thirsty and when you need to replenish it with liquids. I add fresh lemon juice or lemon slices to a bottle and it gives it a little more flair. Though I realize many will probably not like the slices ideas because of pesticides etc...
  • carlamorris
    carlamorris Posts: 29 Member
    i am the same way.I have even had to be put in the hospital a few times due to dehydration because i wont drink water , but i had to change my habits starting with the water .crystal light the only way i would be able to get my daily water in
  • lmvolk
    lmvolk Posts: 51 Member
    @darscohen Thanks for not flogging me! and I wasn't considering the fact that some people do not have a good thirst mechanism. But assuming a normal one, you will be fine without forcing in extra fluids.
  • There's actually a calorie-free natural sweetener that isn't bad for you! It's called Stevia. I use it in everything! You may see it marketed in brands like Truvia or Purevia, but I like to use Nunaturals NuStevia White Stevia Powder. Put 1/4 tsp in a glass and pour Seltzer water on top and you have calorie-free healthy soda.
    You can also drink herbal teas, which come in so many different flavors. I like Celestial Seasonings teas, which I also sweeten with Stevia and then make into iced tea. Normally I will make a huge jug of tea and put it in the fridge, so I don't constantly have to make individual mugs. It's a good idea to invest in an electric water-boiler. Much easier than a kettle.
  • I used to be just like you. I hated water; couldn't stand the taste of it. I drank soda all the time.

    I later discovered that it wasn't WATER that I hated, it was ICE COLD water. I know this sounds weird, but if water is room temperature, I like it so much more. Now all I drink is water.

    It's a crazy idea, but try playing around with the temperature of the water. You might be like me and only like it room temperature!

    Its nto crazy I cant stand cold water either.....I prefer it at room temperature too
    What helped me was having a bottle at my desk and sipping often and making myself drink water before and after each meal

    I do the same. Every morning before I start my work day, I get a 32oz cup and fill with water. I sip and sip and usually by lunch time, I drank the whole thing. I also use a little lemon as well to give it some kind of taste.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Aquafina Flavor Splash is great. So is Propel Fitness Water. An then there's G2, which is lower-cal Gatorade.
  • amandadrsg
    amandadrsg Posts: 23 Member
    I usually crave water after workouts, riding my horse, etc. The best way to "force" myself to drink more water is I *LOVE* the MetroMint spearmint water. It's a bit pricy, but no more than soda or flavored drink packets. I also add lemon to my water, or I'll drink unsweetened black or mint tea.
  • Thanks for all the advice everyone! I won't feel so bad about using the flavor packets and I think I'll try throwing some green tea into my drinking habit. I'll also hopefully remember to ask for Lemon with my water when I'm at a restaurant.
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    I, too, drink my water at room temp. Also, try using a straw. For some reason a drink much more water if I use a straw.
  • I love water, but after a while it gets boring sometimes. I drink a lot of herbal tea- green, white, black, chai, fruit flavors, there's tons.
    I also always ask for lemon with my water at places, because while I like water, it doesn't always taste the best at some places, plus the lemon is a natural diuretic and detox. When I am at home I sometimes like to make what my fiance's mother calls sassy water- you make a pitcher of water and add lemons, gresh ginger, mint, and cucumber. It's really good and good for you. Depending on your preference you can add as little or as much as you'd like or only put in certain things. Get creative!:smile:
  • MissChelleBelle
    MissChelleBelle Posts: 51 Member
    I used to put lemon juice into my water, but now I use lime juice. I bought a small bottle of realime, and keep it in the fridge at work for when I need to refill my water bottle. At a restaurant I ask for lime wedges now instead of lemon. I prefer the taste.

    One of my best friends uses cinnamon. She puts a piece of cinnamon stick in her water bottle at night & fills it up, and puts it in the fridge so the flavours come out & she's ready for the next day. It flavours the water, & cinnamon also helps control your blood sugar & cravings. If you use a bottle that you have to take the lid off to drink from it, use ground cinnamon so you don't have the stick coming out with the water, if you use a bottle with a spout, use a cinnamon stick. I have yet to try it, but it sounds good to me!
  • I used to put lemon juice into my water, but now I use lime juice. I bought a small bottle of realime, and keep it in the fridge at work for when I need to refill my water bottle. At a restaurant I ask for lime wedges now instead of lemon. I prefer the taste.

    One of my best friends uses cinnamon. She puts a piece of cinnamon stick in her water bottle at night & fills it up, and puts it in the fridge so the flavours come out & she's ready for the next day. It flavours the water, & cinnamon also helps control your blood sugar & cravings. If you use a bottle that you have to take the lid off to drink from it, use ground cinnamon so you don't have the stick coming out with the water, if you use a bottle with a spout, use a cinnamon stick. I have yet to try it, but it sounds good to me!

    That does sound good. I put cinnamon sticks in my tea sometimes, and cinnamon is a metabolism booster, so even better!
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