WranglerMichelle Member


  • Yep, hovering is better than gaining! I've been 141.5 for the past 5 days, haha!! I'm okay with that, though. I honestly laugh every time I step on the scale and see that number now.
  • The challenge starts on June 4th, so is that when we pick our teams?
  • So, I'm still here!! I've been thinking about you ladies (hope your mom is doing well, Kathy!). I just recently picked up a side job selling Usborne books in addition to the library because the ranch offered me my favorite horse to purchase this fall, so I've been working a lot and trying to get the hang of the new…
  • Okay, a friend of mine directed me to this thread, so I just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. :smile: I don't currently own a horse, but I volunteer at a ranch at least once a month. This fall, said ranch is possibly going to be selling me my training project from several years ago - a 20-ish-something Thoroughbred…
  • The ranch is out in the middle of Amish country (supposedly the largest Amish community in the world), so a lot of the horses there are former Amish. But it's weird to see a tri-color Paint or a draft cross pulling a buggy. I think I saw him one day, 'cause I remember thinking it was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. I…
  • Well, he's covered in bites, so chances are good whomever he bit also bit him at one point! But this was a definite she's-mine-you-can't-have-her bite. Especially because horses generally aren't vindictive revenge seekers. Except for the pony I had in Jr. High. He was a jerk. :D Yep, that's the spot. It's just a red line…
  • Runner - I encounter people like that in the horse world all the time, too. Had one snobby person tell me that only hicks ride Western style and that any horse that wasn't valued at $30,000 or more wasn't worth the oxygen they're breathing. Pfft. Stupid snobs. Glad you're not letting their idiocy ruin anything for you!…
  • Haha, Shelley, that's not as much of a problem with small-ish sized pups. When you get 1200 pounds of muscle with a mind of its own . . . slightly more of a hassle!! Anyways. Here's my pretty ponies, Paula. :smile: That bite is still visible on his shoulder, but it's healing nicely! Almost all the hair has grown back. Here…
  • I've been off the scale since I got back from the ranch. I may wait until Friday morning to get back on. I'm going back to the ranch tomorrow, but just for the day, so I'm packing my own lunch. Ranch food is delicious, but impossible to track and difficult to maintain portion sizes. I'm hoping to get back into the 130s in…
  • Just got back from some more ranch time - I was thinking about all you ladies! Good to see you all are doing so well. Great job staying in the 130s, Chris. I am sure I'm not still any longer!! Paula, I got a couple horse pictures just for you - I will post them soon. :smile: I rode Caspian this weekend! He's a great…
  • Well . . . I got down to 139 this morning. But that's 'cause I had a very rapid onset of a very aggressive stomach flu. Felt fine when I left work at 6 last night. By the time I got home 15 minutes later, I was . . . well, doing the thing that led to a 3-pound loss overnight. :persevere: So not my favorite way to lose…
  • Paula, I can't imagine it will take him long to heal at all, considering how superficial it was. I wouldn't be surprised if it's most of the way there when I go back next weekend. I've seen horses get some pretty horrific injuries that eventually healed over. Caspian's was no biggie by comparison! He certainly didn't let…
  • A memory of Grandpa will always be him making cotton candy at family reunions. He had a big machine and would start it up after lunch. All the kids would come by first for their cotton candy, and then whoever else wanted it would get some. Grandpa would always give me a hard time because I wasn't a kid anymore and was too…
  • I think mochapygmy is brewing up a Two Towers challenge and will let us know when it's ready! I can hardly wait. :smiley:
  • Ugh, sorry I've been absent. Last Sunday, my grandpa died, so last week was full of family, funeral arrangements, and more comfort food than my stomach could handle. I'm so glad to be back on a normal routine and eating schedule. Last week was just rough on so many levels. Paula - I believe I promised you a picture of…
  • Welcome, Runner 5! You'll love it here. I'm Michelle, the Lil Sister of the group (I'm 27). And I LOOOOOOOVE lifting. Mostly barbells, but dumbbells are great, too. If you have any questions, I'd be glad to help. I agree with Shelley - go slow and steady until you learn the form, then lift heavy and embarrass the loud…
  • Welcome home, Kathy! Good luck at your tennis match - I'd be tired after all that ordeal with your car over vacation. Hope that doesn't put a damper on you kicking some major butt. :smile: Chris - Running a trail is basically just making sure it all goes smoothly - bringing the horses in, feeding/grooming/tacking them up,…
  • Paula - Sorry, I didn't see this until I got home!! I'll snag a picture of him off the ranch's Facebook page and post it, though. :smile: Eventually. Chris - If I could share our snow, I would! Thankfully, most of it melted off my mid-morning. We got a little more in the afternoon, but it didn't stick. And yes, riding…
  • Chris - If my husband likes something, I'll share it. However, he doesn't like oatmeal cookies. So . . . I make a lot of oatmeal cookies. :D Scale said 140.5 this morning! Woohoo!! Maybe I'll get into the 130s this month. All bundled up for a day at the ranch. It's 30 degrees and there are 5 inches of snow on the ground.…
  • Chris - Congrats on the awesome weigh-in!! Have fun with the first graders. :smile: Kathy - What an ordeal! Since you were just at Hogwarts, perhaps you should try waving your wand with a simple incantation of "Automobilus Reparo"? :wink: Hope it gets fixed in as pain-free of a manner as possible. Did this No Capes workout…
  • Shelley - I'm hungry all the time, so I eat all the time. :D I'm not gaining, so that's good. Like the rest of you, though, my scale doesn't seem to go lower than 141. Hmm. *kicks scale* Chris - I divide the Lembas batch in half and give some to my husband. He devours it all very quickly. I savor mine!
  • Ooh!! Is this when you'll be going to the Harry Potter place? I so want to go there someday. Have tons of fun!
  • Congrats on the weight, Shelley!!! Paula, sure! I apologize for its enormous size - I still have no idea how to resize pics. I've been sitting at 141.5 for the past 3 mornings, but my body fat percentage has been steadily dropping. I'm seeing a huge difference in the mirror! And I'm hungry ALLLLL the time, even though I'm…
  • Nice weigh-in, Chris!! Surprisingly, I was back down to my pre-Easter weight yesterday morning - 141! Only took me 4 days to lose that extra 3.5 pounds. I was back up to 141.5 this morning, but I'm guessing that's 'cause my 200-pound squat yesterday is still kicking my glutes in the butt. :persevere: Probably retaining a…
  • Shelley - He IS world class material. :smile: My very favorite person. And here's a shot from our first dance if you want a visual: And one more where you can see his face better. :smiley: Aww, now I'm feeling all gooey and wanting to go through all my wedding pictures again. :D I just gotta say, I love that you've played…
  • There are a fair amount of Internet users at this library, too. One guy was sitting at the same computer for almost my entire shift, playing some sort of real-time strategy game. He looked like he was building quite an impressive kingdom. I wanted to stand behind him and watch. :D But this library is extremely popular with…
  • Chris - The play was a lot of fun! I was absolutely amazed at the talent displayed by those kids. I've been humming Little Mermaid songs ever since we left. :smile: I'm in the "up in weight" boat with all of you, too! I was up to 144.5 yesterday morning. I'm already starting to drift back down, though - was 143.5 this…
  • How are you today, Paula? Any better? Shelley, the cookie they gave me is a monster. I'm probably gonna chop it in half and give one half to my husband. At least the doughnut is tiny. Still might chop it in half and give one half to my husband, haha! And a nice big soft sugar cookie is one of my favorite things - I'm…
  • Walking is a great way to relieve soreness! I'm gonna have to do some of that today for sure. Shelley - I figured they were, but I like to do them anyway. :smiley: This week especially 'cause core work is not something I focus a lot on. A lot of my compound lifts engage my core, so I neglect targeting it more than I…
  • Good idea, tossing all those trigger foods, Chris! If I did that, my husband would probably blow a gasket 'cause most of his treat foods are what I like to sneak when I'm feeling tempted. But he's the type that can eat half a pizza one night and lose two pounds the next morning. He has the metabolism of a 15-year-old boy.…